More on Senator Julie Frye Mueller – “Aggression with staffer over COVID vaccine”

The Dakota Scout is reporting a bit more detail today regarding what I had mentioned in a comment last night, that “there was an interaction between an LRC staffer and JFM that left this person pretty upset.”

Sen. Julie Frye-Mueller was removed Wednesday from her assignments on the Senate Health and Human Services Committee and Local Government Committee after a legislative staffer complained that Frye-Mueller had been verbally abusive about the staffer’s family vaccination decisions.

Read that here (subscription required).

Julie Frye Mueller is accused of being verbally abusive? Perish the thought.

My question is that if they convene a Select Committee on Discipline, will Frye-Mueller’s attorney be R. Shawn Tornow or Steve Haugaard?

4 thoughts on “More on Senator Julie Frye Mueller – “Aggression with staffer over COVID vaccine””

  1. Sounds an awful lot like the #metoo movement.

    Accusation is considered “smoke” to the “fire” (an elderly woman used that to get out of jury duty once in Deadwood .. brilliant).

    Given all of the recent revelations about the shots, process, and now that globalists are exposed and cornered for their global governance operation, I’m not surprised at moves of desperation like this one.

    That said, I do fee very, very sorry for anyone who has the vaccine and is being told the truth. It must be terrifying.

    Even the science around the virus is not good, but way better than the data coming out regarding the shots.

    What a pathetic and under performing outcome this is for our leadership.

    Humanity deserves better, but it will require humility and grace.

    1. Got any peer reviewed, scientific proof regarding your so-called “truth about the vaccine”.

      1. a couple of years back, i had a respected md discuss the history of vaccination as the basis for presenting the current fascinating science of it, and why it is done in the manner in which it is done. i recommend this to anyone who needs actual facts to work with.

  2. So, a Freedom Caucus member berates another person for exercising their freedom of choice in making medical decisions for their family. Got it.

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