Regental employees now cleared to run for SD Legislature

From Keloland News, a decades old policy has now been reversed with the decision of the Supreme Court, and the permission of the SD Board of Regents:

On Thursday, the regents reversed their official policy that said their employees couldn’t serve as state lawmakers unless they resigned from their jobs before starting their terms.


Peterson served on the Appropriations Committee and for several years was its chair. Frederick praised the change and said it would have been a loss to South Dakotans if Peterson had been banned because of his employment.

Read the entire story here.

4 thoughts on “Regental employees now cleared to run for SD Legislature”

  1. Oh no! We will be beset upon by those highly educated in medicine, economics, history and philosophy who have dedicated their lives to the per suit of knowledge and enriching the generations that follow them! Whatever will we do!?

  2. Aren’t most of the teacher fellows all libbies in the Regental system? I am surprised that Mr. Rave, a conservative, would let Mr. Partridge, a bit of a leftist-moderate, ram this policy through.

    It won’t be long that the Regents control the legislatures.

  3. I like the idea…no citizen should be disenfranchised due to who signs their paycheck.hopefully a number of these intelligent, dedicated people run as Republicans

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