Lora Hubbel thinks the DOH is going to repossess your car, and possibly eat your babies.

Lora Hubbel is mass spamming e-mail boxes this morning, using a list that many think she appropriated from the Minnehaha County Republicans.

I may have been musing about the “eat your babies” part in the post title, but her new rant today regards House Bill 1058, which seems to be a simple bill to clean up language, and make it applicable to diseases that aren’t specifically codified into law, so they wouldn’t have to have a special session if someone brought Ebola to the state.

Predictably, Lora takes that premise and says that if you have a fungus, she thinks THE STATE could seize your vehicle and luggage:

My take on HB 1058 (see link…you may want to print it out and follow along) http://legis.sd.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?File=HB1058P.htm&Session=2015&cookieCheck=true has been written by the Executive branch (that in and of itself is a violation of our SD Constitution…even though we have allowed this for a long time). HB 1058 takes our current state law on managing Tuberculosis (SDCL 34-22) and guts it…replacing all the intensive state laws that used to be reserved for TB (SDCL 34-22-7), a single bacterium, and now applies state control over “contagious/communicable” diseases (both terms mean the same medically) This bill’s definition of contagious/communicable is very broad and could be construed to include the common cold and thousands of viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, toxins, etc.

I find it interesting that right after President Obama makes an Executive Order to further implement ObamaCare making respiratory diseases subject to government control, isolation and quarantine…* The SD Dept of Health does even worse in this HB 1058.

Obviously if the state wanted to keep us safe from Ebola (as they are lobbying) they can just refer to Category I reportable diseases (Ebola’s generic name is Viral Hemorrhagic Fever…see http://doh.sd.gov/documents/diseases/infectious/RptDiseaseList.pdf )

What could happen if you have a contagious/communicable head cold? South Dakota wants to be able to:

1) Seize your vehicle and luggage, etc. They use the word “conveyance” which means “vehicle” when used as a noun, or “to transport” when used as a verb (Section 2).

2) Slap a Class II misdemeanor on you if you possibly have a cold and expose yourself to others in a public place (Section 4).

3) Control sick people by monitoring, quarantine and isolation (Section 7-5)

4) Demand that you be supervised to take the prescribed medical treatment and procedures for prevention (vaccines?) (Section 7-8)

5) Surrender to prescribed screening for state testing of communicable diseases (Section 8)

6) AND the personnel gathering your blood and administering treatments/vaccines do NOT need to be licensed (Section 9)

7) The STATE has authority to consult with doctors and others in diagnosing your cold or suspected cold (contagious disease)

8) The STATE wants the authority to enforce eradication of communicable diseases (they seriously wrote this!) which is a “cold” by this definition… through isolation, prevention (vaccine?) and treatment. (Section 12)

9) All confirmed cases of communicable diseases shall be under the surveillance of the department, which will diagnosis, control, and declare treatment of communicable diseases. (Section 14)

10) All category I reportable diseases (this is the first place the new bill mentions category I diseases and Ebola is already on this list under its generic name “Viral Hemorrhagic Fever” see link above) And a person suspected of having a communicable disease (possibly a cold) proclaimed by the department SHALL ACCEPT DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OR IS GUILTY OF A CLASS 1 MISDEMEANOR. (Section 15)

11) You may hire your own doctor BUT ALL SUSPECTED AND CONFIRMED COMMUNICABLE DISEASE shall be under surveillance of the department (section 16)

Jeez. My head hurts from all the crazy.

Yep. Congresswoman Noem is definitely from South Dakota

From the Hill:

When we inquired about any potential future in the broadcast booth, Noem replied, “Who knows! I get pretty animated in games like the Seahawks-Packers matchup because as a [Minnesota] Vikings fan, I have seen my fair share of tragic mistakes leading to a loss.”

Read it here.

I think the statement about the Vikings says it all.  You can easily identify South Dakotans because we all watch the Vikings blow it, again and again.

