Noem Supports Life, Helps House Pass Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

Noem Supports Life, Helps House Pass Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Kristi Noem today joined the U.S. House of Representatives in passing H.R.36, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Cosponsored by Noem, the legislation bans abortion after 20 weeks – the point at which studies have shown an unborn baby can feel pain.

“A strong and growing body of medical research provides evidence that at 20 weeks, unborn babies can feel pain – and still, our federal laws allow for these babies to endure the pain of a life-ending abortion,” said Noem. “Every life – including an unborn baby’s life – has dignity and value, so while I believe we have a long way to go to protect the smallest among us, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act is a step in the right direction that I’m proud to support.”

Noem believes this legislation is a step in the process of protecting all unborn lives. She is also a cosponsor of H.R.490, the Heartbeat Protection Act, which would protect babies once a heartbeat is detected, and H.R.681, the Life at Conception Act, which she helped introduce and would define life as beginning at conception.


28 thoughts on “Noem Supports Life, Helps House Pass Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act”

  1. Kristi has a 100% pro-life voting record, both in the US Congress and previously when she served in the SD legislature. Statements to the contrary are false.

    Fred Deutsch
    South Dakota Right to Life

    1. But does Kristi pass the Volesky test of WWLD?

      I wonder what Kristi’s website SHOULD have to placate Volesky and Lora?

  2. It’s a little early for Lora’s supporter (as in the singular) to be getting this desperate.

  3. It has become very clear that Tara, just like Lora will try to create their own reality.

  4. It’s easy to vote against women’s rights and Obamacare when there’s no chance of passage. When the rubber meets the road, Repubs aren’t so brave.
    – Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said he would reintroduce a companion bill in the Senate, but the legislation is unlikely to advance in that chamber since Republicans do not have the 60 votes needed to overcome a procedural hurdle. (The Hill)

    1. So you look at this as a vote against women’s rights instead of a vote against murder in the womb?

  5. We need more than just pro-life. We need pro-family. We need fathers to step up and help support the family they help to create. They need to more then just give up some $$$, they need to be there, in person and be the dad. We need the mothers to stop acting like victims, and start being moms.

    You really want to lower the number of abortions, try abstinence. It works 100% that it is used.

    1. Or we could simply provide for widely accessable contraception. You’re not going to undo a few billion years of evolution that programed our genes to propagate or die by forcing contrived morality onto horny people.

    1. And pro choice (aka pro legalized abortion) was the brain child of Margaret Sanger, admittedly as a way to target the Black population. This is proven true. The above comment on the other hand is proof of stupidity.

    2. Pro-life is simply code for…we love babies! See how easy that is? Love trumps Hate, isn’t that what you are told to say? You just leave out our most precious and vulnerable, the unborn.

      It’s unhealthy and dangerous to dehumanize life to the point where it means nothing to you.

        1. No slave, in the US, had any civil rights until the13th Amendment was adopted.

          Dehumanization: unborn children are somehow less than fully and completely human.

          1. Women are the patients, not the foetuses. Rich women have full reproductive freedoms while those living at the margins can only dream that’s the case.

            1. Are you like 12yrs old? Time for you to do some history homework.

              Do you know where most Planned Parenthood facilities are located? Do some research…”rich women have full reproductive freedoms”, where do you come up with this stuff?

              Have you heard of Medicaid? Those living at the margins qualify to have tax payers pay for all their medical expenses. You know, like mummy and daddy do.

                1. But they can take responsibility in the first place, think of consequences, and say no. Then they don’t have to worry about taking that trip.

                  1. TRICARE pays for procedures in the cases of rape, incest and to preserve the health of the mother and Planned Parenthood performs most of those operations. How is the military wrong?

  6. Unborn aren’t the most precious. My wife and my kids are more precious to me than my kids were, before they were born. My wife was more precious than the fetus she was carrying and her personal choices were more precious, also.

  7. Pro-life, Pro-babies, Pro-choice, Pro-death, you are all missing the boat……Congresswoman Noem signed onto and helped pass a ‘resolution’. Non-binding, unconsequential, not likely to change anything, ‘resolution’. The sad thing is we take stuff like this as ‘Wow! Look at what she did!” when it really isn’t worth a tinker’s dam. One of the things that I always thought was interesting is just how many resolutions Representative Noem used to advance in Pierre…..Resolution honoring the friends and citizens of Castlewood during their town’s 125th anniversary….Resolution supportig a coordinated natural resource conservation plan…..Resolution requiring abortion facilities to offer sonograms to pregnant women under certain circumstances. It surely feels good to show us you are doing work….but the sonogram resolution didn’t do anything back in 2007, and your new resolution doesn’t do anything now. Respectfully, thanks for…….

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