Thune-Supported Provisions to Address Chronic Illness Included in Senate-Passed Bill

Thune-Supported Provisions to Address Chronic Illness Included in Senate-Passed Bill

“This bipartisan bill makes important advancements to manage care more efficiently, and importantly, it will create greater opportunities for Medicare patients in South Dakota and other rural areas to better utilize telehealth services.”

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today issued the following statement after the Senate passed the Creating High-Quality Results and Outcomes to Improve Chronic (CHRONIC) Care Act of 2017 (S. 870), bipartisan legislation that would strengthen health outcomes for Medicare beneficiaries living with chronic conditions. The bill, of which Thune is a co-sponsor, includes several Thune-supported provisions to support telehealth services, including provisions from the CONNECT for Health Act and his Furthering Access to Stroke Telemedicine (FAST) Act (S. 431). The Senate Finance Committee, of which Thune is a member, unanimously approved S. 870 on May 18, 2017.

“Managing chronic conditions is critical to improving the health of patients across the country,” said Thune. “This bipartisan bill makes important advancements to manage care more efficiently, and importantly, it will create greater opportunities for Medicare patients in South Dakota and other rural areas to better utilize telehealth services. There is strong support for this initiative in the Senate, and work is ongoing in the House, so I’m hopeful we’ll be able to get a final bill on the president’s desk as soon as possible.”

Thune-Supported Provisions in the CHRONIC Care Act:


  • The CHRONIC Care Act contains a provision similar to Thune’s FAST Act, which eliminates originating site geographic restrictions for telehealth services to remotely diagnose and treat stroke patients beginning in 2021.

Medicare Advantage (MA) Value-Based Insurance Design (V-BID):

CONNECT for Health provisions:

  • Allows additional telehealth benefits under MA.
  • Provides Accountable Care Organizations the ability to expand the use of telehealth.
  • Permits the use of telehealth for periodic consultations with health care practitioners for home dialysis users.


A somewhat non-political topic. An ounce of prevention is ok, even though it’s a pain…

In the past week or so, State Senator Brock Greenfield was having heart bypass surgery which came about as a result of some suggested routine medical tests.  He might not be walking the route yet, but he was doing well enough to be in a parade this past weekend.

I see today that former GOP House Majority Leader Bill Peterson was having a couple of stents put in to make sure his arteries are fully open and operating, something that popped up because he was advised to check out some early concerns. He reports he’s doing well.

A little farther back, South Dakota Newspaper Exec Dave Bordewyk had a mobile screening test while up at session, and they ended up sending him in for lifesaving procedures, as he had 90% blockages in some blood vessels.

Is it me, or does it seems as if lately we’re all hitting that age where we’re all falling apart!

This is all coinciding with my quarterly doctor appointments that I manage to make about three times a year because I’m going in ten different directions.  And as my family doctor pointed out,  as I approach 51 years old, I shouldn’t put off a certain test any longer.

So, I got it scheduled, and in the next few weeks I’m going on for a colonoscopy.  Ugh.

I can’t say I’m looking forward to it, but it’s one of those tests my mother did religiously, because she had a history of colorectal cancer in her family, where at least one if not two of her aunts died from it. (My mom died from breast cancer, which is another story entirely.)  With the possibility that a risk for colorectal cancer could run in the family, it’s not something I should mess with.

Obviously, there are the downsides of the test. Like the sedation with accompanying day off from work. The nasty things you have to drink and eat (or not eat) leading up to the test. And the procedure itself which is what may have lent itself to the unconscious fears of being examined by aliens.

However, colorectal cancer can be easily resolved if they catch it early enough, so all the trouble and discomfort is certainly worth it, even though it hopefully the test itself will turn out to be clear as a bell.

Yeah, those tests can be a pain. Especially when they turn out to be nothing. It seems that way with a lot of medical tests.

A year or so back, I was having pains in areas of my upper torso, so just to be on the safe side, my doctor had me do a stress test.  Perfectly and completely normal. In fact, despite being stuck behind a desk most of the time, she said I did well.

Six months ago, I had a mole on my back that had grown, and changed shape in a short period of time. After years of scorching sunburns from being on swim team as a youth… well, you have those things looked at.  My doctor lopped it off, had it tested…. And it turned out to be an age spot and mole combination.

