Mask shaming Rapid City mayoral candidate Laura Armstrong has mask added to billboard

Speaking of illegal pranks against political figures

If you recall towards the end of 2020, Rapid City Councilwoman Laura Armstrong was under some pretty strong fire and had a number of complaints lodged against her over a COVID era facebook page which scolded businesses for not enforcing mask mandates:

It all stems from a Facebook page called “The Caring Businesses of Rapid City” that highlights businesses that enforce a mask mandate in their establishment, versus those that do not. The rolodex of businesses not requiring masks has been dubbed the “naughty list.”

The complainants accuse Armstrong of creating or supporting the page and are asking she be removed from the Council.

Read that here.

Well, in her race to be Rapid City’s next Mayor, it looks like someone thought Armstrong should practice what she was said to have preached:

This is not digital.

Someone actually climbed their tail up a lighted billboard, and made sure that Armstrong wasn’t going to run afoul of the COVID naughty list, and physically added a mask to her photo on a billboard along a busy highway in the middle of the night.

That would be Rapid City..

42 thoughts on “Mask shaming Rapid City mayoral candidate Laura Armstrong has mask added to billboard”

  1. Someone, at the next Mayoral forum needs to ask her about her “naughty list”.

  2. While Laura Armstrong is not my choice for RC Mayor, the vandalism of this billboard message is reprehensible.

    1. “Reprehensible” is a little over the top Ed. Her covid response is what’s reprehensible. She deserved this.

    2. well considering that the mask controversy happened during the untrackable spread of a mystery disease, where the originating country had a lockdown and health crisis like nobody had seen, where ny state was deep into its own coverup, where we didn’t know the extent of the incubation and spread from the pork plant in sioux falls yet, where communities around us had this same big public debate on town policy in their own towns, where the news was filled with shocking new and unexpected death reports each day, many many people had no problem at all with laura armstrong’s call for processes that would protect the elderly, sickness prone and young kids while we figured out what the disease was all about.
      hindsight is so beautiful, where governor noem’s early choice to leave towns without state-level leadership has been transformed into this beautiful “defender of freedom” narrative, on the backs of people who have actually suffered and have lingering problems from having this disease. i find it heartening that the anti mask anti vac crowd is finally aware of how to use a mask. they laughed at masks because ‘the mask doesn’t keep you from getting the disease.’ the real purpose of putting on the mask is to keep YOUR unknown germs from spreading into everyone elses’s breathable air. i.e. protecting us FROM you. now some bright person is correctly using a mask to ‘protect’ rapid city from laura armstrong.
      congrats on finally figuring that out lol.

      1. most of us got vaccinated too while you laughed at that, as a result we don’t mask now and you’re all free to claim there never was danger. i still stay out of crowded places because i don’t want any of your second-hand breath.

        1. You’re claiming that a “vaccine” that does nothing to prevent transmission is why we no longer need to wear masks?! Absolutely delusional.

          1. Actually, the vast majority of the individuals still wearing face diapers have been vaxxed. Apparently, they must still be getting “Covid infections” repeatedly due to the same experimental injection. If these same individuals had functioning immune systems they would have neither worries nor infections.

          2. what a foolish twisting of words. i said nothing about vaccines preventing transmission, that was you. vaccines strengthen the overall ability to resist and fight the disease for individuals who are exposed. if you have heard different ‘facts’ from some other source in your echo chamber, I have no way of knowing what you are even referring to. don’t you ever doubt ‘facts’ which arrive so quickly and perfectly fit the politics you want to cling to? obviously not.

      2. Masks were nothing more than a talisman. They did nothing. And you are most definitely not a conservative.

        1. you baby cons who discovered political activism just now in the hannity era are so tiresome. you lack perspective in ways you will never comprehend.

  3. Although I don’t condone these types of pranks….you gotta admit it’s funny!

    1. Not just amusing, but accurate and truthful as well. Too bad the local media in Rapid City can’t tell the truth on any issue.

    2. also expected. i was expecting it sooner. a week from monday i expect a daily barrage of crude orange postcards touting armstrong’s huge failure-scorecard and other twisted cherry picked frippery. THAT is rapid city politics people.

  4. In addition to her stupid position on masks, she was the biggest supporter of illegal church and business closures. I hope she loses spectacularly.

  5. Scamdemic, Election denier, Moneypox, anti-mask, anti-vaxx, furries, tin foil hording conspiracy enthusiast activists that steal and vandalize political opponent signs.

    Pretty sad!

    1. The conspiracy theorists are undefeated at this point. They were right about everything.

  6. What is truly “reprehensible” is the fact that NONE of the five candidates running for Mayor of Rapid will receive a 50%+1 vote majority, due to the fact that the current “Mayor” who is soon to retire (good riddance) and his co-conspirators on the Rapid City Common Council eliminated runoff elections (and at the same time extended the mayoral term from two years to four years) — all without voter approval. Hence, no candidate in this mayoral election will receive more than about 35% of the vote, which quite frankly makes all the candidates an illegitimate mayor from day one.

