It might not have been so unified, after all… Argus reporting some friction between Tapio and Interfaith group.

While Neal Tapio attended the Interfaith gathering held in the State Capitol Rotunda this Morning, and posed for a picture with the group in attendance, it sounds like there may have been some friction between Tapio and the group:

Members of the group invited Tapio to join them for a group photo. Tapio, looking uncomfortable, stood with them as cameras clicked and flashed.

Then he turned his back to the cameras and began yelling at those around him, “I don’t like being called a racist.”

The former state director for President Donald Trump then launched into a speech he’s frequently made before. He stressed the need to ban travel to the United States by Muslim individuals, particularly from Muslim-majority countries where groups have supported Sharia law.


As Tapio stepped away from the group he told reporters that the interfaith day was a “political movement.”


In weeks prior, U.S. House candidate Shantel Krebs expressed her support for implementing a national registration system similar to one set up after the 9/11 terror attacks.

Tapio also supported the registration system and on Monday called for the creation of a legislative work group to assess the cost of immigration and refugee resettlement in South Dakota.

Read it all here.

It sounds like this is starting off to being an explosive legislative session! Stay tuned for more fireworks!

Draft of “Tapio for US House” Campaign website snapshot grabbed by Google

You all know I love a great campaign scoop… And courtesy of Google, we have one this afternoon on the plans of Republican Neal Tapio as he prepares to run for Congress.

In doing a search for Tapio information, I stumbled across this recent screenshot of, which appears to be at least an early draft of his campaign website dated December 27, 2017..

In the lower left corner, you can see that it’s noted as “Copyright 2017 Neal Tapio For House.”

Is this an authentic offering from the campaign? The signs point to “very possibly.”

The header of the page is the same as an image that was prominently included in a press release he issued yesterday regarding the Interfaith rally he was in attendance at today. You’ll note it’s the same image at the top of the website as where he notes on page 1 – “This is the root cause of Islamic terrorism”:

Tapio Press Release by Pat Powers on Scribd

I’m sure there will be more to come as State Senator Tapio moves closer to making an announcement official. But in the meantime, you can read it here, courtesy of Google.

Tapio, Hubbel join Interfaith group’s prayer event after criticism

After expressing some criticism of the event ahead of time, upcoming Republican candidate for Congress Neal Tapio and Republican Candidate for Governor Lora Hubbel were shown by Dana Ferguson of the Argus Leader to be in attendance of an Interfaith group’s prayer in the Rotunda of the Capitol this AM.

In fact in looking at the pictures, it appears that they joined them from the side in a show of faith:

Here, Tapio joins the group for a photo:

As noted in the State GOP Party Platform:

We support our nation’s heritage of religious freedom and personal responsibility and recognize we must be proactive in defending freedom at every level. We believe in equal rights, equal justice, and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age, or ability.


We recognize our country was founded in faith upon the truth that self-government is rooted in religious convictions.

Read that here.

It’s good to see that people of differing opinions can come together to worship.

Thune: Military Readiness Should Be a Bipartisan Issue

Thune: Military Readiness Should Be a Bipartisan Issue

“It’s not an exaggeration to say that the security of our nation – our ability to live as a free people – depends upon the strength of our military.”

Click here or on the image above to watch the video.

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) this week addressed the current national security challenges facing the United States and the importance of making sure our military is well-equipped to meet those challenges. Thune also previewed an upcoming hearing before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, of which he is chairman, that will examine the steps social media platforms are taking to combat the spread of extremist propaganda over the internet.

Press Release: Senator Tapio: Interfaith Day in Capitol Rotunda is Politically Motivated, Insulting to Military Veterans

Press Release: Senator Tapio: Interfaith Day in Capitol Rotunda is Politically Motivated, Insulting to Military Veterans

January 9, 2018

Contact: Neal Tapio 605-310-1955

Republican State Senator Neal Tapio of Watertown expressed concern today about the political motivations of “religious leaders” sponsoring the Interfaith Day at the Capital. A simple check of their social media accounts will verify these people violently oppose President Trump and his efforts to keep America safe

Tapio said real dialogue begins by recognizing the foundation of the “endless war on terror.” Terror is spread in nearly every Muslim country by those who believe in a hateful and deadly version of Islamic Law, called sharia law, that believes you should be killed for leaving Islam. Keeping our country safe from Islamic terrorism can only begin by asking how an open and pluralist society identifies and eliminates that thread of Islamic Law that preaches hatred and death.

“It was very clear last session that these same people pushing interfaith dialogue have contempt for those Americans concerned about an endless war on terror,” Tapio said. “Fourteen Islamic Countries, who have fully implemented Islamic Law, kill you for leaving Islam. Pew Research indicates that up to 350 million people, who consider themselves Muslim, believe you should be killed for leaving Islam. Patriotic Americans simply believe it is our responsibility to identify the real source of terror and to keep that hateful and deadly ideology out of the United States, out of South Dakota and out of our local communities.”

The interfaith dialogue people have labeled the tens of thousands of South Dakotans that voted for Donald Trump racists, haters, extremists and islamophobes. Tapio questioned if they intended to begin their interfaith dialogue by ostracizing and marginalizing those with whom they disagree?

