Noem posts 1.2 million cash on hand in latest report.

kristi noem headshot May 21 2014Wasn’t there allegedly going to be an opponent for Congresswoman Kristi Noem? We’d all heard the rumors.

But as the days go by, and we hear crickets from the Dems, Kristi’s war chest for the next election just keeps getting better & better, dimming the possibility of any opponents remotely resembling anything credible.

Because today, Noem just posted that she raised over $295k this quarter – providing her with 1.2 million cash on hand.

That’s a heck of a hole to dig out of for any candidate. Much less one that hasn’t announced yet.

KSFY interviews Boz. Posits that her Community service at Pine Ridge seems a bit ….planned.

Well. KSFY interviews Annette Bosworth tonight. 

It’s an Annette Bosworth who seems a bit hesitant to take responsibility for her actions, using the same old talking points we know so well.

But it is funny that the reporter doesn’t seem to be buying it, and speculates that her community service seems a bit…. convenient.

But Bosworth meeting with Pine Ridge officials about working here before her trial began and then ending up here following her trial to serve community service makes it appear this was planned.

So I asked Bosworth point blank…was it planned? Did she see this an opportunity…with the backing of a Native American tribe… to keep her medical license if the state tried to take it following the trial? This is how she answered that question. “I can have no money. i can have no form of income. I can be here serving the poorest of people and they’ll say its an opportunity. I mean… ironic.”


But I asked her isn’t it possible she was prosecuted….simply because she broke the law? “I know it now. I know I have 12 felonies because a mistake was made….absolutely. I get it that. I’m the leader and I am the one holding the bag. But did I intentionally sign an oath that I knew was wrong? No.”

Read the opposite of Annette taking responsibility here.

Attorney General Explanation Released for Initiated Constitutional Amendment Regarding Legislative Redistricting

Attorney General Explanation Released for Initiated Constitutional Amendment Regarding Legislative Redistricting

Marty JackleyPIERRE –South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley announced today an Attorney General Explanation for a proposed Constitutional Amendment has been filed with the Secretary of State. This statement will appear on petitions that will be circulated by the sponsor of the proposed amendment. If the sponsor obtains a sufficient number of signatures on the petitions by November 9, 2015, as certified by the Secretary of State, the measure will be placed on the ballot for the November 2016 general election. This is a measure to change the Constitution, as opposed to changing state statutes (which requires 13,871) and the sponsor will need 27,741 signatures.

1. An initiated amendment to the South Dakota Constitution to provide for state legislative redistricting by a commission.

Under South Dakota law, the Attorney General is responsible for preparing explanations for proposed initiated measures, referred laws, and South Dakota Constitutional Amendments. Specifically, the explanation includes a title, an objective, clear and simple summary of the purpose and effect of the proposed measure and a description of the legal consequences.

To view the Attorney General Explanation for the measure, as well as the final form of the measure submitted to this office, please click on the link:

To date the Attorney General has released Attorney General Explanations for the following:

1. An initiated measure to set a maximum finance charge for certain licensed money lenders.

2. An initiated amendment to the South Dakota Constitution to allow referral of state and municipal laws affecting public peace, health, safety and the support of government and also to limit the ability to amend or repeal initiated laws.

3. An initiated measure to legalize marijuana for medical use.

4. An initiated measure to decriminalize the possession of one ounce or less of marijuana and
marijuana paraphernalia.

5. An initiated measure to criminalize the transfer of alcoholic beverages.

6. An initiated measure to criminalize the transfer of tobacco and tobacco paraphernalia.

Rounds Alarmed by Obama’s DoD Nominee’s Response to Nuclear Deal with Iran


Rounds Alarmed by Obama’s DoD Nominee’s Response to Nuclear Deal with Iran

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, today at a hearing questioned General Paul Selva, Pres. Obama’s nominee to be Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, regarding the Iran nuclear agreement announced early this morning. Just hours after the agreement was announced, Selva confirmed that Iran is still the leading sponsor of terror and that sanctions relief could be used by the Iranians to sponsor terrorism if they choose to do so.

