That hog raffle fundraiser must be needing some help. Now we have a Minnehaha GOP rummage sale on deck.

The Minnehaha County GOP Fundraising machine is back at work. And it looks like they’re going for the big bucks.

We’ll have to watch and see how much they can raise by selling Shawn Tornow’s old golf pants and tomato cages.

As someone who was in the auction business for a number of years doing estate sales, at least from my experience, the old reader’s digest books, shoes and clothes are usually the things that end up in the dumpster after the sale as opposed to bringing the big bucks.

This is getting kind of painful to watch.

12 thoughts on “That hog raffle fundraiser must be needing some help. Now we have a Minnehaha GOP rummage sale on deck.”

  1. This is just embarrassing. At first, I thought this was a joke from The Onion. Not only do these people have no clue how to fundraise, they’re actually hurting the Republican brand! Can you imagine the memes that democrats can make out of this?!

  2. i suspect if you review the history of the fall of the sddp you’ll find things like this happening soon after the smart people are driven off by the revolutionaries. to quote tony soprano “i’m not SAYIN’, i’m just saying’…”

  3. The entire gop structure is crumbling across SD. It has been since the defeat of SHS over a decade ago.

    2002 and 2004 put so much juice in the arm of the gop. Since then there haven’t been adequate campaigns to train the next leaders. Kristi benefited from the 2004 training in 2010.

    Since then there hasn’t been the need to have well trained CR’s, county leaders, TAR’s, county volunteers etc. We just win because we are Republicans now.

    County gop leaders used to be trained in election and campaign skills. Now they are people who care but not much understanding of the importance of campaign tactics.

    Those trainings and the goal of winning elections brought us all together.

    1. HAHAHAHA!!! I would find your comment incredibly funny, Pat, if I weren’t so concerned that it might come true…..!

      Well, I suppose the bright side is that Minnehaha won’t have to worry about competition– in my four decades around politics, I can honestly say I’ve never heard of a political party or a candidate asking the community to donate used books, clothes, and DVDs so they can hold a garage sale to raise money.

  4. A person can make thousands of dollars hand-to-fist doing this, and it connects to the vast majority of South Dakotans who would have a yard sale. Hmmm. I wonder how many people in SD would have a yard sale. Like, as a % of people who vote and believe it counts (like an index).

    Also, for some, 1 dollar is like 10,000.

    Yesterday, while we were at the House of Code in DC and I was talking about the Clipper Chip and OPM hacks to a room full of young technologists (they gave me the mic) and I was reminded of how well our fund raiser went, going to local businesses one by one, treating the $5 donor just like the $780 donor – with respect and thankfulness, making the personal connections and pressing the flesh and remembering that Republicans are about value, they are not about currency and .. wait, what were you saying again?

    1. in the world of non-profits and board-governed efforts, staying on mission is hard. instituting professional fundraising and building the effort year after year is hard. a backslide of this type adds a layer of pointless demolition, and ceding ground that will have to be won back by some future effort. it is painful to witness.

    2. “They gave me the mic.”

      I legitimately feel sorry for you sometimes. You are a terrible person, but it is also clear these conspiracy theories make you feel important and you chase that feeling like a heroin addict. Sad world you live in, John

  5. At first, I agreed with Pat; What a completely ridiculous idea.

    Or is it?

    In addition to selling ‘stuff’ and maybe make a few bucks, this is a great way to meet people (Voters) and hear from real people about what their concerns really are. They can be educated about what the Republican platform is all about.

    Instead of going door to door and interrupting people’s day, have them come to us.

    Sometimes, it is not just about the money, it is about getting information and data.

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