Press Release – Hughes Co State’s Atty finds no violations on plane use; LaMie releases findings on Government Accountability Board complaints

From my mailbox, an important finding as we wind down to the final days of the campaign.. The Hughes Co State’s Atty has found no violations on South Dakota law on State plane use…


LaMie releases findings on Government Accountability Board complaints

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, October 25, 2022

PIERRE, S.D. – Hughes County State’s Attorney Jessica LaMie announced today the end of the Division of Criminal Investigation’s inquiry into complaints that Gov. Kristi Noem had misused the state airplane and that the plane’s flight records had been tampered with.

LaMie and the DCI concluded that there were no facts to support a criminal prosecution under current law for the use of the airplane and that the allegation regarding flight records was frivolous.

“I want to thank the DCI for conducting a thorough and professional investigation,” said LaMie. “There is no basis to pursue these matters further.”

The original complaints were filed with the Government Accountability Board. The board referred them to Attorney General Mark Vargo on Sept. 9, 2022, asking that the DCI investigate. Vargo recused himself and the Attorney General’s Office and asked LaMie to oversee the inquiry and make any charging decisions.

LaMie on Monday informed the Government Accountability Board that she had concluded her inquiry and referred the matter back to the board.

LaMie said she would have no additional comment and referred any additional questions to the Government Accountability Board or the Attorney General’s Office.

26 thoughts on “Press Release – Hughes Co State’s Atty finds no violations on plane use; LaMie releases findings on Government Accountability Board complaints”

  1. Darn! Another Democrat and Noem hater lie exposed. What scandal will the Democrats come up with next? Oh, my goodness, I hear she takes her shoes off on the plane!

  2. That’s the right result. We need to stop criminalizing politics. If you think these flights were inappropriate, consider that when you vote. That’s the system.

    1. Well methinks you’re too ‘trusting’ of politicians with your second sentence. Many of the politicians have already done a good job of doing that themselves!
      I agree with you on being choosy on the candidate one chooses.

  3. Seriously, noem flew all over the place with the state plane for campaigning and other personal reasons. Sorry but this investigation is tainted. Will she continue to get away with everything??

    1. She flew all over in the State plane campaigning? When? I’ve never seen that alleged. There are some trips to give speeches to conventions of groups that some people view as being political, but that Noem says were part of her job promoting the state. Certainly we can see both sides to that, right?

      Likewise, “other personal reasons.” Which ones? I’ve seen some state trips that started or ended at a location where there was personal business, or passengers who were personal on a state trip. Have I missed something?

      The fact is, none of these were slam dunks.

      1. Yeah going to Republican events that’s promoting the state just like the president when they use Air Force 10 wait they can’t they gotta pay for it

        No one should be shocked at the continued coverups

        I said the date she was selected this was done

    1. We all know noem influenced this investigation into her like many others. She bullies others to get what she wants.

    2. Way to allege wrongdoing with no evidence. This prosecutor has no ties to Kristi and she didn’t pick her.

      I’d guess she didn’t prosecute because this is a vague law that’s never been charged out before. No court precedent interpreting it. It’s a big risk to charge it.

      1. Really, either you are drinking the coolaid or you probably are on noem’s team and trying coverup like normal. Bam!!

        1. Put your money where your mouth is. When and where? You can put the facts in front of the haters and they still won’t believe it.

  4. I think the Governor has squeezed through a loophole. I trust the Government Accountability Board’s judgement.

  5. Aaaawww….poor little herr shorty over at the national socialist blog is just crying his little eyes out. Just more fuel for his pathological obsession with Governor Noem.

  6. “there is no controlling legal authority that says this was in violation of law.” – al gore

  7. The problem with “Ethics Commissions” and the Government Accountability Board is that inevitably they get used for political purposes…to raise accusations during a campaign. Look, if an elected official breaks the law, file a complaint with law enforcement. If they don’t, and you don’t like what they are doing, vote them out. Or if you think an action is should be illegal, ask for a law to be passed outlawing it. Because often what is ethical or not is in the eye of the beholder. They really are modern day inquisitions.

  8. Why did she do a press release? Wasnt she supposed to keep it confidential and returnthe findings to the board?

    Just further evidence that the fix was in

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