Release: Marty Jackley repeatedly breaks clean campaign pledge


Breaking his so-called “clean” campaign pledge, Marty Jackley has repeatedly launched unprovoked, false, and misleading attacks on Kristi Noem.

“It’s become abundantly clear by his actions that Marty Jackley’s pledge was nothing more than a campaign stunt,” said Justin Brasell, Kristi for Governor Campaign Manager. “He attacked Kristi three days after claiming he’d run a clean campaign, and he’s been attacking her ever since.”

Jackley Pledge: “South Dakotans deserve a clean and honest campaign.”
3 DAYS LATERJackley attacks Noem for not signing his Clean Campaign Pledge.

Jackley Pledge: “I will conduct a factual and honest campaign.”
JACKLEY ACTIONS, March 24: Jackley falsely accuses Noem of supporting a $1.3 trillion spending bill. Noem voted NO on the bill.

Jackley Pledge: “I will be honest and forthcoming about my own record…”
JACKLEY ACTIONS, March 5: Jackley issues first campaign ad, which claims he created the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force. But a June 2004 BIT agency review committee meeting reports: “In July 2002, Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) was created under BIT [Bureau of Information and Telecommunications Agency] and then was moved in May 2003 to the Attorney General’s office.” Jackley was not appointed as Attorney General until 2009.

Jackley Pledge: “I will not engage in, permit, fund or condone any negative, misleading or defamatory attacks against my opponent.”
JACKLEY ACTIONS, March 23, 29; April 24: Marty Jackley misleadingly claimed Noem didn’t support South Dakota’s most recent case before the Supreme Court, despite her signing a formal brief supporting South Dakota’s position. Reports from inside the courtroom may help explain Jackley’s reason for going negative, however. Leading tax publication, Tax Notes reports: “Jackley could not keep up with the amount of inquiries directed at him on why the Supreme Court should be the one to settle the issue.”

62 thoughts on “Release: Marty Jackley repeatedly breaks clean campaign pledge”

    1. Her poll numbers must be falling. This looks desparate and she is overplaying the victim card. Campaigns that are ahead in the polls don’t release stupid stuff like this.

      1. This isn’t stupid at all. I’m glad they finally released it. Noem’s campaign doesn’t have one reason to be desperate by Jackley literally has a list. You can’t write a clean campaign pledge, break it repeatedly, then pretend the Noem campaign is the bad guys for throwing their own negativity back in their face. Too much hypocrisy from the Jackley campaign on that one. But we all knew he was going to go negative anyway, just wish they had been honest about that to begin with, they weren’t fooling anyone. A clean campaign pledge is a stupid idea, and this is exactly why they refused it. Jackley was going to hit low regardless, but had Kristi signed the pledge he’d hold it against her if she tried to return the favor. Super hypocrite.

        1. Just finished reading this novel, wish I hadn’t. Incoherent rambling from a campaign staffer. 0/5 stars wouldn’t recommend

          1. Just a close supporter of Kristi’s for a long time now. Thanks for proving my point about Jackley supporters being too brainless to even formulate a rebuttal. Go back to your sad little life now.

        2. Pretty minor infractions.

          She must not want him to talk about Booker’s debt growing or Obamacare still going strong.

    2. This is all out of the DC Daschle playbook. Play the victim. Play it well. While you attack your opponent.

      1. If you’re not referring to the person whose campaign repeatedly gets caught lying about the others’ while hypocritical simultaneously bragging about their clean campaign pledge, then you don’t know what you’re talking about.

    3. Funny, A press release accusing the other candidate of ‘breaking the clean pledge’. I hope Kristi wasn’t planning on the clean pledge. She just broke it.

  1. Taking a page straight from Loetschers playbook. Makes ya wonder who she actually supports for Mayor

    1. no we know she supports TenHaken as she endorsed him last week, who does Marty support…crickets

    2. How so? Jackley shouldn’t have signed a clean campaign pledge if he didnt want to be called out for breaking it. duh

  2. Um- her own release is an attack on Marty- this is so hypocritical. Why can’t they focus on issues.

    1. Kristi didn’t sign the clean campaign pledge for now obvious reasons. Theres only one hypocrite in this race. It’s not dirty to point out facts, especially facts about a candidates actions DURING his campaign. You Jackley d*ck-riders should just sit down and be quiet on this one until it passes if you know whats good for you.

