Person who asked police for ‘no trespassing order’ on State Sen. DiSanto claims Legislator urges cyber bullying

The Argus Leader version of the ‘DiSanto No Trespass order’ story took a wild turn tonight with a claim that Republican State Representative Lynn DiSanto is encouraging her Facebook followers to engage in cyber bullying against her Facebook enemies:

She added that DiSanto was using her influence as a state senator and has “a whole kind of army that she eggs on to intimidate those who disagree with her” on Facebook, and found DiSanto’s mental stability concerning.

Kassner said she believed DiSanto would probably not show up at her house, but she was still concerned about continuing problems with DiSanto’s supporters. DiSanto would publicly identify a “hater of the week” on her Facebook page who has been critical of her, and would post their comments and private messages for her supporters to harass. 

Read the entire story here.

Stay tuned. This story is just getting nuttier.

5 thoughts on “Person who asked police for ‘no trespassing order’ on State Sen. DiSanto claims Legislator urges cyber bullying”

  1. This isnt surprising. At least a fifth of our elected officials are either Incompetent, Mentally unfit, or downright crazy.

    1. And Kassner isn’t?
      Kassner is the one trolling DiSanto’s Facebook posts, posting shit on DiSanto’s page. If she doesn’t like what DiSanto is posting on Facebook, she could just stop following her. Who is bullying whom?
      What’s any of this to her? If Disanto wants to raise money, tramp around in the woods, hold prayer vigils or whatever else she’s doing, so what?

      1. One is an elected official the other isn’t. Excess drama from elected officials is not a good thing. But then DiSanto stired up a bunch of drama against a fellow Republican legislator during the legislative session, claiming he attacked her on the floor of the SD House of Representatives. But she is blonde and pretty so it’s all good.

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