Is there anyone who didn’t get a copy of the “alleged” Freedom Caucus roster that is going around the State Capitol like a raging case of COVID in 2022?
With this supposedly “Confidential” roster abandoned in a pile by a legislative copier, as quickly as the list was posted on a lobbyist corkboard yesterday the denials and disavowals can’t roll out fast enough.
Rep. Overweg wrote on it the piece of paper hanging up that he wasn’t part of this group. Rep. Gross and Rep. Odenbach noted not us in the comment section under my prior post. I’d even heard that Hillary Clinton Donor Liz May has told people that she’s not involved with those guys.
If there really is a caucus in the first place, that’s got to be one of the worst membership drives I’ve ever seen.
I’m sure there will be more to come on the Free-dumb Caucus. Much more.
Why is this newsworthy? Oh, right, these people are too Republican. That’s scary.