Minnehaha County Republican organization elections tonight

The Minnehaha County Republican Party is attempting to turn over a new leaf tonight with county elections being held for party officers.

I kind of wish they were live streaming it, because it sounds like a complete circus. Minnehaha County Commissioner Joe Kippley is running for chair to represent the adults in the room against current Minnehaha County Republican Vice Chair Jennifer Foss, who in 2024 was attempting to recruit petition carriers for an independent candidate against congressman Dusty Johnson. There’s also Korry Petterson running for chair as well.

From the handout that was sent to me, it looks like the Foss team wants to spend the parties time having Trump parades, despite the fact President Trump is barred from a third term.

Not much in that flyer for helping candidates and fundraising, which is the actual job of the county parties.

Stay tuned for updates..

And I’m being told reports are that Joe Kippley was bumped out of the contest for chair, so the hopes of adults running the Republican organization for the state’s largest county have quickly gone downhill.  Also told a number of people walked out at that point.

Oh well..

Big update!!

In a move that was not expected, apparently the Minnehaha County GOP Central Committee kicked the vice chair Jennifer Foss to the curb. As one correspondent offered regarding the second round of voting,  “The hate for her was palpable.” Almost all of the Joe Kippley votes from round 1 went against Foss, and Korry Petterson who no one has a good read on captured the win.

And maybe that’s for the best, for someone who can come in without preconceived notions to attempt to give it a go.

We will find out more shortly.

8 thoughts on “Minnehaha County Republican organization elections tonight”

  1. I remember when the Minnehaha County LDD was one of the biggest events of the year, men in tuxedoes and women in formal gowns, and the money was BIG. Everybody who was anybody wanted to hang out with the Minnehaha Republicans, they were fun.

    They aren’t fun anymore..

      1. Being of the far right faction, yes, he will be interesting. Unless he breaks from that faction, there will be no rebuilding. It will be more Torneau. Maybe he’ll see the light.

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