Release: Fact Check Gnomes – Billie Sutton likes the policies of..

From my mailbox:

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Ok, South Dakota… It’s time for a heart-to-heart because the dynamics of this race just changed.

Despite proposing a state income tax, being weak on pro-life policies, and supporting socialized medicine and gun restrictions, Billie Sutton has spent recent weeks convincing voters there’s little space between him and South Dakota’s conservative roots. It’s not true.

As most of you know, Billie Sutton campaigned for Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign. But wait… there’s more…

At an event with Brown County Democrats, Billie Sutton admitted: “I like the policies of Bernie.” Yes, that Bernie… Bernie Sanders.

As always, you don’t have to take our word for it. Hear Billie Sutton’s words for yourself>> Watch Billie Sutton now.

Tell us: Did you Feel the Bern?

Yah. Neither did we…

– Fact Check Gnomes



PO Box 527 – Sioux Falls, SD 57101

Paid for by Kristi for Governor

36 thoughts on “Release: Fact Check Gnomes – Billie Sutton likes the policies of..”

  1. Certainly Sutton’s statements about Bernie and Hillary are relevant. If Sutton wants Republicans to vote for him as a moderate, then contrary information is worth sharing.

    But I think Noem’s clever “Fact Check Gnome” releases would be more effective if they were only used for actual fact checks. Whether Sutton is a “moderate” or a “liberal” is a subjective judgment, not a provable fact.

    1. Sutton is a “fiscal conservative” who likes the policies of a self-proclaimed socialist. Is he lying on purpose, or is it possible that he’s just not intellectual enough to understand the contradiction?

    2. Anybody who likes Bernie’s policies is not conservative or even moderate; that is a fact. I’m not sure how you can dispute that.

      Sutton voting for Hillary and liking Bernie’s policies shows that he is not what South Dakota needs; both Hillary and Bernie are Socialists which belief system is antithetical to American values. If you want to change America’s values to those of Venezuela, just move to Venezuela and stand in line for bread and see how you like it.

  2. I think you are talking about the wrong party. If I am not mistaken, it was the Republicans that passed all the tax and spend projects in Pierre. It was also the Republican that grew state government…….

  3. Here is what the Noem campaign is saying about Mr. Sutton.

    [He] “Supports Socialized Medicine” – In March 2014, Sutton opposed a resolution that would express the South Dakota legislature’s opposition to Obamacare. (HCR1028)

    This is the typical partisan smear. One, the ACA is not socialized medicine. That’s what they have in Canada and the U.K. Under the ACA, doctors and insurance companies are all still private. The government subsidizes some people’s insurance, just like they subsidize some farmers. Would you Representative Noem admit to being a socialist because she accepts farm subsidies? I doubt it. Secondly, if Representative Noem claims to be against socialized medicine then she should admit she is opposed to Medicare and Medicaid. That would be the honorable thing to do given the attack here on Sutton. Can we expect such a statement from Rep. Noem? Again, I doubt it. This type of campaigning is exactly what is wrong with politics in Washington. We don’t need it in Pierre.

    1. And what would the Democrats do with power? State income tax, socialized medicine, abortions for all. Your true colors are showing now.

    2. If you don’t understand that Obummercare is only a step towards socialized medicine then you aren’t very bright. The Dems want nothing less than socialized medicine.

      1. And this is what is wrong with too much of our current political climate. Inflammatory responses with no basis in fact. Who has been shown to be more credible in their statements, Mr. Sutton or Representative Noem? We have several examples of Noem not telling us the truth, not ‘we suspect she is lying’ or ‘we don’t want to believe her because we don’t like her policies or party’ but verified, document falsehoods, misleading statements, and hidden information. Sutton is honest. Noem is not. Honesty matters. To me, it certainly matters more than party affiliation.

        1. If Sutton is honest, then we can believe him when he says that he likes Bernie’s policies right?

  4. Let’s not forget that Daugaard had plans to bring the ACA to South Dakota before Trump was elected President. So is Daugaard a socialist, too? Oh, and lets not forget also, that back in the spring of 2014, that Daugaard claimed on Inside Keloland, that China was “just a little more socialist than us…,” when talking about a recent trade trip he had made to China to help sell South Dakota pizzas in China….. “You know, you haven’t had a pizza until you have had a South Dakota pizza…..It’s the best ‘socialistic pizza’ around….” 😉


    #SocialisticPizza (Everyone gets a slice! 🙂 )

    1. Why is this a close race that is all negative? I hope Republicans learn from this without losing the election to Billie. Nasty primaries do not help a party stay in power.

