Minnehaha Auditor Leah Anderson demanding 14 1/2% salary bump day after letting special interest group listen in on meeting.

Here’s an interesting note. Recall the incident with the Minnehaha County Auditor Leah Anderson, where on Monday December 5th, she was attacking the vendor for the county’s election equipment, claiming she wasn’t adequately trained, and was sharing the meeting with a special interest group which she’s affiliated with, and hiring at least one employee from…

Minnehaha County Auditor Leah Anderson had a contentious meeting Monday with the vendors of the county’s election software, in which she claimed the company wasn’t properly training her on the equipment, repeatedly criticized South Dakota Secretary of State Monae Johnson and revealed near the end of the meeting that a group of at least two dozen of Anderson’s supporters had been listening in to the hour-long call — unbeknownst to the rest of the participants.


Anderson was joined by Mike Mathis, an elections coordinator for the county who has been involved with South Dakota Canvassing Group, an election security group that has called for banning machines and electronics from the voting process, as well as preventing mail-in voting and ballot harvesting. Mathis said at an Aug. 2, 2022 meeting of the Minnehaha County Commission that he had “no confidence” in the state’s elections.

Read that all here.

Well, very curiously, the very next day Anderson was in front of the Minnehaha County Commission requesting a 14.5% salary increase, claiming that she’s been “performing well in her position.”


Carey Deaver, Human Resources Director, gave a briefing on elected officials salary history and requested direction from the Commission for future action to be taken on December 19, 2023. An elected official salary history, a comparison of department head salaries and an elected official market summary and assistant department head salary were provided. Further discussion will be held during the December 19, 2023, meeting. Auditor Anderson addressed the Commission about the salary for the Auditor. Public comment was received from, Larry Fossum, Cindy Meyer, and Gary Meyer.

Read that here.  And you can watch it here, starting at about 44:25.

Performing well? No shame on the Auditor Leah Anderson’s part, is there?

It is noteworthy that the County Commission does have the power of the purse to rein in the auditor from her election conspiracy ways.

Maybe instead of increasing her salary, they need to reduce it to the value they’re receiving? Because it sure seems like she’s more concerned with serving the needs of the SD Canvassing Group than she is with the taxpayers.

Let them pay her, since they seem to be getting the most value from her serving in that office.

5 thoughts on “Minnehaha Auditor Leah Anderson demanding 14 1/2% salary bump day after letting special interest group listen in on meeting.”

  1. WOW! I completely agree, Pat — since the county is receiving NEGATIVE value from her, the commission should give her a NEGATIVE pay raise.

  2. Incredible display of public servitude.

    After running on the platform of election-denial (popularized by Trump, even though he won our state handily) secretly recording the SOS office, putting up a fight on every front possible, contributing absolutely nothing to the summer study or post-election audit, shaking up her county’s trust in election integrity, hiring inexperienced election-deniers (who I hear caused a scene at the auditor’s convention), and now she is asking for a raise? As auditor for the richest county in the state? Maybe if she knew HOW to do her job, she would know HOW to simply just give herself a raise instead of crying to the grownups for one, you ARE the auditor, after all.

    This is a prime example of exactly why we need to keep the riff-raff to a dull roar in South Dakota. We need to come back to Jesus, back to reality.

  3. She’s a figurehead for the Krazies and Loonies in South Dakota. They have moved on from Monae and have found someone else to do their bidding.

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