The people behind the interfaith dialogue hide behind politically leftist hate groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center, famous for labeling a group started by James Dobson, the founder of the Christian radio program “Focus on the Family,” a hate group. They have even gone so far as to label an Aberdeen group of concerned mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers a hate group simply because they are concerned about the increase in crime in their local community.

“Real dialogue begins with honesty and the complete search for truth. Hiding behind an interfaith group and then using terrorist style bullying tactics in the press is a slap in the face of every patriotic American service member that signed up to defend freedom for all those wishing to be completely free, regardless of your faith, and regardless of whether you are a Bhuddist, Hindu, Muslim, Christian or atheist. True American patriots fight for all those that wish to escape totalitarian and brutally hateful regimes that kill you for what you believe or don’t believe.

“Counting those killed on September 11th, 2001, more than 10,000 Americans have died and more than one million American soldiers have been wounded in the War on Terror,” Tapio said. “We have spent nearly $6.5 trillion on this endless war.”

“While cultural messages of inclusiveness are important, I think it’s far more important that we respect the sacrifice and tremendous grief of South Dakota’s military families and those who have suffered so deeply in this ongoing war against Islamic terror, both at home and abroad.” Tapio said. “I plan on using this moment to talk realistically about the complex issues still facing our nation in dealing with Islamic terrorism and the dangers presented by those that subscribe to a hateful and deadly ideology,” Tapio said.

“Islamic attacks on American soil and the massive increase in Islamic terror attacks in Western Europe are key evidence of what’s truly at stake in dealing with large, mobile populations of unvetted Muslims that are being relocated to peaceful western nations,” Tapio said. “Political correctness and careful talking points by career politicians are not going to solve these problems,” Tapio said.

The issue of Islamic terror and immigration policy has been at the center of the race for Congress in South Dakota, with GOP candidate and Secretary of State Shantel Krebs appearing publicly with Kansas Secretary of State, Chris Kobach at an event in December. As an advisor to President Donald Trump, Kobach is widely recognized as a leading critic of Obama era immigration and resettlement rules allowing free passage and mandatory placement of more than 100,000 Middle Eastern and Muslim refugees on American soil. Prior to the Kobach-Krebs event, State Senator Neal Tapio challenged Krebs to openly and fully explain Trump immigration policy rather than simply draping herself in a photo opportunity with a Trump advisor for political effect and media attention. Tapio says Krebs failed the test badly, resulting in a visibly awkward media moment between Kobach and a candidate clearly unwilling to talk openly about Islamic terror.

“I think it became very obvious to South Dakota voters that while Shantel Krebs understands the political value of appearing strong on Islamic terror and immigration policy, she lacks the moral courage and topical fluency to deal with those issues at a deep policy level with any substance or authority,” Tapio said. “At least her advisors had the instincts right to have her embrace Donald Trump by jumping on his bandwagon once he was elected, and offering support for his policies before she unwittingly called him ‘anti Muslim.’ Dusty Johnson actually failed to throw his limited weight behind President Trump’s policies at all.”

Candidates understand that mouthing the Trump message on certain issues is politically valuable in this Congressional race, but frankly, it’s insulting to the people of South Dakota and to intelligence in general to have such grave issues of national security turned into a dog and phony show to score political points.” Tapio said.

Political leaders must show the same courage and bravery displayed by our patriotic American veterans, and their loved ones, who selflessly offer their lives for all those wishing to be completely free.

It is our duty.


Congressional Candidate Krebs appears to possibly be using professional petition circulators to get on ballot

This just popped up in my facebook feed from a person apparently circulating nomination petitions for Shantel Krebs for Congress:

I wasn’t familiar with the person, but if you hover over her name as I did, then you might see something surprising:

You’ll see that apparently this person circulating Krebs for Congress petitions is actually a professional paid petition circulator at Advanced Micro Targeting.

I’m not going to say that other Republican candidates haven’t used paid petition carriers before, but I don’t know that I’d ever seen it at the start of petitioning, as opposed to when signature gathering comes down to the wire.  Most all Republicans I’ve seen or been involved with have volunteers carrying petitions at the dozens of Republican events taking place between now and when petitions are due.

And the campaign rolls on…

Update – in looking further, it may not be AMT she’s working for in this instance but another company that’s paying petitioners:

Regardless of the firm being paid to get someone on the ballot, for South Dakota Republicans, it remains unusual for someone to have to hire petitioners right out of the gate.

Welcome Jason Ravnsborg to Advertiser’s Row!

We have a new advertiser this morning!

Attorney General Candidate Jason Ravnsborg is joining us in advertiser’s row through the Republican Convention.

Please take a moment to click on his ad in the left column, and check out his website to find out more about his candidacy.

Don’t forget to visit the other advertisers who make it possible to bring you the best in politics such as the South Dakota Bankers Association,  the South Dakota Chapter of Americans for ProsperityKristi Noem for Governor, John Thune for US Senate, Dusty Johnson for Congress, the South Dakota Republican Party, and Marty Jackley for Governor.

Interested in advertising? We still have space available. Contact the webmaster for more details!