Petition circulation begins TOMORROW. Weren’t the dems running someone for something or another……?

Instead of New Years’ Eve, in South Dakota should we be calling this Campaign Eve?

Petition circulation kicks off tomorrow, and within a few weeks’ time, we’ll get to see who we have running for what office. If you’re considering it yourself, take a moment to read what I put together a couple of days ago to help you not to screw up your petitions.  (We don’t need anymore budding Bosworth’s, do we?)

The other thought that came to mind was the fact that Democrat Party Chairwoman Ann Tornberg had been promising for most of the year that Dems would have a candidate for US Senate. And yet we still hear crickets.  Any potential Dem challenger has managed to skip the entire preceding year where US Senate candidates typically scramble to meet people, raise their name ID and try to bring in cash.  Now, instead of noting the missed opportunity of days that they missed, starting tomorrow, we’ll have to start counting down the days they’re not out there gathering names on petitions to run.

If you can’t tell, I’ve been pretty doubtful that Democrats could live up to Tornberg’s boast that they had someone to run. And I still am.

With Tornberg so far unable to produce all these people she claims will be running, the downside for the leader of the Democrats is that with all of her continuous and boastful claims of Democrats running people in all statewide and in just about all 105 legislative races, she’s placed her credibility on the line.   She risks her name becoming an adjective for failure.

Truly, all of us who prognosticate on the future of the political scene do it without the benefit of knowing what events will occur in the intervening 11 months until the election.

You never know, we could experience the Rapture, and God could decide to leave the Liberals behind on a devastated and depopulated planet. With Democrats shifting further to the left in a conservative South Dakota that’s decidedly moved towards the right, that might give them a fighting chance to field candidates and win elections.

But short of that happening, I feel pretty secure in stating that Republicans are going to have a pretty good year in South Dakota in 2016.

Whether Democrats are able to find a warm body to take on John Thune for the US Senate is immaterial as to whether he, Kristi Noem, Chris Nelson, and a vast majority of Republican Legislators are going to win office in 2016.

In most instances, the races are inevitable, or they have already been won.

8 thoughts on “Petition circulation begins TOMORROW. Weren’t the dems running someone for something or another……?”

  1. Senate reelection rates are above 80%. Why waste the money when Round’s and Jackley’s corruption record makes them softer targets?

    1. Jackley has ZERO corruption record. He’s been a solid public servant. You might check and see how many of South Dakota’s DEMOCRAT state’s attorney’s endorsed him for reelection. It was either all, or all but one. In any race, put your stealth canididate (no real names exposed yet) against Marty and he’ll beat them like a rented mule

      1. The Democratic party in South Dakota hasn’t won a AG race since Kermit in ’72 and they haven’t ran a AG candidate for office since, what, 1994, I believe. A course the Democratic SAs are going to endorse a Republican AG candidate, it would be career/political suicide not too. These current endorsements you mention are merely indicative of the political climate in South Dakota and not the character of any given candidate.

    2. Comrade Lansing the Democratic Socialists though dwindling here in South Dakota may want to focus on the hard work of actually building a party rather than acting like little babies and accusing good people of misdeeds, crying that things didn’t go their way in elections, everyone is ignoring them and they cannot get good if hardly any candidates to embarrass themselves running for them.

      Besides the voters of South Dakota are not buying what the SD Democratic Party is selling.

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