Gov. Noem Announces Cornerstones of Government Accountability

Gov. Noem Announces Cornerstones of Government Accountability

PIERRE, S.D. – Today, Governor Kristi Noem announced four cornerstones to enhance government accountability in the State of South Dakota. As the first step, Governor Noem signed Executive Order 2024-07, which establishes required state employee trainings centered around public trust, duty to act, internal controls, conflict of interest, and a service mindset for the citizens of South Dakota. 

“Every dollar that we spend or invest as a state belongs to the people of South Dakota, and they trust us to be wise and responsible with those dollars,” said Governor Kristi Noem. “We are taking enhanced measures to strengthen the fortitude of our financial infrastructure and make sure that we are taking care of taxpayer dollars. And we will guarantee that state employees are responsible stewards for the people that they serve.”

The four cornerstones of Governor Noem’s approach to fiscal fortitude include:

  • Additional annual state employee trainings as outlined in Executive Order 2024-07;
  • Enhancements to policies, procedures, systems, and technology to strengthen internal controls of taxpayer dollars;
  • Increasing resources to assist with the mission of the State Board of Internal Control – Governor Noem has already taken action and hired one additional Internal Control Officer; and
  • A legislative package for the 2025 legislative session, including clearer and stronger accountability measures.

Several actions have already been made as state agencies are onboarded through the Board of Internal Control process. We have more to do. The upcoming implementation of the new BISON state accounting system and the 605 Drive motor vehicle system will provide more safeguards to protect taxpayer dollars that simply were not possible with the state’s aging technology systems.

The State Board of Internal Control was created in 2016 with the goal of establishing and maintaining guidelines for an effective system of accountability to be implemented by state agencies, a code of conduct for use by state agencies, and a conflict of interest policy for use by state agencies. SDCL 1-56-1(3) defines an internal control as “a process that integrates the… procedures, systems, resources, and efforts of an organization and that is designed to… detect and prevent financial malfeasance.”


2025 House Committees announced

In case you were wondering how the legislature is going to look next year, the Legislative Research Council announced the House Committee makeup a few moments ago:

Legislative Committees (** denotes Chair, * denotes Vice Chair):

Agriculture and Natural Resources: Marty Overweg**, Spencer Gosch *, Julie Auch, Tim Goodwin, Jana Hunt, Travis Ismay, Trish Ladner, Kaley Nolz, Drew Peterson, Kathy Rice, Richard Vasgaard, Kevin Van Diepen, Kadyn Wittman

Appropriations: Mike Derby**, Tony Venhuizen*, Terri Jorgenson, Chris Kassin, Liz May, Scott Moore, Erik Muckey, Al Novstrup, John Sjaarda

Commerce and Energy: Karla Lems**, Jessica Bahmuller*, Aaron Aylward, Steve Duffy, Lana Greenfield, Tony Kayser, Tina Mulally, Kaley Nolz, Drew Peterson, Tesa Schwans, William Shorma, Nicole Uhre-Balk, Mike Weisgram

Education: Lana Greenfield**, Phil Jensen*, Amber Arlint, Heather Baxter, Roger DeGroot, Josephine Garcia, Jim Halverson, Mellissa Heermann, Travis Ismay, Dylan Jordan, Logan Manhart, Kathy Rice, Tesa Schwans, Mike Stevens, Nicole Uhre-Balk

Government Operations and Audit: Marty Overweg**, Scott Moore*, Julie Auch, Eric Emery, Karla Lems

Health and Human Services: Brian Mulder**, Les Heinemann*, Bobbi Andera, Heather Baxter, Eric Emery, Josephine Garcia, Jim Halverson, Dylan Jordan, Tony Kayser, Logan Manhart, Rebecca Reimer, Taylor Rehfeldt, Brandei Schaefbauer

Judiciary: Mike Stevens**, Bethany Soye*, Mary Fitzgerald, John Hughes, Jana Hunt, David Kull, Curt Massie, Will Mortenson, Peri Pourier, Rebecca Reimer, Tim Reisch, Matt Roby, Tim Walburg

