New Minnehaha County GOP official wasting no time attacking GOP

As opposed to raising money, or doing something nominally useful, new Minnehaha County GOP Chair Shawn Tornow is getting busy attacking Republican leadership the day after his election:

“State Republican Chair Wiik was inexplicably ‘excused’ last Thursday for perhaps one of his most important votes of his time in office,” newly elected Minnehaha County GOP Chairman R. Shawn Tornow said in a release.


Wiik said he had not previously heard about growing discontent from Minnehaha County, as well as others, about how Frye-Mueller had been treated.

“You are informing me about it right now,” he said Sunday night.

“They all have my phone number,” he added. “I don’t know why they have to do everything through the press when they can just call me.”

Read the story here (Subscription required).

Senator Wiik missed a couple votes last week as he was attending to his son at the Capital who had taken ill.  I’m sure given Tornow’s concern over legislators missing votes, we can go back and find where he criticized Taffy Howard for missing 14% of all floor votes last session.

It’s going to be a long election season.

3 thoughts on “New Minnehaha County GOP official wasting no time attacking GOP”

  1. What an excellent first step to bringing the Party together as he promised in CHURCH on Saturday. Ugh. [insert disgusted groan]

  2. It’s interesting that Mr. Tornow, an attorney who is supposed to have a strong command of the language, would refer to Sen. Wiik’s absence as “inexplicable” when the senator had indeed provided an explanation.

    incapable of being explained, interpreted, or accounted for

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