John Thune points out the Biden Adminstration’s “Border Czar/Not-Border Czar” spin

7 thoughts on “John Thune points out the Biden Adminstration’s “Border Czar/Not-Border Czar” spin”

  1. since trump pulled the plug on the bipartisan border bill simply because “it would help biden politically” – the fact that THE GOP is telling us that the border continues to be a problem is a sign that you need it to generate fear and political energy, absolutely the same way democrats used to milk the health care crisis.
    i’m tuning this blather out until after the election, and if trump wins i expect it to never be fixed. the republican party of today is a worldwide joke.

    1. And of course Ms. Enquirer leaves out one little important fact about this bill…it wouldn’t have done anything to stop or inhibit illegals from coming into the US. It would have only quickened the processing of illegals AFTER they have come into the USA. One other thing Ms. Enquirer happens to leave out is that stumbles wrote the executive orders that reinstituted the Trump policies that were in place before stumbles fell into office that he (stumbles) negated by executive order?

      You RINOs are worse than the liberal democrats.

      1. election year fear-mongering and lies more like. the ultra rich of this country want all of these millions here and have jobs for them. the smart play is to regulate and codify their status and presence since the the real powers of this country want them here. but keep fear-mongering about dirt and disease and crime and whatever else you keep under the red caps and the white pointy hats and tinfoil pyramids. please.

  2. Donald Trump went after Kamala Harris today too. Did you hear about his interview with the National Association of Black Journalists? You will.

    Trump said… “And she was always of Indian heritage, and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black.”

    Harris attended Howard University – a historically black university… 40 years ago.

  3. J T keeps attacking in an effort to show he is a leader and wants to become the minority leader. Hope he retires when the caucus rejects him. Too many years of kissing the leaders ass.

  4. Fact: KH was appointed the border czar

    Fact: During KH’s time, we have set records of encounters (4X Trumps worst year), getaways average 2x Trumps worst year), and migrant paroles (accelerating so that 2023 was 4x Trumps worst year)

    Regarding the bill negotiated by Langford, Schumer, and the White House, it essentially codified uncontrolled illegal immigraton through the Southern border at 3x what it was during the Trump years. Who thinks it is logical to codify an uncontrolled border?

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