Legislator attending myPillow guy event claims voting machines used in SD could be linked to Internet

Kevin Jensen was one of the very few South Dakota State Legislators that attended the Mike Lindell Cyber Symposium. And as they whipped up the conspiracy theories, what he claims he found there has him troubled. Because he claims South Dakota voting machines could be part of a fraudulent voter scheme to change votes:

I attended Mike Lindell‘s Cyber Symposium for all three days, from open to close. I did not attend because I am a “right wing conspiracy nut.” I attended because I do not believe both sides were heard. I do not think justice and due process have been served regarding their claims.


The courts have refused to hear their case stating the plaintiffs have no “standing,” which simply means the ones bringing the case were not in the proper jurisdiction. None of the evidence they laid before us was ever allowed in court. The amount of information the Lindell team produced was impressive to say the least.


So, what about South Dakota Tabulators used in the 2020 election. A 10-minute Google search revealed troubling information about the tabulators. In an NBC News story from January 10, 2020, by Kevin Monahan, Cynthia McFadden and Didi Martinez, they reported “We found over 35 [voting systems] had been left online and we’re still continuing to find more, Kevin Skoglund, a senior technical advisor at the election security advocacy group National Election Defense Coalition, told NBC News.” Let me remind you this is the mainstream media worried that Russia interfered with the 2016 election.


Interestingly, the response I received from the SD Secretary of State office said “As you’ll note, our election machines are never connected to the internet.  The only time an internet system is accessed is when the unofficial numbers are displayed on the election night reporting page for the public, which is directed by SDCL 12-20-13.” So then, are we or are we not connected to the internet???


We should all want to have a forensic audit in all 50 states. Any state not willing to audit maybe holding the smoking gun.

Read the entire opinion piece here.

Like a malt-liquor hangover, I have the feeling the goofy MyPillow Symposium’s after-effects are going to linger for longer than anyone cares for them to.

8 thoughts on “Legislator attending myPillow guy event claims voting machines used in SD could be linked to Internet”

  1. Just for fun, I say let’s do a statewide real time audit of our voting systems here in SD.

    That’s the kind of assurance that comes from balancing the checkbook to the penny every day.

      1. And your paper ballot is tallied on a machine, that may or may not be on a network. Then the vote tallies are then transmitted to Office of the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State then processes the data.

        A full forensic statewide audit may not be required, however a open (full media coverage), look at the entire election process from the grey box full of paper ballots to the data being presented to the public might be in order.

        Just because we have paper ballots, doesn’t make the system fool proof.

  2. So what’s the issue? They are not connected until the count is over. And that is only the machine sending results out.
    It’s a solution looking for a problem.

  3. I heard the Dems along with Soros are using special microwaves to control voters at polling stations. They think they voted for Trump, but really voted for Marijuana. It is a special blast of neuron attacking waves that confuse you right before you hit the button and make you hit the opposite. The technology was developed by the Russian space program to convince cosmonauts to go into space despite the dangers. They just wanted to win the space race, now we have to deal with this technology falling into the wrong hands to steal elections and provide more personal liberties to US citizens. This is well documented on freedom of speech platforms like Gettr and Parler, the MSM won’t let you hear about it, they are deep state. Thank the holy spirit of DJT we are invalidating the “fake votes” that were used to decriminalize marijuana in South Dakota. Many are saying this same technology was used when Trump claimed to “support the vaccine”.

    1. Spot on!!!
      Just because no scientist has ever been able to find these neuron attacking waves and program them to a specific purpose doesn’t mean that Democrats in South Dakota don’t have access and use them. Lots of things are unscientific. Just because no technowizard was able to find anything in Lindell’s data doesn’t mean that there aren’t invisible seismic waves showing the evidence. And just because there is no physical evidence of voter fraud doesn’t mean that in the ionosphere somewhere that information is actually present. You just have to have imagination.

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