  3. Noem needs Jackley to go negative. Given Jackley’s not going negative….Noem creates false impression of negative to master mind voters.

    DC campaign school 102

      1. I agree. Jackley was 100% correct on those issues.

        Noem didn’t sign the clean campaign pledge, she voted against the freedom caucus’ effort to stop the Omnibus in the rules stage, Jackley created the stand alone ICAC task force, and Noem played politics with the Supreme Court case leading to her being quoted in both the oppositions brief and oral arguments.

        Facts are a stubborn thing

        1. No, Noem didn’t sign the clean campaign pledge. It was a campaign ploy so they could hold it against her whenever she pointed out Jackley’s lies. Jackley is poor at saving face. Also, check your facts. Kristi voted against passing the Omnibus spending bill, why would support an effort to stop a bill before she even knows whats in it? The ICAC task force was enacted 6 years before he was even close to the operation. He’s taking credit where hes owed none. Facts ARE a stubborn thing. You can try to dance around them with semantics, but you can’t hide your brown eyes.

      2. The problem for Kristi is the list is factual.

        1. Why wouldnt kristi sign a clean campaign pledge? Because she wants to go negative.

        2. Why does she feel the need to carry Ryan’s water and vote to send the 2nd largest spending bill to the house floor?

        3. Why does she not praise Jackley for his crimes against children efforts? She’s so pretty. No one should care about credit on this one.

        4. Again she was jealous and trashed Jackley because he was getting good press and she was jealous. SD paid a price for her unwillingness to share credit.

        1. 1) She wouldn’t sign it, because it’s a campaign ploy that you pull out when you have way more dirty info on you than the person you’re campaigning against. The Jackley campaign (OBVIOUSLY) would have kept attacking Noem regardless (AS THEY HAVE BEEN) the only difference, is that they could call her out for breaking her pledge when she calls out Jackley for lying about her, which is EXACTLY whats happening and you blind sheep are all entirely ignorant to it.

          2. SHE F***ING VOTED AGAINST IT. She voted to send it to a vote before she knew what was in it JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. But unlike everyone else SHE VOTED AGAINST IT.

          3. I’ve heard Noem and Jackley both praise each others’ efforts in protecting children. That’s an area where they both shine. But Jackley shouldn’t try to take credit for a task force that was created several years before he was even in his position.

          4. again, just straight nonsensical conjecture that doesn’t deserve addressing.

          1. So you she voted for the bill so she could see what was in it? I seem to remember Nancy Pelosi saying “we have to vote for it so we can see what’s in it”.

            The freedom caucus openly opposed the bill when Noem voted for it.

            Also, I don’t want a governor who does something “because everyone else was doing it.” I guess Noem hasn’t changed much from her days as a high school mean girl

            1. Well I don’t claim to know everything, and I will claim that you obviously don’t either.
              Kristi supports Trump, Trump supported the bill.
              This is in no way comparable to Nancy saying that we need to pass the bill so we can see what’s in it. Not even close.
              Also, you think Jackley had any clue about the omnibus spending bill? That bill came and passed before he caught a whif of it. Then he did and he attacked Kristi for not voting “No” at a time when she didn’t even know what was in the bill! Rand Paul livestreamed himself reading the bill all day and night and he didnt even make it 20% through it!
              and like I said, neither of us were in that situation and OBVIOUSLY, If she voted no against it once she knew what it funded, if she could go back in time to vote against sending it to the floor she would. It would’ve passed regardless of what she did either way.

              1. If “ifs and buts” we’re candies and nuts, then veterans wouldn’t go hungry while Kristi Noem voted to fund planned parenthood

          2. From your point number 3. Profanity is nothing more than ignorance vocalized. Is there a reason you cannot be civil? I’m sure Noem would be embarrassed to see you supporting her in such a manner. I believe we can all disagree without being profane about it.

  4. We have already litigated these items. Nothing new here and nothing of substance.

    I’d sure like some real distinction regarding issues. If there is none, making it up will not serve the accuser. Instead talk about what will be top priorities of governance (all things can’t be top priorities) as it tells us where they will spend political capital to accomplish something.

