Kristi for Governor announces Trump announcement coming at Rapid City Rally tomorrow

From my phone, the Kristi for Governor campaign notes that there will be an announcement that looks an awful lot like it will be coming from Donald Trump at tomorrow’s rally.

This comes at about the same time it’s rumored that Trump is planning on announcing for President in the next election. So, could be interesting.

17 thoughts on “Kristi for Governor announces Trump announcement coming at Rapid City Rally tomorrow”

  1. The only way the GOP could possibly lose the next election is if they run with Trump. Anyone other than him would walk away with the election.

      1. It’ll probably be even lamer, a pre-recorded video message like Noem did with Herschel Walker several months back.

  2. Trump is popular in South Dakota. Kristi just needs Republicans to vote tomorrow and it’s game over. Having Trump participate is a good play in this state.

    1. Key word, “play”. Some of us are really tired of how she “games” in her leadership.

  3. I held my nose twice and voted for this divice, 5th grade vocabulary, unintelligent, mud slinging, loathsome individual. will NOT vote for him again. Jumps right in again as the junkyard dog calling Gov Desantis, Gov Desanctimonious. Shame on Kristi for aligning herself with him.

    1. hilary clinton had to have her nose rubbed in a couple of huge embarrassing national losses before she gave up. sad to say it will take trump as many or more national losses before he gets the message. the gop isn’t as good as the democratic party at quick pivots.

      1. T never will get that message, and besides he needs to keep up the grift. There’s also the fact that he needs to keep his flock enthralled enough that they vote in people who can make some of his legal problems go away.

        This next 2 years is going to be awful. Joe B is gonna be a lame duck and all the Republikan Congress will do is try to impeach him. That or they’ll pass crap he’ll veto.

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