Noem Announces Another Wave of Staff Hires   

Noem Announces Another Wave of Staff Hires   

PIERRE, S.D. – Governor-elect Kristi Noem today announced another wave of governor’s office staff hires. The following people will begin serving on January 5, 2019.

Senior Advisor
Tony Venhuizen will serve the Noem administration as senior advisor. Venhuizen, an Armour native, currently serves as chief of staff to Governor Dennis Daugaard and has been the liaison between the Daugaard administration and Noem transition team. He will be staying with the Governor’s Office into the spring to ensure a seamless leadership transition.

Policy Advisor
Melissa Klemann will serve the Noem administration as policy advisor. Klemann is the deputy of director for the Department of Labor and Regulation’s Division of Insurance and was previously an analyst for Wells Fargo.

Constituent Services Director
Jake Monssen will serve the Noem administration as constituent services director. Monssen, a Sioux Falls resident, currently serves as a constituent services representative for Noem’s congressional office where he specializes in Social Security and Medicare casework.

Deputy Policy Advisor
Bailey Carlsen will serve the Noem administration as deputy policy advisor. Carlsen, previously of Aberdeen, has operated as communications director and director of constituent services for the Daugaard administration.

Executive Assistant
Neha Patel will serve as Noem’s executive assistant. Patel previously served as Noem’s congressional staff assistant in Washington, D.C. She is currently aiding the transition process.

Executive Assistant
Morgan Ness will serve the Noem administration as executive assistant. Ness, a Watertown native, is an executive assistant in the Daugaard administration.

Executive Assistant

Rachel Graves will serve the Noem administration as executive assistant. Graves, a Pierre resident, is an executive assistant in the Daugaard administration.

Administrative Assistant
Judy Davis will serve the Noem administration as administrative assistant. Davis, originally from Winner, currently serves as an administrative assistant for the Daugaard administration.

“To create good policy for the state, you have to have good people on your team,” said Noem. “These people understand that the job isn’t about them, but about serving the people of our state and producing lasting results for the next generation. Together, we’ll strengthen South Dakota.”


24 thoughts on “Noem Announces Another Wave of Staff Hires   ”

  1. I agree with the previous two posters. In his dealings with Legislators , both in session and out, Tony has been a real horses pitute, having lied to me directly on more than one occasion . The quicker she gets rid of him the better.

  2. It’s important that we keep the son-in-laws employed. Kyle Peters and Tony Venhuizen are all part of the drain the swamp campaign that Noem ran on. Nothing to see here just keep moving.

  3. Pleased to see Jake Monssen get an appointment in the Noem Administration. He was an animal on the campaign trail, young homegrown South Dakota talent, and educated at SDSU. I was always impressed with her campaign team and how competent they were and how well they all worked together. I would expect that we will see the same in Pierre.

    1. Wow! With that little three letter post you have put forth your opinion so clearly and succinctly; I surely look forward to seeing more of your relevant and insightful posts.

  4. “He will be staying with the Governor’s Office into the spring to ensure a seamless leadership transition.” Ummmm, Kristi? Why would you want a seamless leadership transition if that includes Tony Venhuizen? Worst POS on Gov Daugaard’s team. Big mistake!!

  5. All hail Governor Tony Venhuizen!
    Guess we now know who will actually be running state government. Clearly she doesn’t know what she’s doing and didn’t have the guts to tell him to take a hike. Kristi the monarch and Tony the prime minister. I’ll admit the guy is a survivor!

  6. Any truth to the idea that Venhuizen will take over Ed after her interim appointment there is done?

  7. Tony Venhuizen is now the longest serving Governor, he’s found a way around term limits. I can’t believe Noem would keep him on.

    1. I am pretty sure Venhuizen distinguished himself during the transition. He certainly did during the Daugaard administration.

      The pettiness or envy of all these statements is disappointing. I signed cowardly personal attacks.

          1. You’re obviously looking at this from the outside, and not a legislator who had to deal with him on the inside. But of course, he may have just been following his leader’s orders, sort of like the Nazi guards.

      1. Troy, Normally I agree with you, but this time you are wrong. Tony needs to go! MANY legislators can’t stand him.

        This was not a positive development by Gov elect Noem.

        1. What you say may be true. But every decision a governor makes does not revolve on how good one gets along with Legislators.

  8. Troy, you also think that with enough time and a lot of beer, everybody will be good friends with Stace Nelson someday, too.

    No. There isn’t enough Beer in Pierre. Not for Stace and not for Tony. Maybe if marijuana is legal. But alcohol isn’t enough.
    I suppose it’s a good argument for legalizing pot.

  9. For any one that has the faintest idea of what Kristi is like, to think that Tony, or anyone, other than her is going to run the show, is laughable. Tony brings a great deal of valuable experience to the table and I’m sure when that value becomes diminished, or he does try to direct policy, he will be hitting the pavement.

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