Noem Announces Fall Debates

Noem Announces Fall Debates

Castlewood, S.D. – Kristi Noem has accepted invitations to participate in two televised debates to be held this fall. Since her first race as a statewide candidate, Noem has participated in more than a dozen debates, including two televised debates and nearly a half-dozen forums during this year’s race for governor.

“Kristi Noem is looking forward to once again debating her plans for South Dakota,” said Justin Brasell, Kristi for Governor Campaign Manager. “We’re hopeful that by this fall, Democratic nominee Billie Sutton will finally have cleared up some of the confusion over his own agenda. At this point, his carefully crafted campaign materials say one thing, but his running mate, record, Democratic Party platform, and supporters reveal radically different views. People know where Kristi stands, and she’s made her plans public, publishing detailed proposals on her website – something Billie Sutton seems reticent to do.”

To review Noem’s plan for South Dakota, click here.


  • October 23, 7:00pm-CT: KELOLAND TV Gubernatorial Debate

  • October 25, 8:00pm-CT: South Dakota Public Broadcasting Gubernatorial Debate


36 thoughts on “Noem Announces Fall Debates”

    1. Why is she only agreeing to do two debates? If Sutton was toast, she should want to every opportunity possible to show that off.

        1. Then that shows she is cocky which tends to backfire on people. Better to be safe than sorry. Plus what would the problem be with letting as many people as possible have a chance to see how she is a superior choice?

          1. well 2 is the right number…one he can be for a state income tax like the Democrat platform says and in the other one he can be against it…should work out for him!

            as many people as possible…they will both be televised…hence recorded and so they can be watched repeatedly ….

            1. I’m talking people viewing in person. Something neither of these will provide. All this does is make Noem look like she doesn’t want to have to talk about issues in public anymore then she has to.

              1. What so Dems can shout her down like they did in Rapid once?

                You know she is still in Congress and has a job to do…

                1. Too bad she isn’t even doing her job. According to, Noem has ranked in the 94th, 98fh, and 94th percentile for missed votes in 2018. Only 2-6% of her colleagues have missed more votes than she has. She is worthless and not even doing the job she has. She doesn’t deserve to be governor.

                    1. I guess I don’t write off missing 83 votes with …whatever. Imagine if you missed that much work? Do you think your employer will say “whatever”?

                    2. Roll Call vote tallies are relatively meaningless.

                      The better evaluation would be based on Key votes and Legislation sponsored. Which specific votes did she miss that affected key issues?

                    1. And 83 of those 213 were in the past 8 months. So the excuse that she has a job so she can’t debate doesn’t hold water.

              2. wow she’ll lose her shot at getting the votes of the 37 percent who are democrats, and the third-of-a-percent who are libertarian/constitution. dang dang darn dang darn darn shucks. seriously, there’s a percentage of the republican vote that will go to sutton, even without the ten-time spectacle of a hard-working woman shutting down the gang of three.

                1. it took work to beat jackley and she worked it. the compiled voting record is a matter of perspective. the gop has an overwhelming majority, it would be different if there were only a eight or nine-seat majority and she would be there. frankly the world would be better if democrats missed a bunch of votes.

      1. Isn’t there an old political adage that if you are behind, call for more debates?

  1. Being from the party of Lincoln, we really ought to see more than two debates, and at least one of the debates should be public…a town hall format. Lincoln and Douglas had seven public debates, I see no reason why a contested statewide election should not have more than two tv debates.

    1. lincoln and douglas didn’t have a big media campaign, and they didn’t have to share their stage with two minor party candidates. it was an honest reflection of the reality of two party direct political war, not the ‘gotcha’ of sandbagging the major party candidate with as many whackos as you can include.

  2. She is skipping the Agfest debate where all the farmers are and what about the State Fair. If Ag is number one, why is she not debating with farmers present.

    1. Billie will have to bring a carboard Kristi to the debates if she does not show up. Weathervane Walz and Jeff Johnson will be having numerous debates all over Minnesota so why not Billie and Kristi? We deserve better.

      1. al la Stace nelson…look like amateur hour…but then again all Democrats like Stace and Billie can read from the same playbook I am sure

  3. Do people think she can just make up debates? Has she declined any in the upcoming months?

    1. Roughly 8 declined so far. There will be more once they are scheduled so she can deny them as well.

  4. People Who won’t set their DVRs to watch the televised debates will complain that there aren’t enough debates. They will complain that there should be public debates, so they can miss those also. They won’t watch any debates, but will blame the candidates for their own failure to watch. This seems to be the new MO of low-information-voters: make no attempt to obtain information, and then declare that the candidates are not being forthcoming.

  5. of course Billie wants more debates…free media…is he even campaigning…never see anything from him

    that is what all trailing candidates want

  6. It’d take one debate for Noem to expose how weak Sutton is on policy and commitment. Within his party he has to meet the demands of too many feelings and that causes chaos. Democrats are being pulled down by their radicals and Sutton has been silent about the destruction they are causing.

    A vote for a Democrat is a vote for unbridled government control: your income, your health care options, your children, your speech, your wardrobe, your ability to protect yourself and family, who is welcome in your locker/restroom, what food/drink you choose…. they’re ready to take your freedom.

    1. How many debates has Noem done in the primary? If you don’t know where she stands on issues you are not paying attention .

      1. I agree, Noem’s been clear and firm on her policies and commitments. Again, it’ll only take one debate for her to show how Sutton is lost in a tornado of lies and destruction. He doesn’t know which way to go, he’s weak. Since there are two debates we’ll get to see first hand how quickly he can change his stance on issues. Democrats loose if they step out of line and Sutton is well aware of that.

    1. johnson’s brain-bleed (for gods sake don’t say ‘stroke’) related speech issues were a matter of record. i recall the g-o-p not really getting behind dykstra that year. is that a wrong perception?

  7. there are diminishing returns to the many-debates gambit. if you schedule twenty and noem only commits to two, you’re tied to eighteen other debates nobody will be watching.

  8. johnson’s brain-bleed (for gods sake don’t say ‘stroke’) related speech issues were a matter of record. i recall the g-o-p not really getting behind dykstra that year. is that a wrong perception?

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