Todd Epp on tonight’s Boz call

From Todd Epp at KSOO News comes his take on the latest Bosworthian wrinkle:

I’m calling to ask you to pray for our dear sister, Dr. Annette Bosworth,” the robo-call begins. “Annette is a woman of God who has used her medical training and skills to aid people in need in South Dakota and around the world.”

Waldron, who worked on former U.S. Congresswoman Bachmann’s short-lived 2012 campaign for the Republican Presidential nomination, filed two ethics complaints against the Minnesotan. Previously in 2006, Waldron was arrested on terrorism charges in Uganda and spent over a month in prison until intervention by the Bush administration.

Read it here.

“No Compromise” group sending out Bosworth Robocall has a facebook page & Sioux Falls office. Sort of.

The group calling themselves “No Compromise” who is sponsoring tonight’s Pray for Annette Bosworth Robocall actually has a web presence on facebook they set up last Thursday on the 23rd, and a location in Sioux Falls.

Sort of a location, at least:


Aside from the royalty free stock image they downloaded from Getty Images, we have a picture of Peter Waldron, including open shirt, and enhanced hair color.

And if you want to visit the No Compromise group at the address claimed on the page in Sioux Falls (2601 S. Minnesota Ave Suite #105-265), it’s going to be a tight squeeze.

Yes, they’re likely open from 8-5. Because that’s the UPS Store, and that’s a mailbox address.  (I’m sure they’re intentionally starting out small.)

Is this Annette Bosworth silliness ever going to end?

Pro-Bosworth Robocall hitting phones tonight asking for prayers. (But not justice) UPDATE – Now, with recording of call

Annette BosworthI just received a Pro-Annette Bosworth robocall from someone claiming to be Peter Waldron  (a shamelessly self-promoting political organizer) who went on for about 2-3 minutes claiming that we all need to pray for Annette, so her patients won’t be without a doctor. It spoke about how she’s in the situation she is because she allegedly relied on “bad information from her attorney.”

It also blathered on about the unjust prosecution from the Attorney General, praying for her husband and kids, her attorneys, etc.

I don’t know that I’ve ever had a robocall before with regards to a trial taking place 200 miles away asking for my prayers and seeking to sway public opinion. Just another weird and eminently stupid episode in the pre-trial media campaign surrounding Annette Bosworth’s prosecution.

Upon reflection after the call, I have to say that I didn’t notice them asking for things like justice or the rule of law. (Because Dr. Boz might be in big trouble if that happens!)

Update – A reader reports after his Boz robocall…..

I just received a poor me, robo call, saying donate money and pray and pray and pray for ol Bos.

It says she is the only person in the United States to be charged with phony signatures on a petition and how could they be phony, if they were actually person who really supported her. It took me 20 minutes to quit crying for poor ol Bos.

Anyone interested in a GoPro Hero 3+ silver edition?

bdb730578ef8f688431e990a60f936efOn a personal note, is anyone interested in a GoPro Hero 3+ silver edition, that I’ve used probably twice in the last 8-12 months I’ve had it?

It’s pretty nifty and all, but it’s just ended up being one of those things that haven’t left my camera bag.  I’ve got everything with it, including a couple extra mounts, like the suction cup one.

If so, e-mail me privately. We can talk.

Press Release: Rounds, Thune Call on USDA to Provide Immediate Assistance in Fight Against Avian Flu Virus

Rounds, Thune Call on USDA to Provide Immediate Assistance in Fight Against Avian Flu Virus 

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sens. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) and John Thune (R-S.D.) today sent a letter to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Thomas Vilsack, requesting assistance to contain the deadly H5N2 bird flu virus affecting poultry farms in South Dakota.

“While not harmful to humans, the bird flu virus has the potential to devastate the entire U.S. poultry industry,” said Rounds. “Already, more than 300,000 South Dakota turkeys have been destroyed. Agriculture is our number one economy in South Dakota, and our poultry farmers rely on exports to foreign markets. It’s important to combat the virus and keep foreign and domestic markets open to poultry products from South Dakota. I urge USDA to utilize its resources to contain this devastating virus.”

“The avian influenza virus could significantly damage the growers and processors of South Dakota’s 4.3 million turkeys as well as other poultry producers and egg-laying facilities. USDA needs to keep continued vigilance focused on containing the virus as well as assuring our trading partners that U.S. poultry products continue to be safe for human consumption,” said Thune.

Full text of the letter follows:

April 28, 2015


The Honorable Thomas J. Vilsack
U.S. Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Ave, SW
Washington, DC 20250

Dear Secretary Vilsack,

As you are aware, six confirmed cases of the H5N2 bird flu have been found on South Dakota farms and as a result, more than 300,000 turkeys in the state have been destroyed. H5N2 poses no risk to humans or to public health, but due to the potential devastating effects the H5N2 could have on the entire U.S. poultry industry we strongly urge the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to allocate all available personnel and resources to contain this deadly virus and to provide all assistance available to impacted states’ poultry industries.

