10 thoughts on “New Commercial noting Taffy Howard has passed nothing over the last three years.”

  1. That’s a pathetic post that doesn’t in capture the whole truth. Two bills in particular that Taffy sponsored were excellent bills. One of them gave residents of South Dakota two weeks of preference to get camping spots before the out of stators took them over. Another bill was to require game fish and parks to come before appropriations with large expenditures so things like the Custer Park campground and the gun range that were so opposed by the public don’t happen with some oversight. The executive branch had 422 taxpayer funded lobbyist in 2021. They come out in force with any bill that Taffy proposes. The governors dislike of Taffy is evident in her middle school approach to leadership meetings were Taffy is uninvited but she leaves her name card on the table by an empty chair. Taffy is not welcome because she believes in government transparency and accountability and always has the publics interest at the forefront with her actions. The ad that came out last night was an absolute lie and it’s about time that we all started fighting for honest leaders whether or not we agree with them Because honesty should be the number one policy of any government formed as a republic of the people

    1. I guess you have to blame it on bad legislating. I guess the sponsor wasn’t up to the task of building a consensus among our supermajority. It probably means that if she can’t agree with our conservative governor and our liberal Democrats, she may not be able to get anyone to agree with her in Washington. Our lone voice would be wasted with her. But maybe if she showed up 15% more the other legislators might get to know her.

    2. The ad says she didn’t pass any bills. That’s 100% accurate. She passed ZERO bills.

      We can discuss whether her bills were good ideas or not, but the reality is she’s an ineffective legislator who can’t deliver victory, even with a Republican super majority. Her colleagues don’t respect her.

    3. Probably the most important vote in SD history, to impeach AG or not, and she wasn’t there to vote.

  2. Was Taffy underestimated? Is this going to be closer than we all thought? Sure hope not.

  3. Is Dusty really that concerned about her or did he purchase nonrefundable airtime a while ago and is just using it up?

    Another thing, why the hell is he even going this route? Just talk about what you have accomplished, and what you plan to do. He never needed to utter her name this whole election and he’d still win 80-20.

  4. Last night my wife and I were watching TV and watched the dueling Johnson / Howard commercials. Johnson was up first:
    Wife: Wow….that was harsh. I’ve never seen Dusty go negative before.
    Then the Howard commercial:
    Wife: HOLY . She’s bat crazy. Does she think that’s going to get ANYONE to vote for her????

    So….that’s how Taffy appeals to the non-politically engaged people.

    1. It seems to have removed my explicative deleted – that were typed that way but within tags…so
      add expletive deleted after Holy and Bat

  5. I’m confused by this all. All of it.

    Is Taffy suddenly surging? She has run a terrible campaign.

    I align with Taffy more but I’ll be voting for Dusty because she is self righteous and has no idea what she is doing. Dusty and I differ on a few issues but he’s not an ass hat when we disagree.

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