Ugh, I didn’t think it started this early..

My High School aged daughter was telling me about her day yesterday, and brought up the fact that in her government class her teacher was spouting off about how the kids shouldn’t watch “biased” news programs and singled out Fox News in particular.

No mention of MSNBC, or the dozens of liberal news outlets who bring a lefty spin, but apparently Fox is bad.

I’m surprised I made it through 3 kids without one of them getting stuck with a teacher who tries to ram that kind of naked bias down their throats.

Did anyone tell Rick the campaign ended a few months back?

In the last day or so, the Mitchell Newspaper had a column from losing Senate Candidate Rick Weiland, that seems a little too much like he’s still in campaign mode:

In fact, I cannot think of one reason to build this pipeline other than to placate big oil and its big money. I can think of lots of reasons not to.

Did you know, TransCanada, a foreign oil corporation, can take South Dakota farm and ranch land without landowner permission through eminent domain?

Did you know that Keystone One, built in 2010, leaks on a regular basis — some big leaks, too — and that Keystone XL is going to be built over the Ogallala Aquifer, a vital source of water for our region?

And did you know, that the energy it takes to extract the tar sand oil, liquefying it for transport, refining and shipping it overseas for sale, will dump 100 million tons of additional carbon into the atmosphere?

When the threat of climate change has 99 percent of the scientists in the world seriously worried about the future of the planet and the human race, this greed is inexcusable and needs to be exposed and rejected. We should be transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy, not doubling down on Keystone.

Read it here.

“Big Oil, Big Lie.”  Did anyone point out to Rick that no one bought this same tired rhetoric in the campaign, so he suffered a “Big Loss?”  South Dakotans didn’t buy it then, and they still aren’t interested in smoking what he’s offering.

Ohio’s John Kaisch in Pierre yesterday preaching the gospel of the balanced budget.

From the Pierre Capitol Journal, Governor Daugaard and Republican legislators visited with John Kaisch over the need for a balanced budget amendment at the federal level:

But he did praise state Republican leaders who dominate this state like the party dominates no other after November’s election.

“It’s fantastic what you are doing here with 3 percent unemployment. That’s great,” he said. “Don’t blow it.”

He talked about himself easily, and how the Republicans blew the surplus he helped win 20 years ago in Congress.

He preached a brand of compassionate conservatism, saying he won’t ignore the needy but that “if you don’t cut taxes and don’t grow the economy, nothing else gets done. “

“I’m not in this to get anywhere,” he said.

Rather he’s touring six Western states this week to whip up more support for holding a constitutional convention to add an amendment requiring Congress to balance the federal budget, he said. It’s the only way Congress ever will find the discipline to stop deficit spending, he said, pointing out that South Dakota, like Ohio and many states, has similar state laws for legislatures.

“I’m in this to get something done.”

Read it here.

Release: AFP South Dakota Responds to the State of the Union Address

AFP South Dakota Responds to the State of the Union Address
President’s “Robin Hood Plan” An Unserious Fairy Tale

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – Americans for Prosperity South Dakota Director Ben Lee issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s State of the Union address:

“In tonight’s speech, the President made it clear he isn’t serious about addressing the biggest problems our nation is facing. The President’s tax-the-rich “Robin Hood” plan ignores a clear mandate from voters that rejected Obama’s big-government fairy tale in favor of real reforms that create jobs and opportunity for everyone.

His plan would raise taxes on job creators and hurt economic growth. If the economy is recovering as the President says it is, then why is the country’s workforce the smallest it’s been in 37 years? The President’s proposals are more of the same tax-and-spend policies that, over the last 6 years, have failed to create wealth and opportunity for everyday Americans.

AFP South Dakota will be focusing on real efforts to create prosperity for all Americans which includes restoring the 40 hour work week, ending the gas tax, approving the Keystone Pipeline, preventing Medicaid expansion and cutting government spending.”