Legislative Procedure: Jon Hansen**, Karla Lems*, Erin Healy, Tina Mulally, Scott Odenbach, Marty Overweg, Tony Venhuizen

Local Government: Greg Jamison**, Julie Auch*, Bobbi Andera, Jeff Bathke, Roger DeGroot, Mary Fitzgerald, Mellissa Heermann, David Kull, Trish Ladner, Tina Mulally, Matt Roby, Kevin Van Diepen, Kadyn Wittman

Military and Veterans Affairs: Tim Goodwin**, Tim Reisch*, Aaron Aylward, Jessica Bahmuller, Heather Baxter, Terri Jorgenson, Tony Kayser, Scott Moore, Peri Pourier, Christopher Reder, Tony Randolph, William Shorma, Keri Weems

Retirement Laws: Mike Weisgram**, Les Heinemann*, Amber Arlint, David Kull, Erik Muckey

State Affairs: Scott Odenbach**, Marty Overweg*, Jessica Bahmuller, Eric Emery, Spencer Gosch, Jon Hansen, Erin Healy, Les Heinemann, Greg Jamison, Karla Lems, Tim Reisch, Brandei Schaefbauer, Bethany Soye

Taxation: Aaron Aylward**, John Hughes*, Jeff Bathke, Curt Massie, Will Mortenson, Herman Otten, Peri Pourier, Christopher Reder, Kent Roe, Tony Randolph, Tim Walburg, Keri Weems, Mike Weisgram

Transportation: Tony Randolph**, Herman Otten*, Amber Arlint, Steve Duffy, Tim Goodwin, Phil Jensen, Brian Mulder, Christopher Reder, Taylor Rehfeldt, Kent Roe, William Shorma, Richard Vasgaard, Keri Weems

Interim Committees (** denotes Chair or co-Chair):

Joint Appropriations: Mike Derby**(co-Chair), Terri Jorgenson, Chris Kassin, Liz May, Scott Moore, Erik Muckey, Al Novstrup, John Sjaarda, Tony Venhuizen

Rules Review: Roger DeGroot, Jon Hansen, Erik Muckey

State-Tribal Relations: Will Mortenson**(co-Chair), Heather Baxter, Eric Emery, Scott Odenbach, Peri Pourier


GOP chair forum notes indicate if elected, Lee Qualm intends to weaponize party against vaccinations

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I hadn’t had this reported to me from the confederate county Republican GOP chair forum the other night. But in notes that were sent out last night there was a completely wild informational item that should give Republicans pause.

In the notes sent out, GOP chair hopeful Lee Qualm (whom at least a couple of his siblings don’t trust so much), apparently had indicated that he wants to take the South Dakota Republican Party down the same path which caused him to lose his 2020 election for State Senate in a 2/1  landslide.

What path am I talking about? His anti-vaxxer crusade.

Candidate 1 – Lee Qualm
Introduced himself and noted he would be calling everyone.


    • Educate State GOP and take a stand for/against vaccines – each measure should be studied and decisions based on Constitution and Platform. Provide information and use resources similar as to what has been done on RM 21 – petitions, radio ads, etc.

What… The..  _…?  Is this what the South Dakota Republican Party has been reduced to, just being considered a tool for crackpots and zealots to promote their pet issues?

One of the reasons Qualm lost his 2020 State Senate race was because he drowned himself in crazy anti-vaccination kool aid, and was the prime sponsor on Anti-vaxxer legislation House Bill 1235, that would not just have ended mandatory vaccination for school attendance, but made it a class one misdemeanor – that’s up to one year in jail – to require vaccinations such as for whooping cough, measles and polio for employees of nursing homes & state medical students.

Yet, according to the notes from the forum the other night, he allegedly wants to take over the Republican Party, send people out with petitions, and use the GOP to place radio ads for his pet anti-vaxxer cause.

