Krebs self-reports 141k raised in Congressional race.

Bypassing the media and sending out a press release directly to her mailing list, yesterday Secretary of State Shantel Krebs was boasting that she had raised nearly 141 thousand in her bid to be our state’s next Congressperson against former PUC Commissioner Dusty Johnson:

Since announcing her candidacy for U.S. House on March 13th, Shantel Krebs’ first report to the Federal Elections Commission shows an impressive $140,147 in contributions received in the first 18 days of her campaign, with $133,181.15 cash on hand.


Shantel’s first quarter report shows broad support from across South Dakota, with nearly 40% of all donations from individual donors being $200 or less.

(From the release)

It is unknown if Krebs’ self-reporting includes what was spent on her roll-out, or if those bills are yet to come in.

The FEC forms won’t be filed for several days at best, which may provide a truer reflection of what was raised & what’s on hand for each candidate running in the race.

22 thoughts on “Krebs self-reports 141k raised in Congressional race.”

  1. Impressive total right out of the gate…we definitely have a race on our hands for Congress

  2. 40% percent under $200 seems to suggest Direct Mail or Online fundraising push. Wonder if Emily’s List pushed out something for her. Interested to see what both reports have in the details!

    1. Emily’s List? Say what you want about Krebs but I assure you she is not Emily’s List material. I think you mean Maggie’s List.

      1. My mistake I meant Maggie’s List. So many lists, so little time.

  3. So did Mercer, Ferguson, and the AP get the info from someone on her mailing list? I’m confused how they all reported the numbers yesterday if Krebs “bypassed” the media?

  4. That’s more than Rounds raised in his first primary for governor so I guess she has that going for her.

  5. First, that is a good haul. Nothing I’m saying is meant to disparage this performance but I think it is partial information and we need to see the actual report for the following reason:

    Does the “nearly 40% of all donations from individual donors being $200 or less” mean she raised roughly $56K from donors under $200? If so, that means she had at least 250 such donors which means she likely raised the money from either direct mail or an entity similar to the Democrats “ActBlue.” If it is the former, it is likely she will have fundraising expenses which will reduce the “cash on hand” once she pays those bills. If it is the latter, it will be interesting to know who provided the mechanism (I see someone above speculates/asserts it might be Maggie’s List which isn’t my understanding of how ML works but I could be wrong).

    Or does “nearly 40% of all donations from individual donors being $200 or less” mean that of her donors 40% are under $200 which could mean there isn’t significant fundraising expenses yet to be paid and that Cash on Hand is accurate.

    None of the above is inherently bad or negative but what is provided so far is incomplete and makes it impossible to draw a definitive conclusion on what “$141K” means.

    1. I’m with Troy. I think it means this:

      Or does “nearly 40% of all donations from individual donors being $200 or less” mean that of her donors 40% are under $200 which could mean there isn’t significant fundraising expenses yet to be paid and that Cash on Hand is accurate.

  6. Anyone who knows Krebs should not be surprised by this number. She’s among the hardest working campaigners out there; she’s like the energizer bunny on Redbull.

      1. I did not see this coming. Johnson and Krebs are both good candidates. Obviously she has built a following.

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