Looks like the first Convention of States measure is in calling for a convention to amend the US Constitution.

Referring back to the Convention of States group that vowed to spend millions in South Dakota this next election to beat incumbents, I notice a bill has been introduced calling for a convention of states to amend the constitution..

House Joint Resolution 5002: Applying to the United States Congress under Article V of the United States Constitution to call for a convention for proposing an amendment establishing congressional term limits.

Read that here.

We’ll see how far that goes in the Senate.

6 thoughts on “Looks like the first Convention of States measure is in calling for a convention to amend the US Constitution.”

  1. Actually, this is from the US Term Limits group. Expect a separate one from the Convention of States Project organization to be filed.

  2. I am NOT in favor of Term Limits, they engineer and manipulate the process, term limits will dump even more MONEY in the system, making it even more expensive to campaign, term limits will also create LEGACY Candidates, so the establishment grows stronger. POlitical Parties love them, cause they can promote candidates form within, while destroy those on the outside. If you think you have issues with the election system now, with term limits, you can quadrupple the issues. Even in SIOUX FALLS, where you have term limits, the established candidates use their PACS to sponsor candidates that think like them, to protect their legacy, and legislative history.

  3. Term Limits are the worst idea yet adopted into law. I miss the “old Lions of the Legislature” who provided continuity and perspective to the work pf the body.

    1. Our Founders gave us Term Limits, it’s called an election every 2 years. The root cause of our problems is not that we don’t have term limits, it is an uneducated/uninformed electorate.

      1. 100% Agree. South Dakota Citizens have imposed Term Limits on their own U.S Senators and Representative. All they have to do is enforce the the rule. Those candidates are still subject to Nominating Petitions, Just do NOT sign the Petition. Better yet, Repeal the 17 Amendment and allow the Legislature to every two years, vote to keep them or recall them, thus keeping the seat open, or placing another person in that U.S Senate Seat every two years. Once appointed to the U.S Senate, the Constitution simply says they have the right to 6 Year Term. However, the Legisature meets every two years to vote to replace them, or leave the seat open, thus placing them on trial every two years.

        The PEOPLE have the right to replace their Common Representatives by holding an Election Every Two Years.

        Furthermore, the PEOPLE can vote every two years to replace, over turn their Legislative Seats, which in theory, changes the majority opinion of the Legislature itself, which means, the new Legislature can vote to recall, replace, or leave open the U.S Senate Seat(s).

        Even the U.S Senate was placed on an Election Cycle of 2 years, if it is allowed to work as it was designed.

        But Political Parties got involved and corrupted the process.

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