Call me foolish, but I always thought the Republican Party exists to elect Republicans and not serve as somebody’s pet advocacy group! Maybe I’m shouting into the wind at this point, but you have to hope for people’s better judgement to NOT select this kind of agenda for the state’s largest political party.

If not? Then I will at least have a lot to write about over the next two years.

Did Rep. Aylward tell legislators they were signing an anti-Israel letter?

In my earlier post, my initial take away from the Dakota Scout article today was the silliness of State Representative Aaron Aylward telling reporters that he did not ask all of legislators whether they wanted to sign his letter because he was afraid of leaks.

But as was pointed out to me earlier this afternoon, his purpose for the letter was maybe a bit more dubious, leading me to question whether or not legislators were told they were signing on to protest money being spent by the United States to fight terrorists in Israel?

First, the letter as written:

Somewhat broad. But when we go back to the story, Aylward provides his motivation – the raison d’être – behind the letter originating from the former libertarian party chairman:

Rep. Aaron Aylward, who spearheaded the letter-writing campaign, told The Dakota Scout the group felt an urgency to send the correspondence due to escalating geopolitical tensions around the globe — particularly wars involving Ukraine and Russia and Israel and Hamas.


Israel has received about $18 billion since October 7, 2023.

Read that here.

The letter that was signed said nothing about Israel, but clearly, in Aylward’s comments to the reporter, his objection to aid for Israel against terrorist Hamas was a major drive behind his reasoning for it.

Really, did letter-signing Legislators such as Fred Deutsch, who has been a staunch supporter of Israel, suddenly feel an urgency to oppose aid to the country now?  Did Aylward actually tell legislators that he was hoodwinking them into telling our Congressional Delegation to stop supporting Israel, and to side with Bernie Sanders and Hamas?

I seriously doubt it.

Senators Thune & Rounds and Congressman Johnson, please – let’s keep the fight against terrorism overseas, and continue supporting a solid ally of America in the Middle-East.

If you’re not in the club, you might be a leaker!

Certain House and Senate legislators are being carved up and divided along not party lines, but on whether they’re in the right legislative clique. Because if they aren’t – when it comes to communicating with state leaders – they might be a dirty leaker!

Rep. Aaron Aylward, who spearheaded the letter-writing campaign, told The Dakota Scout the group felt an urgency to send the correspondence due to escalating geopolitical tensions around the globe — particularly wars involving Ukraine and Russia and Israel and Hamas.


Aylward told The Scout only 55 lawmakers were asked to sign onto the letters due to fears of “leaks.”

Read that here.

A letter to our US Senator on policy which is apparently too secret to talk to all legislators about? ‘Due to fear of leaks?”

We live in interesting times. And paranoid times.

US Senator John Thune’s Weekly Column: Support South Dakota’s Small Businesses

Support South Dakota’s Small Businesses
By Sen. John Thune

Soon after the snow starts in South Dakota, Thanksgiving ushers in the holiday season. I love this time of year: gathering around the Thanksgiving feast with my family, throwing the football around outside, and giving thanks to God for our many blessings.

Of course, the holiday season also means a long to-do list: picking up groceries, finding the perfect gift, and getting gas for the trip to see family. Whatever it is you need and wherever the holidays take you, South Dakota’s small businesses will have you covered.

For a number of years now, the Saturday after Thanksgiving has marked Small Business Saturday. It’s a special opportunity to support the roughly 95,000 small businesses that are the backbone of our state’s and many communities’ economies. Shopping small has a big impact. Small businesses are often a lot more than a storefront on Main Street, they are a big a part of our communities. Dollars spent at a small business stay local, and small businesses often turn around and support their communities through booster clubs, Chambers of Commerce, or even offering a young person his or her first job.

