Release: Jackley Submits Over 8,000 Ballot Signatures

Jackley Submits Over 8,000 Ballot Signatures

PIERRE, SD: Attorney General Marty Jackley submitted more than 8,000 nominating petition signatures to the Secretary of State’s office today.

“I’m sincerely humbled by the outpouring of support we’ve seen across the state,” Jackley said. “Each one of our more than 300 petition carriers worked hard to share our positive, conservative message, and this victory really belongs to them.”

The signature count surpasses previous records for statewide primary campaigns. The Dennis Daugaard campaign collected 6,300 signatures in 2010, and the Rounds for Senate campaign collected just over 7,000 signatures in 2014.  The Jackley campaign collected 8,264 nominating signatures.

“I’ve been working on campaigns for over 25 years and Marty Jackley has the strongest grassroots support I have ever seen for a candidate in a Republican primary,” said Jackley for Governor campaign manager Jason Glodt. “The fact that our hardworking team has already made personal contact with more than 8,000 Republican voters who support Marty Jackley is another clear sign of Jackley’s grassroots momentum.”

Candidates have until 5:00 p.m. Tuesday to submit their petition signatures to the secretary of state.

18 thoughts on “Release: Jackley Submits Over 8,000 Ballot Signatures”

  1. *eye roll*

    Typical Glodt, thinking the number of signatures you turn in means something

    1. Yeah- it is really dumb to have hundreds of people across the state promoting your candidate to their friends and family as they collect signatures. Grassroots politics is way overrated. Only pretty TV ads matter.

        1. How dare he talk about himself…Does he think this is a campaign!?!? I am OUTRAGED.

  2. Here is the value of large signature numbers: Tests your organization.

    Helps your confidence regarding ability to get out yard signs or turn out people for a rally, etc.

    I’ve seen more than one campaign have plans for a big impact event and it goes “poof” because the organization stumbled. Procuring signatures is a good way to see the holes in your organization.

  3. If those 8,264 people donated $145.20 each, the state would break even after Jackley cost the state $1.2 million by ignoring an employee’s credible harassment claim.

    “[Erickson] stroked her hair … He asked her if she was horny when she was pregnant … In February 2012, Kaiser sat in the attorney general’s office and asked him to ‘look at the facts and make this right’ … Jackley denied the grievance.”

    1. Total public debt the day Kristi Noem took office in Washington was $13.9 trillion.

      Today the debt stands at over $21 trillion 

      If the Jackley campaign was smart they’d stop screwing around with petitions and literally just say that every single day until June 5th.

      1. That’s disingenuous. One member of the 435-member House isn’t singularly responsible for items that pass Congress – they can vote against things that still pass. Like how Noem voted against the omnibus (unlike Thune and Rounds), which passed, regardless of her vote.

        Jackley, by contrast, is the only AG. Nobody else votes – it’s just him. That means he’s directly responsible for state’s meth problem, the state’s violence problem, the state’s trafficking problem, and so on.

        So in reality, all Noem needs to say is “public safety” every single day, and she wins, hands down.

  4. How long before Noem posts her numbers? Will she wait until 4:59? Is she dragging her feet because she wants to avoid the inevitable embarrassment for as long as possible?

    I’m guessing Noem’s numbers will be well below Jackley’s. Her people wouldn’t be posting comments about how pointless grassroots organization is if they had collected more signatures than Marty.

      1. That is only what you say when your numbers are low. The fact that Noem’s campaign is disorganized and ineffectual is a big part of why the polls are as close as they are. IF Noem wins, it will be inspite of her campaign leadership, not because of them. Team Jackley are clearly the better campaign.

        1. This reminds me of the State Fair poll, lots of wasted time and money so the Jackley campaign has bragging rights to something that doesn’t matter.

          1. It’s a genuine measure of the interest registered Republican voters have in a given candidate. It’s also a measure of the quality of a campaign staff and organization. How could that not matter?

            1. If you aren’t winning the polls, at least you can win the meaningless signature game!

              1. Since when does being within the margin of error qualify as anything other than a statistical dead heat? After four terms in Congress, the fact that this race is a dead heat is an embarrassment for Noem.

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