    1. One should add that Laura Armstrong was one of the co-conspirators on the Rapid City Common Council at the time (eliminating runoffs and extending terms) AND Laura Armstrong is the only one of the five candidates who refuses to commit to an ordinance to enable runoff elections for FUTURE mayoral and city council races. If there were a mayoral runoff election Laura Armstrong’s chance of winning is exactly zero. Lefties always have to cheat to win.

  7. I’m old, have a chronic and ultimately terminal health condition, and catching Covid would have left me deader than a door nail. Thank you, Laura Armstrong, for being an advocate for sanity and good health.

  8. The masks are very effective at reducing exposure to airborne viruses, and a lot of other things you don’t want to inhale. Just reducing the quantity of a virus, bacteria, or dust particles which enter your lungs can protect you against severe disease.
    I first wore a mask in 1961, when my youngest sibling was born. It was recommended by the family pediatrician, because the rest of us were going to school and coming home with measles, chicken pox, mumps, rubella, strept.

    People who think they don’t do any good skipped the high school biology class where we each got two petri dishes of agar to cough on, one with a mask, one without, and then we put the dishes in the incubator for the weekend.

    In my professional career I wore masks all the time. The antimask crowd who think wearing a mask depletes your oxygen levels and causes brain fog must be horrified by the thought of surgical staff wearing them while cutting people open. Likewise, thinking about the precision work done by other mask-wearers: tattooing, dentistry,,carpentry, painting, plastering, asbestos removal etc must distress them greatly. How can anyone do anything correctly while wearing a mask??? Oh, the horror!

    Well the truth is, many of us wear masks, have often worn them, and we haven’t lost our marbles as many of the anti-maskers seem to have.

    1. You can wear a Superman costume on Halloween too but it doesn’t mean you can fly.

      Masks have never been anything more than a talisman with respect to Covid. The reference to your job (“In my professional career I wore masks all the time.”) is a logical fallacy.

      “The most rigorous and comprehensive analysis of scientific studies conducted on the efficacy of masks for reducing the spread of respiratory illnesses — including Covid-19 — was published late last month. Its conclusions, said Tom Jefferson, the Oxford epidemiologist who is its lead author, were unambiguous.”

      “‘There is just no evidence that they’ — masks — ‘make any difference,’ he told the journalist Maryanne Demasi. ‘Full stop.’”

      1. 50 people wearing masks, stuck in proximity to one unmasked clown who has covid, will be at risk from the waves of germ-laden second-hand breath that the clown is showering all over them. they would be much less at risk if germ-laden clown was the one who was masked. if masks didn’t aid in keeping your germs to yourself, doctors sure wouldn’t waste time wearing them.

        1. Wearing a mask to stop the covid virus from spreading is akin to a chainlink fence preventing mosquitos. Good luck with that.

    2. Your expirament in school involved normal flora of the upper respiratory tract. The difference in size between those type of bacteria and respiratory viruses is like the difference between the Goodyear blimp and a party balloon. Plus, agar in aa petri dish won’t grow viruses.

    3. Wow Anne. Just wow.
      The masks did nothing. It was pure virtual singling.
      The studies have proved the masks and vaccines did little to nothing.
      Natural immunity and isolation of the vulnerable slowed the death rate.

  9. There never was a naughty list; no one, including Laura Armstrong, ever made a list of businesses to avoid. There was a list of businesses that were asking people to mask, and many, if not most, of these were small locally-owned businesses including a number in Rapid’s downtown district. Since when have the Republicans been unwilling to support local business?

    Visit Rapid City (the local tourist board) had been getting inquiries from out-of-state people who were planning whether to come here on vacation or go elsewhere based on whether people here were taking precautions. With tourism being our state’s second largest industry and bringing large amounts of money into the Black Hills, having a list showing there were businesses taking masking seriously that Visit Rapid City could point to was very helpful in saving our tourist season and keeping businesses that depended on it open. Again, when have Republicans been been unwilling to support businesses industry-wide?


    Here are some real studies on the effectiveness of masks in reducing viral exposure. The viruses hitch rides on droplets of moisture which are caught in the masks.

    Considerate people cover their mouths and noses when they cough or sneeze. You were probably told that as a small child. Medical staff have been wearing masks for 100’s of years; the practice predates hand-washing and sterilization of surgical instruments. Physicians wore elaborate masks with bird-like beaks full of herbs during the Middle Ages; surgeons didnt start washing their hands until the 19th century.

      1. hmmm, am i taking scientific opinions from professionals with decades of top level medical experience, or am i taking scientific opinions from cable news hosts worried about “crafting narratives” to keep their viewers hooked to their broadcasts. hmm, i think I’m gonna have to go with the doctors on this one. but you do you ok?

  11. Antivaxxers are the epitome of the idiots Mark Twain referred to when he said, “Don’t argue with idiots, they’ll drag you down to their level them beat you with experience.”

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