I also have a great appreciation for the important role small businesses play in helping people achieve the American Dream. After immigrating from Norway and helping build the railroad across South Dakota, my grandfather and his brother opened a hardware store in Mitchell. My grandfather opened another location in Murdo, and my parents worked there after World War II. I also got my start working at a small business: the Star Family Restaurant. I worked my way up from busboy to cook, and it taught me invaluable lessons about hard work and what it takes to run a small business.

As I’m traveling around South Dakota, it’s always a pleasure to drop in to small businesses wherever I am. It’s great to have a chance to hear directly from business owners and see what their operation is all about. Just recently I stopped into the Daily Grind in Lemmon for a cup of coffee, and got some treats for my grandkids at Grandma’s Chocolates. I was at the Meathouse in Andover, and popped into Mike’s Food Center down the road in Webster. And I grabbed lunch at Toby’s Lounge in Meckling on my way to tour Masaba’s manufacturing facility in Vermillion.

These visits give me valuable insight when I return to Washington. Small business owners need pro-growth policies that help them reinvest in their businesses, hire more workers, and grow. Next year, Congress will have an important debate about tax policy as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act expires at the end of 2025. President Trump and Republican majorities in Congress are committed to preserving lower tax rates and policies that ushered in a strong economy and grew paychecks during the first Trump administration. As always, I’ll rely on the input from South Dakota small businesses for this important debate.

Small businesses are at the heart of the American spirit. Whether they’re working out of a storefront on Main Street or working late nights at their kitchen table to get a business off the ground, small business owners are preserving the American Dream. I hope you’ll join me in supporting South Dakota’s small businesses this Small Business Saturday, throughout the holiday season, and all year round.


Congressman Dusty Johnson’s Weekly Column: Making Washington Work for You

Making Washington Work for You
By Rep. Dusty Johnson
November 21, 2024

 BIG Update

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Director testified in the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee this week to address concerns about the Agency’s response to disasters. It was recently reported that employees were directed to skip homes that displayed Trump signs or flags.

I joined Fox Business to discuss the hearing. You can watch my conversation by clicking here or the image below.

BIG Idea

Our veterans served to keep America the way the Founders intended—free. In return for their service, they deserve the best support and care we can provide. I’ve heard from veterans and veterans’ groups in the past that the current system isn’t doing enough to meet their needs. To address these concerns and remedy deficiencies in the VA, I voted to pass the Senator Elizabeth Dole 21st Century Veterans Healthcare and Benefits Improvement Act which covers a broad range of veterans’ health care and benefits policies.

To name a few, the bill would streamline the Veterans Community Care Program, including the patient scheduling system, dental treatment availability, and outreach to veterans. It also provides much-needed support for caregivers, increases assistance for nursing home alternatives and establishes a program to provide in-home care services. The bill also provides resources and support to Native American veterans and homeless veterans.

The Elizabeth Dole Act is a huge win for veterans to provide overdue updates to make sure our veterans don’t get the short end of the stick during and after their service.

BIG News

Earlier this year, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) announced it would be restructuring post offices across the country, including two in South Dakota. Following opposition to these changes from Congress and citizens, the USPS put the plan on pause to reevaluate their decision. This week, the USPS announced it will not be changing the services at the Sioux Falls post office. This is great news for those in Sioux Falls who won’t experience drastically higher processing times for local mail. I’m glad the USPS is changing its course.


Governor’s Weekly Column – Apprenticeships in Action: Celebrating Opportunity By DLR Cabinet Sec. Marcia Hultman  

Apprenticeships in Action: Celebrating Opportunity
By: Sec. Marcia Hultman  
November 22, 2024  

This year, 2024, marks 10 years of raising awareness and celebrating “National Apprenticeship Week.” Apprenticeships are an effective approach for South Dakotans to gain on-the-job training plus classroom instruction to earn a nationally recognized credential while continuing to earn a living for their family. In the last two years, we have taken apprenticeships to a whole new level in our state.

