Release – Secretary of State: Tapio Officially Certified for South Dakota Congressional Primary

Secretary of State: Tapio Officially Certified for South Dakota Congressional Primary

(Wednesday, March 28, 2018)  GOP Congressional Candidate, Neal Tapio has been officially certified  for the June primary election, easily surpassing the signature verification requirement necessary to make the ballot.  Tapio submitted a total of 2,959 signatures via nominating petition, 2,494 of which were accepted and certified by the office of the Secretary of State. Just over 1,900 certified signatures were required to become a certified candidate.

“I want to thank the dedicated army of supporters who completed this task on a purely volunteer basis,” Tapio said.  “It means a lot to know that so many people sacrificed their time and effort to contribute to my campaign in this way and that our message is resonating with so many people across South Dakota who are fed up with the business as usual status quo of the GOP establishment in this state and across the nation,” Tapio said.

“The era of the career politician is over in this nation and I believe people in South Dakota realize that it’s time for citizens with real experience and a track record of success at a very high level of business and private enterprise to face issues head on and to bring real solutions to the problems and challenges facing America,” Tapio said.

Tapio, who served as President Donald Trump’s State Director during the 2016 campaign says petition gathering process revealed once again that the President’s anti-establishment message continues to resonate with South Dakotans who are tired of the long succession of establishment politicians who say all the right things at home but then go to Washington D.C. and serve as rubber stamps for the mainstream GOP leadership.  Tapio says he looks forward to bringing his background of business success and social conservative principles to Washington in support of a populist resurgence that rewrote the electoral map in 2016.

“The Republican Establishment both here and in Washington is so afraid to tackle tough issues that they have done little but serve as controlled opposition to the globalist agenda that is destroying America’s future,” Tapio said.

“The American people are ready for leadership that puts America first and preserves the prosperity and quality of life that was created by a devotion to faith, family, freedom and free enterprise, but that has been compromised by decades of interventionist foreign policy, crony capitalism and socialism pushed at the highest levels of government,”

“It’s time we vigorously defend the greatness of America again. I am more than ready to answer that call.”


Hubbel files for State Senate

Well that’s interesting. Eternal candidate Lora Hubbel just filed to run for the state Senate. They would’ve been sent in via mail and did not show up until today. Hubbel would be challenging Wayne Steinhauer in the June primary for the seat.

Update!  For those interested in donating:

26581 East Shore Place 
Hartford, SD 57033

Petitions still coming. And the Dem placeholders are…?

Today, as well as the next day or so, we should see more petitions coming in through the mail. Already it looks to be an active year, with Democrats fielding candidates for 80 of the 105 legislative seats, with Republicans filling over 95 at this point.

By my count, I’m at about 97 seats filled, but I also know one or two may not get petitions in. So we shall see.

The big difference between the Republican Party and the Democrats are the number of placeholders. Placeholders are warm bodies that fill seats until the party can find someone good to run. in other words, they’re taking on for the team.  Republicans rarely use them. Democrats? It’s standard operating procedure.

For example, in District 5, Alanna Silvis for State Senate. She’s ran and dropped out in prior years, at least twice, and we’ve noted her as a placeholder in the past.  Definite placeholder.  Or District 7’s Democrat House Candidate Zachary Kovach.  From facebook:

His residence is noted as “213 W Highway 14 BYP   Brookings SD 57006.” What else is at that address?

The Delta Chi Fraternity House. Suuure he’s a serious candidate for the legislature.

Now I’m not knocking fraternities. I was in one when I was in College. But everything about this candidate screams that he’s taking one for the team, and should change his name to “Placey McPlaceholder.”  And this is just scratching the surface.

What will happen is that they’ll be in as candidates, giving Democrats a glimmer of hope that the party has fielded a great number of candidates. And right before the deadline to withdraw their candidacy, they’ll leave in a mass exodus.  In 2014, Dems had at least 14 placeholder candidates, and 2016 wasn’t much better.

Ultimately, how many seats will they give up by not trying? Talk to me in August.

Release: Experience and Work Ethic at Heart of New Statewide Noem Ad

Experience and Work Ethic at Heart of New Statewide Noem Ad
South Dakotan: Kristi has the skill set to be a more effective governor

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – Kristi Noem today released a new television and radio ad statewide. The 30-second ad features supporters from throughout South Dakota discussing the skill set and work ethic they’ve come to know from Noem. A mother of three and lifelong farmer, rancher and small business owner, Noem served four years in the state legislature before being elected to the U.S. House in 2010.

Mike Cartney, Watertown: “When you think about strength of character and work ethic, I don’t think there’s anybody that can compete with Kristi Noem.”

Dale Wileman, Rapid City: “She knows ag from one end to the other.”

Larry Rhoden, Union Center: “The first thing she talks about is her family. The second thing she talks about is her faith.”

Joy Nelson, Watertown: “Kristi and her family are just good, strong Midwestern people that love the state of South Dakota.”

Larry Rhoden, Union Center: “And I think Kristi – far and away – has the best skill set, the best experience, and the best work ethic to be a more effective governor.”

John Bucher, Castlewood: “I just think she’d be a great governor for the State of South Dakota.”


Yankton County Sheriff Jim Vlahakis Endorses Jackley for Governor

Yankton County Sheriff Jim Vlahakis Endorses Jackley for Governor

YANKTON, SD: Sheriff Jim Vlahakis tells Yankton County that Attorney General Marty Jackley is the best candidate to lead South Dakota in an endorsement video released today.

“We can count on Marty to be responsive, tough and fair,” Vlahakis said in his endorsement. “He’s had our back as attorney general, and that’s why the law enforcement community is standing beside him in this race for governor.”

Vlahakis has been in law enforcement for 39 years and is currently in his second term as Yankton County Sheriff. Before taking on his role as sheriff, he served as field agent, agent supervisor, assistant director and then director of the Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI).

“We’re honored to have Jim’s support, and I’m grateful for his friendship,” Jackley said. “Together we’ll continue giving the men and women on the front lines of law enforcement the tools they need to keep our communities safe.”

Vlahakis is one of 62 county sheriffs supporting Jackley’s bid to become governor.


Lora Hubbel looking to run against GOP as indy…. again. Glad we have those ‘real Republicans’ out there.

Wow.  Lora Hubbel is already planning to run against Republicans. again.

I couldn’t write much more than I did before, as I was on my way out of the dentist’s office, but after her conduct earlier this election season this does not come as a shocker.  Racist rants, spending her time complaining, foregoing raising money for ridiculous house flipping schemes, not going to events, and not campaigning actually does have a negative effect on a campaign.

In Lora’s case, her goofing around meant she could not get on the ballot.  But to add insult to injury, Hubbel is already talking about running as in independent against the Republican candidate.

Yes. “Republican” Lora Hubbel is looking to switch the party she’s running under again. 

If she follows through, Lora Hubbel will have gone from Republican Candidate for Govenror to Independent candidate for Lt. Governor, to Constitutional Party Chairman, to Republican Candidate for Governor, to be once again being an Independent Candidate for office.

Amazing. The GOP needs ‘real’ Republicans like Lora like it needs a hole in the head.

If she’s going to run, she should go down and get those petitions as soon as possible instead of talking about it incessantly.

Because we all are seeing where her talk got her before. Absolutely nowhere.