The South Dakota Republican Convention is set to come out strong against Amendment V, by both word and deed as several actions took place yesterday against the anti-transparency measure which many view as Slick Rick Weiland’s final act of surrender after failing three times in his campaigns for office.
Last night in his speech at convention, Governor Daugaard has several disparaging words for this out of state sponsored ballot measure fronted by Weiland:
Gov. Dennis Daugaard, the emcee for Friday’s banquet, said this amendment seeks to create nonpartisan elections, and it’s an effort Republicans should oppose. If passed, Daugaard said, it will result in the following:
• The primary election will narrow down the number of candidates, regardless of party, and the top candidates will advance to the November election.
• The political parties will no longer nominate candidates for statewide constitutional offices like public utilities commissioner, auditor, treasurer and secretary of state.
• Candidates on the ballot will also not be identified by political party.
Daugaard said not identifying candidates by their political party is most bothersome, because it makes ballots less transparent and less informative for the voter.
Read it here in the Aberdeen American News.
The measure also received attention in the resolutions committee, where a resolution was melded together from a couple of the participants, including Bob Ellis and Tim Rave, opposing the measure. I even stood up and pointed out something that Lee Schoenbeck had mentioned to me – “how do we make elections better by being less transparent?” Because by barring party from the ballot, that’s what you are doing.
That resolution opposing Amendment V and other measures hits the floor today.
In another sign of growing opposition, Will Mortenson was at convention collecting names of people willing to author letters to the editor in opposition to Amendment V, specifically on behalf of a group that is officially organizing to oppose the measure.
So, as the resolution is presented today, and as indicated by the Governor last night, expect the GOP’s unified, and full throated opposition to the anti-transparency ballot measure.
(*bonus point for independents, libertarians, etc.- if this passes, do you realistically think there will be an independent or Libertarian on a November ballot ever again? Ever? With it going to the two top ballot winners for a June primary, I’m guessing the answer is No.)