Seriously?  My wife scolded me to get to the doctor to get an age-spotted mole checked? (How do I have age spots at 50?)

Those instances turned out to be a lot of nothing. And that’s what we hope for. Despite the inconveniences, the expense, and what may be a temporary break in our routines…. Don’t we go in to make sure it IS ok?

Because on the off-chance it does turn out to be something, having it looked at early might mean the difference between a temporary inconvenience and a much too early grave.  As we ponder our ailments and mortality in light of our friends being knocked down for a matter of days or weeks… maybe having those things checked out is better than the alternative.

So, take care of yourself. We like having you around. Remember you’re not invincible.

And an ounce of prevention is actually ok. Even though it might be a pain … in certain places.

Noem Meets with Trump on Tax Reform

Noem Meets with Trump on Tax Reform

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Kristi Noem today met with President Donald Trump and a group of bipartisan lawmakers at the White House to discuss a comprehensive tax reform package to create more jobs, bigger paychecks, and a fairer tax code. Noem serves as a member of the House Ways & Means Committee, the first South Dakotan in history to do so. In this role, Noem has helped draft the blueprint for a once-in-a-generation tax reform proposal, which was the basis for today’s White House discussions.

Today’s meeting left me extremely optimistic for what we can accomplish,” said Noem. “This is a president who wants to tackle the hard issues and move this country forward. I’ve been fighting to do the same. Today was another important step toward a tax code that can help free South Dakotans to achieve their potential without the heavy burden of an outdated tax code standing in their way.”

Photo Credit: White House

During today’s White House meeting, Noem discussed a proposal to:

  • Grow jobs and paychecks nationwide by lowering tax rates at every income level, separating wage income from small business income, and leveling the playing field for American businesses and workers to compete.
  • Make the tax code fairer and simpler by increasing the standard deduction, and eliminating the maze of unfair special interest loopholes.
  • Help middle-class families by consolidating tax brackets, preserving and simplifying family-focused provisions, and encouraging savings and investment.

Throughout the tax reform process, Noem has given South Dakota an unprecedented voice in the debate. As one of the only members of the committee with a background in agriculture, she has given voice to the needs of rural America. In July, Noem welcomed Scott VanderWal, a producer near Volga, to testify before the committee about tax reform’s impact on small businesses. Noem has also traveled throughout the state, meeting with families and local businesses to discuss their priorities.


Thune termed as 2nd most effective Republican Senator in Washington

From the Argus Leader:

According to one measurement, South Dakota Sen. John Thune was one of the most effective members of the U.S. Senate during the 114th Congress, in 2015-2016, compared to his peers.

That’s the conclusion of a new organization called the Center for Effective Lawmaking, a joint initiative between the University of Virginia’s Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy and Vanderbilt University. The co-directors of the group are Craig Volden of the University of Virginia and Alan Wiseman of Vanderbilt.


Thune was the second most effective Republican in during the last session of Congress, trailing Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah. Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin was the third most effective Republican.

Read it all here.

Not too shabby.  What are your thoughts?

Ordinance maker convicted of being an ordinance breaker. Ferebee found guilty.

Can you fight “the man” when you are “the man?”  Pennington County Commissioner George Ferebee found out that you can’t:

After fighting the charge for two years, Pennington County Commissioner George Ferebee was convicted on Monday of violating a county zoning ordinance.

Ferebee, 77, was ordered to pay a $200 fine for maintaining on his rural Hill City property a septic system that lacked an operating permit. The zoning ordinance states that on-site wastewater treatment systems need to be pumped, inspected and issued permits regularly.

The verdict and sentence came on the heels of a five-hour trial at the county courthouse before Judge Warren Johnson, a retired 4th Circuit Court judge.


“The defendant’s own words convict him,” Assistant State Attorney General Robert Haivala said in his closing argument. “He hasn’t complied with the ordinance.”


But defense attorney Shawn Turnow, in his closing argument, said the county hasn’t surveyed Ferebee’s Gillette Prairie Road property to determine which “sections” fit the ordinance’s description of a lot.