A year and a half ago, Governor Kristi Noem invested just under $8 million to increase the number of apprenticeship opportunities available in South Dakota. Since this investment, South Dakota has significantly increased the number of programs available, growing from 102 programs to 145. Nearly 300 South Dakota businesses have inquired about starting a registered apprenticeship program. And 50 new programs are in development. I’m so proud of my team who has put in the hard work to make this happen.

I want to give an example of one profession that has especially benefited from apprenticeships and is near and dear to my heart: teaching. Just like my grandmother and mother before me, I was trained to be a teacher. However, the options to get there look quite different today. 

In many recent years, teachers have been hard-to-fill positions with some of the highest number of job openings in South Dakota. To address this need, the Department of Labor and Regulation (DLR) worked with the Department of Education and our post-secondary education partners to launch a Teacher Apprenticeship Pathway.

The Teacher Apprenticeship Pathway keeps costs low for current paraeducators as they continue to gain work-based learning experience combined with technical instruction to become licensed teachers. The program allows individuals to earn and learn while staying in their home community. All coursework is offered virtually at convenient times, so participants can continue to work while enrolled. School districts provide a local mentor to support the apprentices throughout the process. Northern State University and Dakota State University offer the necessary coursework over a two-year period to earn a bachelor’s degree in education, as well as a teaching certificate. 

This pathway has already achieved great results. 88 participants joined the program in the first year. More than 90% of these teacher apprentices are sticking with the program, and 100% say they are very likely or somewhat likely to stay in South Dakota throughout their education career. That will make a real difference in our teacher workforce well into the future. And thanks to support from the legislature, this effort is expanding as a second cohort of teacher apprentices began this fall. 

Our first graduate of the Teacher Apprenticeship Pathway, Kandy Flowers, is now teaching in Wessington Springs. When she graduated, Kandy thanked everyone involved in the program and shared how she is now able to continue working with the students she has been assisting – but with the addition of her teaching certification. Kandy shared her hopes for the continued success of the Teacher Apprenticeship Pathway because “it works.”

This is but one example of the ways apprenticeships are launching careers and changing lives in South Dakota. It’s simple; apprenticeships work. And DLR is here to continue advancing apprenticeship opportunities in South Dakota for years to come. We thank Governor Noem for her support of these efforts. I can’t wait to see how opportunities continue to grow and evolve for the people of South Dakota.

Marcia Hultman is Cabinet Secretary of the South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation.


Welcome US Term Limits to advertiser’s row

South Dakota’s branch of the US Term Limits organization is joining us on advertiser’s row as chaired in the state by the always awesome State Senator Erin Tobin.  For those of you who aren’t familiar with her group, US Term Limits encourages people to contact their legislator and encourage they pass a resolution applying for an Article V convention for the sole purpose of enacting term limits on Congress.

Please click and support Erin and her group, as well as our other advertisers including Summit Carbon Solutions as they seek to keep our ethanol markets competitive worldwide, Governor Kristi NoemUS Senator John ThuneDusty Johnson for US Congress, and Senator Mike Rounds.

And don’t forget if you have questions on ad prices, ad positions, and ad commitments, you can direct those to me by clicking here.  (Advertising is available on a first-come first-served basis, and discounts are provided for extended commitments.)

Attorney General Jackley Praises Selection of Pam Bondi as AG Nominee

Attorney General Jackley Praises Selection of Pam Bondi as AG Nominee

PIERRE, S.D. – South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley praises President-elect Trump’s selection of Pam Bondi as his Nominee for Attorney General.

“I served with, and was impressed, with Pam as Florida’s Attorney General,” said Attorney General Jackley. “She is an experienced prosecutor who will strengthen the relationship between federal, state, and local prosecutors and bring respect to the Department of Justice.”

In 2017, then-Attorney General Bondi served as the keynote speaker at the South Dakota Law Enforcement Charitable Game Feed held in Sioux Falls.

Attorney General Jackley, who is also a former U.S. Attorney, is one of several Attorneys General advising the Trump transition team on legal issues.