    I don’t know it this is evidence of falling poll numbers but instead speaking to two items:

    1) The polls are static with regard to the distribution of support and there remains a large number of undecided.

    2) Noem has decided the most efficient/effective means to impact the undecided is to increase Jackley’s negatives.

    I’m ok with the strategy of increasing negatives if it is substantive and meaningful. I just don’t think this is. It’s likely to have the opposite effect.

    BTW, I just go back from early voting for TenHaken. I did not yet early vote in the primary as I still not firm or prepared to make an irrevocable decision on my Governor choice.

  5. Marty can’t talk about his leadership or past experience because it’s full of EB5, GearUp, DCI sexual harassment million dollar payout…so his strategy is to attack Noem.

  6. Jackley supporters are such sad little curs. You can sit there with your smug little grins going “Oh Kristi must really be desperate for her campaign manager finally calling out Jackley’s monumental hypocrisy”, but none of you can even begin to try and refute one thing on this list. Sorry that your candidate sucks so much that you cant even properly defend him without attacking someone else. You’re all just as big of hypocrites as he is. And don’t try to tell me Kristi is a hypocrite. Kristi has been running a far cleaner campaign and didn’t sign the stupid pledge so as far as I can see she’s free to say and do whatever she pleases. Oh and she has run a FAR cleaner campaign than jackley, especially considering jackley has a warehouse full of flamable material just waiting for someone to spark it. He better be careful before the truth comes out and ruins his career altogether.

      1. It’s hypocritical to call someone out for breaking their clean campaign pledge? yet it’s not hypocritical to attack someone for not signing your clean campaign pledge, then continue attacking them regardless of the fact that you just pledged to run a clean campaign? Use your brain, who’s the real hypocrite. This isn’t even an attack. This is a check on the Jackley campaign and their hypocrisy, lies, and attacks. All of which void their cute little campaign pledge.

    1. Why would he refute it?

      1. Kristi wouldnt sign a clean campaign pledge.

      2. Kristi did vote to bring the spending bill to the floor.

      3. Jackley did create the internet crimes against children thingy.

      4. Noem did trash Jackley and SD’s case because she was jelly of the attention he was getting.

      This is probably the weakest case against Jackley I’ve seen. But the Jackley campaign did have their fun calling out Noem for not signing the pledge. The problem is the pledge issued was way to early.

      1. Of course she voted to bring it to the floor, so did everyone else. Any half way logical human being is not going to vote no until they know whats in, which is exactly what she did. Plus they didn’t attack her for voting to bring it to the floor. They attacked her for supporting it altogether which was a lie.

        The ICAC was created 6 or 7 years before Jackley was even in a position to even partially help with its creation. Full on lie.

        This can’t be any more plain. You don’t call someone out for not signing a clean campaign pledge. you DO HOWEVER call them out for BREAKING IT. You Jackley asses need to get your coconuts in a row.

        1. She voted to bring a $1.3 trillion spending bill to the floor. Who does that and then campaigns as a fiscal conservative? John Kerry?

          1. Before anyone knew what was in it. She also gave states rights back to defund parts of it they didn’t like such as PP. then, Ill say this ONE more time for you jackasses; SHE. VOTED. NO.

            1. States can’t defund planned parenthood because they receive FEDERAL funds, not state funds, genius.

            2. So she Nancy Pelosied it and voted for it before she knew what was in it? Got ya. You won me over. That is exactly the kind of leadership we need in SD.

  7. 1. Sign clean campaign pledge.
    2. Attack Kristi for not signing clean campaign pledge.
    3. Tell everyone Kristi is the hypocrite for calling me out on breaking said pledge.

    Genius, now I can break my clean campaign pledge and my minions can pass all the blame onto Kristi. And all it’s going to take is a bit of mental gymnastics. No problem!

    1. I highly doubt that this is really Marty Jackley …have some respect BOTH campaigns to play fair. I doubt any candidate is going to write here…

  8. Jackley would be an awful Governor. This guy was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has been handed everything he’s ever wanted in life. For the same reason we elected Trump I’ll be voting for Noem. She’s a small business person unlike Jackley a career politician lawyer.

    1. silver spoon? that’s funny if you know the guy and his family. Career Politician?