      1. Are you saying Marty should have stepped aside, politely, early on? Marty must not have thought so but I bet he will be far better off financially now. Can you imagine if Susan Wismer had gone the full Eyeore on Mr. Sutton in the Democrat primary?

  5. Why are the Republicans supporting Noem hiding behind fake names? If you are supporting her, you shouldn’t be ashamed to use your name.

    1. Aren’t you a spokesman for the tolerant left?

      If I recall correctly, you singled out the FHA as a hate group? “This foundation promotes “racism, , homophobia, ethnocentrism and misogyny so of course they support Kristi.” -RJ. Are you willing to elaborate on how you came to that conclusion? Before you enlighten us, I’d suggest you know what it means to be libel.

  6. This may be off-topic, but I’ll take the risk. So much of the campaign dialogue here and elsewhere has been very emotional in a negative sense. UN Ambassador Nikki Haley’s speech at the recent Al Smith Dinner in New York had a great quote putting things in perspective:

    “In our toxic political environment, I’ve heard some people in both parties describe their opponents as enemies or evil. In America, our political opponents are not evil.

    “In South Sudan, where rape is routinely used as a weapon of war — that is evil. In Syria, where the dictator uses chemical weapons to murder innocent children — that is evil. In North Korea, where American student Otto Warmbier was tortured to death — that was evil.

    “In the last two years, I’ve seen true evil. We have some serious political differences here at home. But our opponents are not evil. They’re just our opponents. We are blessed with a political system that allows us to resolve our differences peacefully. In the end, we must recognize that we are all Americans. And we are stronger and healthier when we are united.”

  7. I agree Michael but Trump and his ruskie pals are the ones pushing this dissent for their own benefit. And Noem and the others complacent with it are part of the problem. Perhaps that is why Haley is leaving the administration soon.

    1. There’s more than enough blame to go around, and saying someone else started it or is the cause only excuses the accuser from taking any personal action to deescalate the vitriol.

      I use this Jefferson quote in my e-mail signature: “I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend.” – Thomas Jefferson to William Hamilton, April 22, 1800

  8. I also agree with that quote. So what do we do about it? I am voting for the candidate who isn’t slinging mud and trying to divide us.

  9. FHA is a hate group? Really? Have you met any of their board members? Have you ever heard any of them be hateful to another? If not, you are a liar who must stalk from the darkness of the hate in your own heart. No wonder you are anonymous.

  10. Ok, here’s the thing..Hate crimes and hateful, ignorant and violent ideologies are horrible. So, yes I think the FHA is a hate group. I don’t think gay people are going to hell. I don’t think that immigrants are the cause of the downfall of this country, rather the opposite.

  11. So anyone who disagrees with you are haters? People you have never even met? Wow. Well, I am not as narrow minded, conceited or judgmental as you. I pity your lack of kindness and basic human decency.

  12. Ok, Troy..I’ll play..what are your thoughts on people whom are gay? How do you treat refugees or people that don’t look like you? How do you view people who live in poverty? To the best of my ability, I’m kind and compassionate towards others I encounter as patients and people
    In general. Can you tell me a little bit about you Troy?

    1. “This foundation promotes “racism, , homophobia, ethnocentrism and misogyny so of course they support Kristi.” -RJ

      “I’m kind and compassionate towards others”… sure, we believe you, RJ.

  13. RJ,

    I don’t have thoughts about individuals based on one characteristic. Only a narrow-minded bigot would make such judgements. To ask such a question suggests your bigotry isn’t even under the surface.

  14. Troy, I asked you to tell me a bit about yourself because I would have liked see the perspectives of people who see thing differently then I do …you didn’t do that. I believe you called me a bigot…when I think about it, there is nothing I can say to you to open dialogue. The GOP as it stands currently
    Is composed of racist, homophobes. who will soon be irrelevant. The GOP treasures money over humanity.

    1. What a miserable life you must have. There’s a lot of people you have to hate and lie about, how do you find time for anything else?

      I can’t imagine the conflict you encounter when you find out there are POC and LGBT people who support the GOP.

  15. I told you I don’t make judgements over one characteristic. I think people who do or expect people to do so are bigots. It is my answer to your questions. If you cant handle the answer to your own questions, why did you even ask?

    The logic leap this goes to Party is asinine. My statement was the opposite of what you assert. Do you not have the capacity to grasp thoughts deepler than smile bromides?

    But, I also repeat you really should examine why you have such an inclination to be so narrow-minded and make such broad generalizations of such a hateful tone. Because it does make you come across very bigoted.

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