Turnow added that Ferebee, a longtime critic of government oversight of septic systems, “became a target” of the ordinance’s 2014 amendment. That year, the word used to describe property exempt from the septic regulation was changed from “land” to “lot.”


At one point, about 30 people filled the courtroom gallery, including state legislators Chip Campbell, Tim Goodwin and Julie Frye-Mueller. Rep. Lynne DiSanto also showed up with her husband, Pennington County Commissioner Mark DiSanto.

Read it all here.

Ferebee fought the ordinance… and the ordinance won.  And we wonder why justice is often difficult to obtain at times. Because courts are clogged with this type of silliness that took a five hour trial, and resulted in a fine of $200.

Release: Greg Jamison makes Mayoral Run Official

Greg Jamison Makes Mayoral Run Official

Sioux Falls, SD: Greg Jamison made his intentions to run for mayor of Sioux Falls official on Monday September 25, 2017 at 11:30 a.m. in the Holiday Inn City Centre, 100 West 8th St.

Jamison started off with a statement about transparency.

“Secrecy in government is bad for everybody, secrecy breeds distrust and can cost the city money and doesn’t reflect what the taxpayers want. As mayor, I will have an open door, open books and open mind. Because I learned long before I was ever elected that it’s the people who run government, government doesn’t run the people.” Jamison Said.

Jamison then outlined his top 2 priorities as mayor, roads & crime.

“In 20 years the Sioux Falls population is estimated to be at 250,000 people and my plan for the future includes Taking care of our roads! We have over a billion dollars invested in our roads and in 2017 nearly 800 city blocks will be improved using different treatments to maximize pavement life and make smoother roads.

I will propose and work with the city council to fund a budget that will increase the number of blocks improved from 800 to 1,000, then to 1,200 and on and on!

In this high-tech age, we don’t need to put up low-tech roads. My long rang transportation plan includes the use of even more technology in our traffic signals.

It’s my goal that every traffic signal in Sioux Falls will be a smart adaptive traffic signal. Adaptive traffic signals will save us all time, reduce cost and improve safety.

No more waiting for a light to turn green when no other car is in sight, signals that adapt to the changing traffic flows in the morning and then change again for the evening traffic. Traffic signals that know road construction is occurring nearby and adjust automatically to improve traffic flow! Let me make it perfectly clear, I will work every day to create smoother roads!

2nd and just as important, I will support our great Police Department and together we will address the growing crime problem head on. Here are the facts for Sioux Falls, Homicide is up 133%, Rape up 15%, Robbery up 20%, Aggravated Assault up 8% and Stolen Vehicles up 47%!  I will propose new patrol officers, a new special crimes unit our goal will be to reduce crime, save our community money and protect our family values. Meth is at the core of all those crimes that are on the rise. Meth is threating our community and all of us must address it! I will lead the effort on 3 fronts; Prevention, Treatment and Enforcement, the fight is on and it will take all of us to win!

My plan for the future of Sioux Falls has roads that are smooth, traffic that flows and a supported Police Department in the head to head fight with our crime and drug challenges!

While I hope to lead this plan, this is a plan put together by listening to the taxpayers who want us to remain a leading city in America, a plan to keep Sioux Falls the great shiny city on the river!” Jamison said.

Smoother Roads Ahead Sioux Falls!

# # #

Attorney  General  Jackley  Announces  New  Unit to Fight Disability & Social Welfare Program Fraud

Attorney  General  Jackley  Announces  New  Unit to Fight Disability & Social Welfare Program Fraud 

PIERRE, S.D. – Attorney General Marty Jackley announced today a Dedication Event to launch the South Dakota Cooperative Disability Investigations Unit (CDIU). The CDIU is a joint initiative involving the Social Security Administration, the Office of Inspector General, State Disability Determination Services (SD DDS), and state and local law enforcement agencies to prevent beneficiary fraud in disability programs administered by the federal Social Security Administration (SSA) as well as fraud related to other social welfare entitlement programs administered by the State of South Dakota.

“This special Unit will focus on scammers who take money away from those who legitimately file claims and depend on these much needed resources,” said Jackley. “This is a cooperative law enforcement effort to weed out fraud and to protect those in need of assistance.”

The press conference is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, September 27th at the Social Security Administration Offices located at 5021 S. Nevada Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD, beginning at 1:30 p.m. (CDT).