Transcript of the Exchange:

Rounds: “You identified as one of those four existential threats, the country of Iran. In your view, is Iran still the leading state sponsor of terror?”

Selva: “Yes, sir, they are.”

Rounds: “With the proposed nuclear [agreement], which was announced this morning, if Iran is provided economic sanctions relief, do you believe Tehran would use some of these funds to enhance its nuclear capabilities and support for terrorist organizations?”

Selva: “Senator I haven’t yet had the opportunity to study the entire agreement, but on its face from what I’ve heard from the press, the immediate lifting of sanctions, or the sequential lifting of sanctions will give Iran the access to more economic assets with which to sponsor terrorism should they choose to do so. I think we need to be alert to that possibility…”

In response, Rounds issued the following statement:

“Now that an agreement has been reached, Congress will carefully consider the deal based on its merits,” said Rounds. “I’ve said all along that anything short of stopping the Iranians from ever obtaining a nuclear weapon is unacceptable. Based on what we know so far, it appears this deal not only fails to meet this essential goal, it emboldens the Iranians, who will receive $150 billion in sanctions relief, a phased out lifting of a UN arms embargo and be allowed to test more advanced centrifuges over 10 years. Today’s testimony from General Selva confirms that under this deal, Iran will have the ability to continue funding terrorism, thereby increasing terrorist activity throughout the world.”

Top Preliminary Areas of Concern regarding the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA):

As the world’s leading country of state-sponsored terrorism, if Iran receives the sanctions relief outlined in this agreement, Iran will be empowered to increase funding for terrorist organizations.

According to President Obama, under this agreement, all UN arms embargo provisions against Iran will be lifted permanently in five years, including the export of nuclear-and-missile-related goods as well as a ban against Iran participating in ballistic missile development in eight years. This will occur after the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) verifies Iran’s nuclear compliance with the agreement.

A robust inspection regime requires an anytime, anywhere policy. This deal falls short of that requirement. Instead, if the IAEA requests access to an undeclared location under the JCPOA agreement, Iran can delay access to the facility for two weeks or longer with the outlined multi-step process for undeclared locations. This timeframe may provide ample opportunity to conceal covert activity.

Under the preamble of the JCPOA agreement, the United States and other countries in the agreement recognize and legitimize Iran’s right to nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. This is extremely concerning given their untrustworthy track record and history of covert nuclear activity.

The JCPOA allows Iran to research and develop more advanced centrifuges, as well as retain the possession of all nuclear-related equipment. In short, the JCPOA may simply delay the inevitable: it places Iran as a threshold nuclear state.


Thune Statement on Conclusion of Iran Negotiations

Thune Statement on Conclusion of Iran Negotiations

“… I am gravely concerned that the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism will soon have access to billions of dollars … to finance its campaign for increased regional influence.”

WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) issued the following statement regarding the nuclear agreement with Iran announced today:

“Now that a deal has been struck, the onus is on President Obama to convince the American people that the contents of this deal are beneficial to the safety and security of our nation. I look forward to further reviewing details of the agreement, but I am deeply skeptical that it will stop Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, and I am gravely concerned that the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism will soon have access to billions of dollars and other resources to finance its campaign for increased regional influence.

“Over the past several weeks, there has been bipartisan concern that the administration was making too many concessions for the sake of getting a deal. Unfortunately, those concerns appear to be validated by the agreement announced today. It is extremely disconcerting that even before hearing input from Congress, the president has already stated he will veto any bill that threatens this agreement.”


Apparently the other four things are “We’re just making stuff up.”


In case you didn’t catch this hot item from a dark musty corner of the Internet:

5 Things You Didn’t Know About the Annette Bosworth Case

On July 1, 2015, former U.S. Senate Candidate was sentenced to 24 years in the state penitentiary to run concurrently, the harshest sentence ever leveled at a candidate.

Read it here.

28 years in the pen? Er, yeah. No wonder no one has ever heard of the Women’s Party.

(…..After that….. Must resist joke that would earn me an arm punch from my daughters….)

