RC Councilman sets record straight and isn’t endorsing Mechaley for Sheriff, despite mailing claiming he is. *updated*

Here’s a good example of why you shouldn’t claim things that aren’t true.

Pennington County Sheriff Candidate Ryan Mechaley was told time and again by Rapid City Councilman Pat Jones that he isn’t endorsing anyone in the race for Sheriff. But it sounds like Mechaley’s campaign manager, Jordan Mason, went and included it on a postcard mailing anyway. And now we get to read about it in the Rapid City Journal:

It was never my intention to endorse any candidate during this election cycle; yet, somehow my picture and erroneous information began circulating on the Mechaley website. So, last January I contacted Mr. Mechaley, requesting to correct the information and I was told he would do so.


I contacted Mr. Mechaley immediately and told him I never gave permission to use my name or photo. He apologized and told me he did not know my photo was going to be on the mailer and he would contact his campaign manager, Jordan Mason, to ensure it would not happen again. I appreciated his assurances and took him at his word. To be fair and transparent, I also contacted the other candidate for sheriff Mr. Brian Mueller to explain the situation.


Despite my numerous attempts to privately resolve this matter, this past weekend Mr. Mechaley’s campaign manager informed me a new mailer with my picture and endorsement would be circulating before election day and there was nothing to stop the process.

Read that here.

There’s nothing they could do to stop the process? Well, that’s doubtful, especially since Mechaley has known about it for the past six months. Nevermind that if it’s from the candidate himself, they could have told the mail house to stop it. Pretty easy to do so.

Unless it is their intention to deceive.

Which isn’t a very good quality to have in a Sheriff.

Update. That’s a timely article, as here is the card that they claimed they couldn’t stop.

8 thoughts on “RC Councilman sets record straight and isn’t endorsing Mechaley for Sheriff, despite mailing claiming he is. *updated*”

  1. I follow Breitbart and Townhall and find the ability to make thins up is astounding. This just isn’t a surprise.

    1. Sounds like there may be a legal history with Sheriff. We’re voting for whom Sheriff Thom, and most other law endorsement personnel, endorse, Brian Mueller.

      1. A lot of people are upset with Sheriff Thom. Not just folks who’ve had run-ins with him. I really like Kevin personally, but I think he overstepped majorly with his involvement with the Amendment A lawsuit, not to mention his use of taxpayer-funded resources to promote it.

  2. Is it possible to get a list of all candidates using Jordan Mason for a campaign manager or counsel? He will pocket the money and then put out the most negative and damaging information on other candidates, regardless of how true or untrue it is. He believes ‘negative’ works and many candidates from west of the river are under his spell. Anyone connected with him is someone you don’t want to vote for. HIs campaigns are what evil looks like and his clients are ignorant and desperate. He’s truly not a Republican but rather wants to divide them using these tactics. Wake up! List please.

  3. Wow, spot on Think About It! I was thinking the same thing. Nothing like preying on those candidates who have little knowledge or understanding that there are other consultants out there! I don’t believe that these slimy tactics of Mason’s have ever worked. He claims to be a Republican but is really more of an opportunistic chameleon, changing colors to draw in his next “client/victim”. I have yet to see a campaign piece he has produced that was not negative. Shameful at best, evil at worst. The public needs to know who’s behind the curtain.

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