South Dakota will be one of 38 Units in 33 states to take part in the federal initiative, which began in 1998 to investigate questionable statements and activities on Social Security claimants, medical providers and other parties to prevent potential fraud in the federal/state administered programs.

The new program will be entirely funded by the Social Security Administration, which will pay for the salaries, benefits and vehicles for five South Dakota Attorney General employees to be part of the South Dakota CDIU. These positions will include four law enforcement officials and one intelligence analyst. 


House Passes Noem’s Women, Peace, and Security Act, Sends Bill to President Trump

House Passes Noem’s Women, Peace, and Security Act, Sends Bill to President Trump

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Kristi Noem’s Women, Peace and Security Act is headed to President Trump for his signature after unanimous passage in the U.S. House of Representatives today. The legislation would require the U.S. to develop a comprehensive strategy to increase and strengthen women’s participation in peace negotiations and conflict prevention globally as well as ensure greater accountability to Congress.

“When America’s security depends on the success of peace negotiations, we must make sure every proven conflict prevention tactic is on the table,” said Noem. “We know women can be influential forces in producing lasting peace, yet we’re often underrepresented when it comes to conflict prevention and resolution. With this legislation, we can better ensure women are able to use their influence to produce more sustainable outcomes during future conflict resolution and peace negotiation processes. I strongly encourage President Trump to sign this legislation quickly.”

Research shows that peace agreements are 35 percent more likely to last at least 15 years when women are involved.  The Women, Peace and Security Act would – for the first time – establish women’s participation as a permanent element of U.S. foreign policy under Congressional oversight.

Noem first introduced the Women, Peace, and Security Act in May 2016. While it was passed by the House, the Senate didn’t act on the legislation before the end of the last Congress.

As a result, Noem reintroduced the legislation in May 2017 and worked with Senate sponsors to push the legislation toward passage. With approval from both the House and Senate, the bill now heads to the president for his signature.


Senator Rounds to Host Tele-Townhall on Wednesday

Senator Rounds to Host Tele-Townhall on Wednesday

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) is inviting all South Dakotans to join him in a live, toll-free tele-townhall on Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017, at 7:50 p.m. CT/6:50 p.m. MT to discuss issues important to South Dakotans. During the tele-townhall, Rounds will be taking live questions from participants.

You can participate in the tele-townhall by calling the number or clicking on the link below:

What: Tele-townhall
When: Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017, at 7:50 p.m. CT/6:50 p.m. MT
Call #: 877-229-8493
Pin #: 115923


If you are unable to join the call but would like to leave a message for Senator Rounds, you can always contact him by calling one of his offices or emailing him on his website at

**Please note that the phone line will go live approximately 10 minutes prior to the start of the call.

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The #2 advertising position at SDWC is available on a first-come first serve basis for interested advertisers to push a message out for your cause or candidate leading up to the 2018 legislative session, or the 2018 election.  And is a great place to get your message in front of South Dakota’s decision makers and opinion leaders.

If someone is making laws or promoting legislation, they’re stopping here to check South Dakota’s political climate. South Dakota War College provides candidates, companies, and organizations a unique opportunity to direct a targeted message at South Dakota’s politically active elected officials, and community opinion leaders.

And those opinion leaders include the SDGOP’s cadre of involved activists who will be choosing candidates for Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Auditor, Treasurer, etc.

Founded in 2005, ‘dakotawarcollege’ quickly rose through the ranks of other politically driven social media in South Dakota to become the most widely read, and continuously updated independently operated political website in the state.  We’ve been featured in the media for our coverage, we’ve been quoted by C-Span, and we’ve been consistently and continuously recognized for several years by the Washington Post as one of South Dakota’s top political websites.

Our non-campaign season traffic averages 2500-3000 unique individual visits daily, with read times averaging around 14 minutes. At times of flurried activity, the SDWC has reached as high as 8900 unique visits. Since around 2007, the SDWC runs an average of 1- 1.5 Million page hits a year.

For advertising, we offer 300×350 px banner spots in the main advertising section based on page placement. We also offer space for smaller advertisements on the left. All ads are through site, maintain their position, and are not rotated based on site depth.

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