More results.. Aberdeen and Mitchell municipal elections

Aberdeen municipal election results are out and available here at the Aberdeen American News.

And Mitchell results are also in…. Check here for the Mitchell Daily Republic’s results.

16 thoughts on “More results.. Aberdeen and Mitchell municipal elections”

  1. Tara Volesky did not win. What a relief! The citizens of Mitchell voted for sanity not chaos!

    Now we just need to get a new Mayor that has people skills and can get Mitchell back on the path for growth and solving problems. We had good mayors in the past except for this one.

    1. Well anonymous, what part of my interview with KORN radio or the council debate was chaos and insane. Could you quote some of my so-called insane remarks or ideas for Mitchell. You won’t do it because you have zero facts. I knew if 40% of the people would show up, I would have a chance. 87.5% did not show up to vote. People have no interest in local politics.

  2. I’ve heard that there are anonymous posters who make stuff up because they aren’t respected politically and they run down others to make themselves feel better.

    1. The citizens of Mitchell made the right choice this time. That is enough to feel better.

        1. the election is over Tara so now you can focus on helping candidate Lora Hubbel win the Governor’s office.

          1. Prove you point with your cowardly comment who is to afraid to state your name. Weak.

  3. Thank you for putting yourself out there Tara. Kudos to you for being involved and trying to make a difference.

    Don’t let the haters waste your time.

  4. Well thank you. I can see why people don’t like to run for public office.

    1. It is not about running for office. People just want good government regardless of where they are on the political spectrum. Drama and chaos are best reserved for the movies and television not Mitchell City Council chambers. Not by an elected officials making crazy claims, statements and conspiracies without facts to back them up. Mitchell needs to get it’s groove back and now the next step is a new Mayor.

  5. Drama and chaos,could you please give me one example. Also crazy claims, statements and conspiracies without facts to back them up……..I would love to hear it all. This could be good. Let’s hear it.

    1. no because we ask you for answers and then you deflect. Waste of time! Move on!

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