Marketplace of Ideas offending SD Dems, causing them “psychological” disruption.

It must be tough to be a fragile Democrat.

According to the (possibly outgoing) leadership of the State Democrat Party, they’re bringing on extra security to guard their closed door event because there are going to be Republicans on the premises, who are hosting an event on the opposite side of the Sioux Falls Ramkota:

The coinciding speaking events were no accident, Republican Party Chair Dan Lederman said. When he heard that Ellison would make an appearance at Democrats’ McGovern Day dinner he wanted to balance the scale with a conservative guest.

“When I saw that Ellison was coming I wanted Horowitz to come because I know that in the marketplace of ideas conservative ideas can win out over progressive ideas,” he said.


“It’s very very rude and it’s got some elements that are extremely difficult to take,” said Michael Saba, a Sioux Falls Democrat and consultant for the Avera McKennan Foundation. “Clearly it’s being done to disrupt, even at a psychological level, what Democrats are trying to do with McGovern Day.


Tornberg and Lederman said they expected the events would be peaceful as the speeches will occur on separate sides of the hotel. Despite that, Tornberg said she hired additional security for the event.

Press will not be allowed in the Ellison speaking event.

Read it all here.

It’s unclear why they need to keep press out of their $100 a plate dinner with Keith Ellison.. Possibly because they don’t want reporters asking him about his views on a 63% tax rate, or how he wants to abolish the 2nd amendment.  

But if hiring extra (any) security for the event will help ease Ann Tornberg’s mind that their liberal politics won’t be challenged and they won’t experience “psychological” disruption from Republicans at a rally, I suppose that’s the price Democrats have to pay to remain in their cocoons.

In case you’re thinking of taking in an event this weekend…

The Secure and “Psychologically” protected McGovern Day Dinner can be attended for $100 a ticket to guarantee that you will be secured from free thought or the press. 

If you want to attend the GOP’s Freedom Rally, The social hour starts at 5:30, and it’s $10 at the door.  All you have to promise is an open mind, and be ready to have some fun with some likeminded, freedom loving South Dakotans.

17 thoughts on “Marketplace of Ideas offending SD Dems, causing them “psychological” disruption.”

  1. I thought the Democrats were the party of “transparency” and “inclusiveness”. This doesn’t sound transparent or inclusive.

    The Republicans, on the other hand, are keeping their event affordable and open.

  2. If you’re an organization that’s loosing members, floundering for meaningful recognition, and short on cash, why would you ever exclude the press – denying your organization coverage, attention, relevance in the public arena.
    I don’t think you can write this off to sheer stupidity (which it objectively looks like). This has to be about wanting to hide the message being shared, from public scrutiny. Hiding behind locked doors, kind of like hiding under sheets, hard to get respect that way.

    1. As a moderate, God fearing, pro-business, gun owner, personal responsibility and accountability Democrat this is a complete embarrassment! We should have a table outside this event selling T-shirts. We are not with them with the hand pointing silk screened on when it comes to some of these characters and what they stand for.

  3. I have a dilemma.

    Go to the GOP event and hear Horowitz, go to the Democrat event and watch a train wreck, or hopefully have a grandchild spend the night? I know the last one seems like a no-brainer but who wants to say you missed a train wreck which was announced ahead of time. Kinda embarrassing.

    1. Troy, there will be many more train wrecks to come.

      If your grandchild is going to spend the night, well, we all know what is more important.

  4. The GOP should send some crayons over to the Dems so they can get in touch with their feelings in their safe space.

  5. IF, the press is allowed into the Democrat event, what makes you think they will report accurately what takes place that evening?
    In my opinion, most SD newsrooms and “journalists” tilt to the left. Tilt may be an understatement. They will do their best to put a positive spin on the event to help their liberal friends.

  6. Lee,

    Let’s look at the situation:

    1) A committed tone deaf leftist deigned bringing in Ellison was a good idea. Average SD Democrats said “WTF?” This is a net gain for the GOP.

    2) Since this will be the location of one-heck of a fight, would you invite the neighbors to watch a fight between your siblings? This is a net gain for the GOP.

    Makes perfect sense to not promote this event. I’d be considering doing a cancel if I were them. It would be only one day of bad press vs. the months that is going to come of this event.

  7. Troy it is incredibly obvious many of the SDDPs problems are self inflicted. There are unfortunately many that honestly think they are somehow campaigning for SDDP and getting votes and party building by posting on facebook or a blog. They really do! They sit and keyboard these grand strategies thinking they are making a difference. That isolation creates disconnect from reality that real experiences and concerns everyday South Dakotans have.

    What happened to going to business owners and asking what they can do for them? What are their concerns?

    What happened to door knocking and actually talking to people face to face and actually listening? Not to argue with them and tell them how smart you are and have to have the last word and kicked off their property like that guy that ran against Al Novstrup.

    It takes time and hard work to really work grassroots. Not smoking grass and keyboard campaigning all day. Good grief!

    1. Steve that was the Antifa masked thugs that disrupted the peaceful Trump supporters at the Minnesota Capitol too. Your friend Cory Heidelberger and his Hard Left will be bringing Antifa here to South Dakota in no time.

    2. Seriously, the leftists who wear vaginas on their heads are worried about anot her meeting nearby possibly telling truth when they would rather exaggerate and berate all common sense people. They prove their insanity by inviting a radical and questionable speaker and then go behind closed doors like a CULT……this is too good to be true..

  8. Wow, Saba! It’s rude? What elements are hard to take? What a bunch of puling, whiny children the Democrats are! Extra security? Aren’t the leftwingers the ones at Berkeley who are anti-free speech? Democrats seem to be about free speech as long as it coincides with their leftwing, socialist, ideals; they surely are the party of intolerance!

    Also, if they aren’t going to allow even press into Ellison’s ranting, how will the true story of how whacky he is come out?

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