No more D5 House Primary? Kobat for House off-line.

Had a tip yesterday that a primary for District 5 House is looking less likely now.

Incumbent State Rep. Hugh Bartels and challenger Byron Callies remain full speed ahead in the contest as of this writing, but the third candidate in the contest seems to have taken himself off-line.

Lucas Kobat had previously filed a statement to form a committee to run for D5 House back in May of 2021. Kobat is the same person who a year or so ago created something he called the “FreedomScore” project, where he declared that most of the Republicans in the State Legislature were RINOs, despite the fact that at the time he was not a Republican himself. He had started a Facebook page and Twitter for the effort, but both seem to have disappeared in recent weeks:

For all of his smack talk, Kobat seems to have gone away rather quietly.

With Nancy York said to not be running, this clears the deck for a straight run straight through to the fall for Bartels and Callies, where Democrat Kahden Mooney will likely only be a minor obstacle for the pair.

Unless something changes. Which it quickly could in this crazy election cycle.

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