South Dakota Marks Fourth Consecutive FiscalYear End With Surplus

South Dakota Marks Fourth Consecutive Fiscal Year End With Surplus
PIERRE, S.D. – South Dakota state government closed the 2015 budget year on June 30 marking the fourth consecutive year with a surplus, Gov. Dennis Daugaard announced today. The state general fund budget for Fiscal Year 2015 ended with both higher revenues and lower expenditures than budgeted. 

Revenue growth for the completed 2015 fiscal year exceeded estimates adopted by the Legislature last March by $10 million, or 0.71 percent. In addition, state agencies also demonstrated fiscal restraint, spending $11.5 million less than appropriated, or 0.84 percent. In total, the state’s financial picture improved by $21.5 million from the March fiscal year 2015 estimates.

“When I took office, balancing the budget was my number one priority. Now, for four years in a row, we have maintained structural balance in our budget and we’ve done so without using one-time revenues or rainy day funds,” said Gov. Daugaard. “We had a strong finish to the fiscal year. Our ongoing revenues came in higher than projected and our expenses came in lower than budgeted. This leaves us in an enviable position as we begin the new fiscal year and increases our ability to continue responsible budget practices for Fiscal Year 2016.”

South Dakota’s sales and use tax receipts, the state’s largest revenue source, finished the fiscal year right at the projections, growing 0.03 percent over the revised projections and 1.6 percent over last year’s levels. Collections from the sales and use tax accounted for 61 percent of ongoing general fund receipts in FY2015.

Other notable revenue increases came from the contractor’s excise tax and insurance company tax, which grew 10.7 percent and 6.5 percent, respectively, over FY2014. Notable revenue reductions include the bank franchise tax, declining 20.4 percent , and ongoing unclaimed property at 11.5 percent, compared to the prior year. Ongoing receipts to the general fund totaled $1,381,384,943, which combined with nonrecurring receipts of $36,404,005 yields total general fund receipts of $1,417,788,948.  

State agencies again remained within their appropriated budgets in FY2015. Collectively, the three branches of state government spent $11,535,637 less than appropriated. The lion’s share of this – over $5.1 million – was seen in the Department of Social Services, where utilization growth in Medicaid has remained lower than estimates. Another $5 million of unspent appropriation was by the Department of Education, where reduced enrollments and increased tax assessments provided savings to general funds during the FY2015 fiscal year. 

South Dakota state government ended FY2015 by transferring $21.5 million to the Budget Reserve Fund, as required by law. The state’s Budget Reserve Fund now has a $126,737,303 balance, and the Property Tax Reduction Fund which has transitioned to the General Revenue Replacement Fund has a $44,000,048 balance. 

The combination of those two funds, totaling $170,737,351, represents a combined reserve of 12.3 percent of total general fund spending for FY2015.

For more information, go to the Bureau of Finance and Management’s homepage at


State Representative Tim Rounds suffers stroke

Sad news from the Capital Journal, apparently State Representative Tim Rounds has taken ill, suffering a stroke:

State Rep. Tim Rounds is hospitalized after suffering what was apparently a stroke, sources said Sunday.

“That’s what we have been praying about all weekend,” one legislator told the Capital Journal.

But the family and some legislative members of the Republican legislator, who is 55, have kept the news pretty low-key. More than one Pierre area party leader hadn’t heard yet Sunday about Rounds’ hospitalization.

Rounds is from a big family. One of his 10 siblings is his older brother, U.S. Sen. Mike Rounds, R-S.D.

Read it all here in the Capital Journal.

Scary stuff. I just saw Tim a few weeks ago in DC, where he was visiting at the same time I was. Please keep he and his family in your prayers.

Daugaard on Special Session proposal – most will want to wait.

Governor Daugaard was just noting on KCCR radio that he doesn’t think a special session is going to happen, simply because the Blue Ribbon task force is only part-way done:

South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard says while he respects the ability of state legislators to call themselves into a special session, he doubts it will happen.


Daugaard says he doesn’t think there is a consensus on any approach to education funding…

Daugaard says he thinks most legislators want to wait and see what the “Blue Ribbon Task Force on Education” comes up with…

Read (and listen) to it all here.