New Kristi Noem for Governor Campaign video released today as part of a fundraising message

A new Kristi Noem for Governor Campaign video is being pushed out today in an e-mail blast that went to supporters in conjunction with a fundraising appeal.

The video focuses on Noem’s decision to not shut down South Dakota during COVID, as well as sending the National Guard to the Southern Border.

It is definitely red meat for Noem supporters as it touts her conservative talking points, and points out that ALEC considers her the best Governor in the nation for 2021.

24 thoughts on “New Kristi Noem for Governor Campaign video released today as part of a fundraising message”

  1. From the video: “We follow the science, the data and the facts in South Dakota to make our decisions.” Gov. Kristi Noem

    So – why does South Dakota have twice the death rate of Nebraska? How is it that we have a poorer record than all six states that touch our border? Somehow Covid skipped over all of them and found a home here.

    She says she followed the science.

    But wait… I recall another claim that she made. One where she bragged about NOT following the science. She told FoxNews on July 17, 2020: “We did, in fact, we according to the national experts, did everything wrong.”

    That is the quote… that one… that history must never forget.

  2. This ad left out an opportunity. South Dakota could be home to “Woke Detox Centers” that are ready to help. Volunteers are standing by ready to help along with the availability of Woke Detox Support groups.

  3. The science says we will eventually have herd immunity because the vacs don’t work. You can blame the death of your loved ones on the chinese and fauci.

    1. We are talking about real human lives. Let’s try to be consistently pro-life here.

      If the governor’s policies in South Dakota would have been as responsible as Nebraska, and we had the lower COVID-19 death rate of our neighbor to the south, we would have been spared 1,120 funerals.

          1. Confirmation bias. You believe only that which confirms your established notions.

            It appears that Omicron can infect both the vaccinated and previously infected. But, even if it were true that infection gives life long immunity – deliberately getting the virus is still a deadly gambit. You would know that if you looked at all of the science objectively.

            800,000 dead and climbing. How many of those have been fully vaccinated? Give me the science on that.


      1. Elk…

        Covid deaths per million are 2,776 in South Dakota and 1,715 in Nebraska. Yet the two states’ covid policies have been nearly identical from the start. So why the difference? Mostly demographics and geography.

        First, our tribal population is 75,000 compared to 16,500 in the Cornhusker state, but Sioux have succumbed more to the virus by a huge margin — 12 percent of total deaths to less than 1 percent in Nebraska. That affects the deaths per million by more than 300.

        Also, South Dakota is more rural, so getting medical care to seniors — who make up nearly 90 percent of covid deaths — likely accounts for much of the remaining difference.

        Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, and Iowa have similar numbers as South Dakota, with Minnesota the outlier. It will be interesting to see whether the Gopher state’s excess deaths is greater than us and other nearby states, as that would indicate a divergence in how deaths were counted all along.

        Governors who seeded nursing homes with covid patients and abused children and businesses with draconian lockdowns are indeed responsible for a great deal of suffering in their states. But in South Dakota, the go-lightly approach has over time proven effective and better for physical and mental health.

        1. You forgot something, Cliff.

          Both of our surges took place directly following the Sturgis Rally. The results of the 2021 rally is immediate and particularly obvious. The resulting outbreak is indisputable.

          You write: “Yet the two states’ covid policies have been nearly identical from the start.” Hardly. Nebraska didn’t shoehorn 500,000 people into a small town for ten days without masks and distancing. We did that. Then the attendees disbursed throughout the country. An event that seems tailor made to spread a deadly virus. Our governor was there cheering it on.

          So – we have a thousand needless deaths, Cliff. And a governor who “did everything wrong” to get us there. She told you so. Believe her.

        2. Nebraska and other surrounding states would have an even better record had we not added to their troubles. Our policies hurt them. The 2020 SAVI time-lapse of Covid spread demonstrates that clearly.

          The Sturgis party will go down as the ultimate superspreader. Twice.

          1. Elk…

            1. No one knows how or why a virus spreads. It has its own reasons. So the SAVI time-lapse, while interesting, doesn’t mean much, except to the gods who walk among us who think they can control nature.

            2. There’s been scant evidence of any major spread from Sturgis. I’ve seen the claims, but no serious proof.

  4. I didn’t hear about any of the criminals she invited to the state that have since been arrested for various forms of treason. Will SD turn into the number one state for criminals?

    1. No, but we are making a case for being number 1 in incompetent would-be Russian espionage assets.

    2. She invited the druggies too from states they helped wreck many of which will be a burdon on SD taxpayers one way or another.

      1. Charlie Kirk, Marijuana and conspiracy theories are well known to go together well. Nut jobs on the far right and left have alot in common.

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