Katie Washnok Announces Candidacy for South Dakota Senate

Katie Washnok Announces Candidacy for South Dakota Senate

Aberdeen, SD September 1, 2023Today Katie Washnok (35) of Aberdeen, SD proudly announces her candidacy for South Dakota Senate from District 3, promising a new voice, fresh perspective, and unwavering dedication to the greater Aberdeen Area and its constituents.

With a proven track record of dedicated community involvement, Katie seeks to bring positive change and a strong voice to the South Dakota Senate.

Having worked in both Washington D.C. and Pierre early in her career, Katie brings an in-depth knowledge of the policy process. And her service to the community has instilled a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing Northeastern South Dakotans. Katie will ensure these issues are made a priority in the legislature.

“I am excited to hit the campaign trail running, I look forward to engaging even more with the constituents of District 3, listening to their concerns, and working collaboratively to make the greater Aberdeen area an even better place to call home!” Says Washnok.

Katie invites all to join her campaign by liking her Facebook page “Katie Washnok for South Dakota Senate”.

37 thoughts on “Katie Washnok Announces Candidacy for South Dakota Senate”

    1. Has Perry announced anything? Dakota Scout printed it – but a comment disclaimer said he hadn’t made a decision yet and an announcement would be coming?

      I think I’d stay in the house if I were him.

      1. Washnok is a very good candidate. So is Carl Perry but in completely different ways. This is a district that has chosen Dennert, novstrup, Perry, Schaefbauer and Caleb Weis and Travis Schaunaman as mayor. All very conservative people. They also chose Isaac latterell in 2006 over incumbent senator Duane Sutton. Very conservative primary electorate.

  1. Woh, Washnok is a powerhouse candidate. That would be a huge score for Aberdeen. Wish her the best of luck!

  2. When you see this many anonymous comments, you can bet confidently the comments are from the candidate or her supporters. It will be hard to fill the shoes of the very able senator Al Novstrup, but I wish the candidate well, and we’ll just see how it goes.

    1. As one of those anonymous commenters, of course I’m a supporter. But no one asked me to comment. I did that because she’s a great candidate and people need to know it. She’ll outwork everyone and have no problem winning.

    2. She will more than fill his shoes. Al has been absent for years. She would run circles around him. Time for Al to retire and let the grown ups run the show.

      Best news of the day.

  3. Don’t underestimate Carl Perry. Those that have are not around long. He is well respected on both sides of the aisle and has become an intellectual pillar of the caucus. Heck of a crooner too.

  4. A bunch of anonymous (probably the same person) posters touting the greatest person since George Washington.

  5. Katie is good people! She’ll make a great legislator. My deepest congratulations and sympathies to her for throwing her hat in the ring. 🙂

  6. Whatever the race, Al will steamroll to victory. Most voters will select the most conservative candidate. It is difficult, if not impossible, to outflank Al on the right.

    1. Al will be termed out in the Senate. He may choose to use the commonly used loophole with term limits and go back to the house.

  7. I don’t see eitherCarl or Brandei being able to beat Katie for the senate seat. Let’s see how the three amigos treat each other going for the two house seats.

    1. I predict Katie wins Senate, Al and Carl win House, and Brandei goes back to selling real estate and spewing conspiracy theories. Correction — continues spewing conspiracy theories.

  8. Perhaps this is the year Mr. H throws his beret back into the ring and tries to take on this newcomer. Or maybe he goes after Mr. Novstrup, the elder, on the other side of the legislatures.

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