KELOland repeating information on PAC spending money to attack Senators voting against Frye-Mueller

KELOland has an article up repeating a lot of the information that I’ve researched in reference to the “Not One Step Back” PAC which is distributing flyers against Senators who voted to censure Julie Frye Mueller.

But there is some new information that’s worth pointing out.

A PAC known as Not One Step Back paid for printing the cards, according to its chairman and treasurer, Anthony Mirzayants. He described himself Friday as a 23-year-old “grassroots organizer” and told KELOLAND News in an email, “They were not mailed, they were hand distributed by motivated citizens who want to hold these State Senators accountable.”

Asked how much the cards cost and how many senators were targeted, Mirzayants answered, “You will have to wait for the next finance disclosure deadline to see just how many senators have angry voters in their districts, and sitting legislators will have to decide just how much longer they will continue to go against the will of those voters.”

Read the entire story here.

Mirzayants strikes me as less of a grassroots organizer, and more of a grease-roots organizer.