Poll – In South Dakota, Democracy still the best.. but there’s a little message creep there.

South Dakota News Watch, VIA KELOland, has a story on-line which in the title claims “dissatisfaction with democratic institutions,” but if you look at some of the numbers they were polling, candidates had probably not admit that they’re socialists:

Respondents showed great dissatisfaction with how democracy is working in America right now, and political party division and distrust of competing parties is high. Almost 65% of respondents were very or somewhat dissatisfied with how democracy is working, and nearly a third thought members of the opposing political party posed a “very serious threat” to America and its people…

and.. (and maybe I should note, BUT)..

Democracy is always preferable.
Strongly Disagree — 3.1%
Disagree — 6.0%
Neither Disagree nor Agree — 9.5%
Agree — 38.9%
Strongly Agree — 42.6%

Non-democracies can be preferable.
Strongly Disagree — 37.2%
Disagree — 29.2%
Neither Disagree nor Agree — 16.0%
Agree — 15.3%
Strongly Agree — 2.4%

Read the entire story here.

Of the 500 South Dakotans polled, 81.5% agree Democracy is always preferable, and 66.4% disagree that non-democracies can be preferable?  The big takeaway is that it is important to keep that 33.6% who are apparently open to socialism, communism, or a theocracy at bay, because in there we have 15.1% who dropped democracy between the first and second question.

As Winston Churchill noted, “..it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”

4 thoughts on “Poll – In South Dakota, Democracy still the best.. but there’s a little message creep there.”

  1. The one and only benefit of hereditary monarchies is that power sometimes falls into the hands of people who never wanted it.
    Power in the hands of people who want it can be a really bad thing.
    Perhaps our leaders should be drafted, forced to serve against their will.

  2. Why don’t those who think another system is sometimes preferable move somewhere else and give it a whirl? Perhaps a few months in an internment camp in Iran or China would change their so-called minds.

    AOC, Talib, Omar, Pressley and their ilk hate Democracy/Representative Republic, and those of you who think maybe they might be right, do you take a look at those types and say, “Gee, I wish they could dictate my life for me.

  3. What is scary is running into these hardcore Democratic Socialists who when you compare what they are pushing it really lines up with the Communist Party of America platform and tell them they are in the wrong party or are still in the “closet.” These same hardcore DSAs revise history all the time talking highly of Karl Marx, and claim that Lenin and Stalin just got bad press and the Capitalist press were out to get them.

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