Also, it is imperative that foreign export markets continue to be kept open, especially for turkey products. We strongly urge you to make certain that these markets remain open and that you redouble your efforts to ensure an uninterrupted flow of U.S. poultry products to foreign markets continues.

Agriculture is South Dakota’s number one industry and vital to South Dakota’s economy providing a $21.4 billion economic impact each year, directly or indirectly employing 122,000 South Dakotans, and generating 20 percent of the state’s economic activity.  South Dakota agriculture depends heavily on exports and the loss or reduction of foreign turkey product exports would be highly detrimental to that industry in our state.

As the USDA continues to take steps to contain this virus, please provide our offices with regular updates on the status of the outbreak and your efforts to contain and eradicate it.



Thune Re-introduces Bill to Eliminate Unfair Government Competition with Private Sector Businesses

Thune Re-introduces Bill to Eliminate Unfair Government Competition with Private Sector Businesses

John_Thune,_official_portrait,_111th_CongressWASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today re-introduced legislation that would require federal agencies to rely on the private sector when providing goods and services that are readily available. Thune’s legislation, the Freedom from Government Competition Act, would ensure private enterprises performing activities duplicated by the government have the opportunity to compete for work that federal agencies unnecessarily handle in-house.

Thune’s legislation would codify the “Yellow Pages” test, which says that if the federal government is doing something that can be found in the Yellow Pages, the product or service should be subject to market competition to ensure better value for the taxpayer.

“Finding ways to stimulate job growth on Main Street while reducing federal spending and the size and scope of government remains a top priority for me,” said Thune. “We shouldn’t pit the resources of our federal government against privately owned businesses, and my bill is a step in the right direction. Private businesses, many of them small businesses, are the real job creators in America, yet the federal government has barred market access for these services. My bill gives private businesses in South Dakota and elsewhere equal footing to compete for government business while keeping jobs and revenue in local communities.”

Thune’s legislation does not mandate the privatization of any specific federal service and would protect those activities which are inherently governmental, such as certain national defense and homeland security functions, prosecutions, foreign policy and activities to bind the United States to take or not to take some action by contract, policy, regulation, authorization, or order.

Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) is a cosponsor of Thune’s bill. Rep. John J. “Jimmy” Duncan (R-Tenn.) is sponsoring the companion bill in the U.S. House of Representatives.


Rapid City Council Race controversy; Candidate’s past protection orders coming out, blames opponent.

Running a political blog, there are a lot of times you get “things” sent to you that make for interesting reading regarding political candidates. Sometimes, you have to put them in the category of BS. Other times, they’re a little tougher to explain away.

Today, I received one of those that’s a little tough to explain away.

I’m reading a South Dakota Clerk of Courts history report sent to me regarding Rapid City Council candidate Dallas DeCory, Sr.  DeCory’s campaign has been pretty silent since the Second of April, when the Rapid City Journal had a write up in the newspaper about his entrance into the Ward 4 race:

In Ward 4, Dallas DeCory Sr. will face incumbent Alderman John Roberts in the June 2 municipal election. In Ward 5, Cassi Andrews has challenged incumbent Alderman Brad Estes.

DeCory, 39, an enrolled member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe, said in a press release that he would strive to improve race and human relations if elected to represent Ward 4 residents in north-central Rapid City.


DeCory owns and operates a local roofing company, having worked in the industry for more than 16 years. He said his roofing experience has reinforced his understanding of hard work and personal drive and has sharpened the ethics he will use to produce community unity.

Read that here.

Apparently over the past 16 years, in-between “sharpening the ethics,”  there were some other things that came up that are a little tougher to talk about in a campaign setting.

Bad Candidate

On this report, I’m reading requests for three protection orders for Domestic Abuse (see asterisks **)  – one in 2006, one in 2007, and one in 2009, each from different women, with him filing one against the person who filed it against him in one instance. In case you’re wondering, in those instances, I’ve redacted the names of those involved who aren’t running for anything, although everything noted is public record.  Plus, there was also a protection order filed for stalking, which was later dismissed, as well as a charge of Simple Assault (Domestic violence) which also seems to have been dismissed.

Apparently, this information has been floating out there for a day, as the candidate has already posted a fiery response on his facebook page:


Interestingly, he blames his opponent, who has no connection to the person who had sent the information to me. And, while he notes “protection orders that I filed against my ex girlfriends and some counter protection orders that were filed against me,”  I’m reading it three against him to one from him against a girlfriend.

Is this information that the voters should be forearmed with prior to making their decision?  How do you think this is going to affect the race?