Liz Marty May must be seeing a petition signature issue affecting her ability to be on the ballot in the near future. Because she just blasted this very long e-mail out, casting a wide net:
The fact she’s making a petition signature in the final days of collecting signatures isn’t a big surprise. And obviously she’s casting a wide net, because I received it in my e-mail box. I’m not sure why I was on the list, as I certainly didn’t sign up for it.
But if you take a closer look, here’s where you start to go down into the rabbit hole.
What is extremely odd is the fact that they hyperlinks don’t lead you directly back to Liz May’s campaign page. Before the links deposit you on to Liz May’s website, they first bounce you through an e-mail management system belonging to a Florida Congressional candidate Anna Paulina Luna.
If you think I’m kidding, if you were a recipient of the e-mail, all you have to do is hover over the hyperlinks in the Liz May e-mail.
voteannapaulina is certainly not lizmartymayforcongress. Yet, that’s what the hyperlinks say.
If – as the disclaimer claims – the e-mail ad was paid for by the Liz May for Congress campaign, why are the hyperlinks routed back through mass e-mail system set up for Anna Paulina Luna for Congress? In fact, voteannapaulina is all over the raw source of the e-mail. So it appears to be loss by accident than design.
In a couple of weeks after the petition deadline passes, if May doesn’t make the ballot, it will probably be a moot point. But at the least, in the meantime it gives Liz’s team some questions to ask of whoever put the e-mail together for them.