Noem for Governor Release: Noem stands with patients & taxpayers to lower health care costs and improve access


Jackley Campaign-Allied Trial Lawyers Immediately Go on the Attack

Congresswoman Kristi Noem faced bitter attacks today from trial lawyers backing Marty Jackley for Governor.

“Obamacare did nothing to drive down health care costs, in part because it failed to enact any kind of meaningful tort reform. That’s why I’m proud to stand with President Trump and conservatives on the Protecting Access to Care Act. This bill would save hardworking taxpayers $50 billion while offering reforms that can fundamentally lower the cost of health care in this country. I’m fighting to give families the freedom and flexibility to meet their family’s financial and health care needs. This bill is another step in the right direction,” said Kristi Noem, a Republican candidate for South Dakota Governor.

Conservative Iowa Republican Steve King said the bill will continue to “allow an injured party to receive full compensation for measureable economic harm (such as medical expenses or lost wages) that they have incurred. The damage cap only applies to an award of non-economic damages (such as punitive damages) that are, by their very nature, speculative, subjective, and wildly inconsistent.”

Former South Dakota lawmaker Lee Schoenbeck, an outspoken supporter of Attorney General Marty Jackley, cited the vote of liberal Congressman Steve Cohen (D-TN) as an example of those standing against the bill.  

“Trial lawyer Marty Jackley and his band of trial lawyer supporters may want to rethink their opposition to saving taxpayers $50 billion and lowering health care costs.  I look forward to hearing them explain that to Republican primary voters,” said Justin Brasell, Noem campaign spokesman.

More about the bill:



26 thoughts on “Noem for Governor Release: Noem stands with patients & taxpayers to lower health care costs and improve access”

  1. From Daily Caller linked article “The bill, according to Issa’s office, is modeled after California’s Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act (MICRA), which has reduced California’s medical professional liability premiums, and Texas’ Medical Liability and Insurance Improvement Act (MLIIA).”
    Kinda makes it sounds like it could of been a state legislature issue instead of federal if California and Texas can both pass it.

    1. Escalating way too early. Noem is in free fall. Jackley is smelling victory.

      Jackley better send out a press release calling on Noem to stop running a dirty campaign.

      1. Hard not to escalate when Jackley has so many bad decisions on his record…its going to take time to talk about all of them.

        1. 8:20 – “Bad decisions” based on whose perspective? I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you do not know much about conservative values.

          1. Bad decisions:
            (1) prosecuting marijuana consultants
            (2) Jason Glodt
            (3) Dale Bartscher

            Some of us with libertarian leanings are at the point of “3 strikes you’re out” with Marty’s decisions. This isn’t what small government looks like.

            1. 4:17 – you mean… You are at the point of 3 strikes. I too know many with libertarian leanings that see Noem the exact same way.

  2. So the little lady is going to just straight up attack the Attorney General in her press releases now?

    It’s funny how just someone pointing out her voting record on an issue that should be handled in the state level is somehow AG Jackley attacking her?

    This is going to be ugly when you have a kitty who pretends to show claws. Too bad that Washington insider was declawed years ago. You only have claws when you pass legislation that ACTUALLY helps your state, and doesn’t just have a title that sounds good.

    1. “Little lady”? “Kitty who pretends to show claws”? You’re killing it in the misogyny department today, douche bag.

      1. Marty might not even agree with Schoenbeck. Do we even know Marty’s position?

  3. About time she realizes the people of south Dakota are not as ignorant as she thinks we are, and realizes the Republican health ?care bill,is a disaster for us. About time the people (voters) wake up,and vote for people who,will,vote for what is best for South Dakotans!

  4. How is limiting penalties for insurance companies, a vote for taxpayers and patients?

    1. The penalties are against the defendant, not the insurance companies. The insurance companies aren’t the wrong-doers in a malpractice suit, so your statement is silly. Limiting the amount of sometimes overly-generous punitive damages reduces the amounts paid out by insurers, thereby reducing their losses, thereby enabling the reduction or slowing of the rise of premiums. Is that simple enough for you?

      1. Yeah, “Limiting PENALTIES for insurance companies”. Isn’t that clear enough for you?

  5. Does all of this mean that Senator Rounds needs to think about entering the 2018 Republican gubernatorial race?…. I mean as an alternative to Kirby and Barnett…. I mean Noem and Jackley…….?????

  6. Nothing is going to bring down medical costs without tort reform. The awards people get are ridiculous. A co-worker of mine informed me, quite seriously, that she was awarded $10K/month for loss of consortium because her husband couldn’t have sex. It was all I could do to maintain a straight face. Couldn’t she find somebody else to have sex with for less than $10K/month?

    The rest of us pay for that, you know, with higher medical costs. The insurance company should have bought her a dildo.

  7. This is an ill conceived attack by Noem.
    1. It attacks a position held by a supporter of Jackley and not by Jackley himself. I wasn’t aware that candidates are now responsible for every position held by every supporter.
    2. Repeating the phrase “trial lawyer” so many times begins to sound like juvenile name calling.
    3. It’s all based on one tweet from Schoenbeck that criticizes Noem. It’s like Justin Brasell saw that tweet, got annoyed by it, and then tried to come up with some way to tie it to Jackley so they could go on the offensive.

    Noem is basically trying to attack Jackley for being a lawyer instead of on the issues. To me that’s a sign of weakness.

  8. Is Noem not the front runner anymore? Why punch down?

    This race must be getting away from her. She definitely underestimated Jackley.

  9. First off why is Schoenbeck ripping Noem even if he disagrees. And secondly why is she responding to him as if he speaks for Marty Jackley? It’s kind of a stretch.

    If Hubbell says something crazy can Jackley associate Noem and Hubbell?

  10. How about we all just go to Kranzburg for the 4th of July and celebrate America. I don’t know this Brazil guy, or where he came from, but I’d even buy him a beer.

  11. Based upon Kristi’s utter lack of understanding of the legal and medical system, she just lost my vote. A vote, which two months ago, she had a stranglehold on.

    Wake up and smell the coffee. you are NOT protecting SD citizens. You are protecting insurance companies and medical lobbies. They are the ONLY people who will benefit from this. They WILL NOT lower costs, just line their pockets.

    I wonder if she has even read the bill?

  12. A lot of these comments sound like Lee Schoenbeck pretending to be different people.

  13. The narrative that Jackley has somehow caught Noem in the polls is a farce. Granted, it’s a good narrative for him being pushed by his campaign among the donor class, but there have been no mass communication efforts yet from either side – like sustained TV, radio or digital ad campaigns, that would change the dynamics of the race. Both are successfully raising money. It will be a fun one to watch.

  14. I think the Noem team saw this as a gift. Schoenbeck might not officially speak for Jackley, but he’s a loud supporter. He’s putting Jackley in a bad spot by working to create the impression that this was a bad vote for Noem. Without question, Noem is on the side of Trump and the vast majority of GOP primary voters on this issue. If Jackley agrees with Schoenbeck, then he’s on the wrong side of primary voters. If he disagrees with Schoenbeck, then he’s saying one of his loudest and proudest is dead wrong on the issue.

  15. There will be much more important things for our Congressional crew to do of the here and now after two weeks of mid to high 90’s the first two weeks of July burn up the remaining forage already in high drought mode in the Northern 2/3 of South Dakota.

    Please listen to us living out here and not to Washington bureaucrats. Thank you.

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