  9. Looks like this race is on! Five weeks out. Voting has started. All poll indications likely show a close race. Elbows are getting sharper on both sides. Campaign staffers are actively blogging. But what will really matter in the coming weeks is who most effectively conveys their message on TV and other media. How will they define themselves and define each other? Debates could be very interesting as well. When are the debates? And when will Kelo/Argus put out their poll numbers?

    1. and down the stretch they come! …I am eagerly looking for debates and forums also.

      I did catch that there is a forum TOMORROW NIGHT in Sioux Falls for the Governor’s race

      Join AFP-South Dakota for this unique opportunity to hear from gubernatorial candidates Kristi Noem and Marty Jackley, May 1 at 7 PM in Sioux Falls.

      Please join AFP-South Dakota for this unique opportunity to hear from the Republican primary gubernatorial candidates U.S. Representative Kristi Noem and South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley as they answer questions on economic and regulatory issues, such as healthcare, jobs and economy, free speech, infrastructure, taxes and spending, and cronyism. Don Haggar, Americans for Prosperity – South Dakota State Director, will moderate the Forum.
      This event is free, but all attendees must register using this link. #AFPGovForumSD

  10. “desparate”
    “victim card”

    LOL – lotta civil discourse going on here.

  11. I have an honest question seeking an honest answer…..

    Who are the 62 Sheriffs that Marty has endorsing him….I have not seen a list. I have seen the videos and wrote down who the sheriff was and from what county I never saw the full list.

    I am curious as to who is and is not supporting him.

    Also has Noem put out ANY endorsements? I know she has people like Larry Rhoden supporting her, but never saw anything formal….honestly asking about both candidates….

    Thank you.

    1. good question on endorsements. I would really like to see both choose a Lt. Gov before the primary so we know what their team looks like. Obviously there are pros and cons to doing this but it would help me make a decision.

      There is no question that Rhoden is all in for Kristi because he wants to be Lt. Gov, but I’ve always wondered if that move would be good for Noem — Union Center isn’t exactly a key geographic area and it seems she already does really well with the ranchers. As for Jackley, who does he pick? Sioux Falls/I29 area person? In a close race, a good pick for either candidate could lock up a nomination but a bad pick could ruin their chances.

      1. Jackley:

        Russ Olson, Phyllis Hieneman, Bob Gray, Russ Janklow.

        Odds on favorite: Russ Olson

        Dark Horse: Christine Erickson


        Larry Rhoden, Steve Westra, Tim Rave, Brian Gosch.

        Favorite: Larry Rhoden

        Dark Horse: Dusty Johnson

        1. very interesting lists and discussion of endorsements also

          I would have put Shantel on Marty’s list.

          Dusty would be a strong LT GOV pick, bt I still think he is the US House favorite

          But i too would prefer they tell us before the primary and eliminate it from the convention process. I would like them to tell us who they believe would make a good governor…first MAJOR decision

  12. Jackley is not a leader, with all the scandals that have happened while he’s been AG there’s been very little accountability. The latest being the $1.2 million payout to Laura Kaiser for DCI agents sexual harassment. There has been no report of someone losing their job or being held accountable. This is unacceptable.

  13. I get Kristi being upset if Marty said she wasn’t showing up for committee hearings but this is trivial. She wants an excuse to go negative. It’s sad and embarrassing that after 8 years as a congresswoman she can’t run on her record of accomplishments.

    1. That statement is laughable. I’m 60 years old and I cant think of any Representative elected from SD that has accomplished more than Kristi. Especially considering the majority of her time in DC were with BO as president.

  14. I totally agree. Kristi Noem has been an exceptional Member of Congress and will go down as one of the best our state has ever had. I’m sorry to lose her in DC.

  15. Great speculation on Lt. Gov. Can see the logic in them all. Which probably means none will be selected. :).

    1. Lt Gov Stace Nelson…he threatened it 4 years ago….time to run as a team AHEAD of the primary…

      Also who will Billy Sutton pick?

      Speculation anyone?

      1. Seems that Sutton would pick a woman from Sioux Falls. Maybe Jo will be on his list. Or Herseth.

        Agree with whoever said the Lt. Gov pick is their first major decision – let’s see them pick before the primary. I am very much undecided but I can tell you that the right or wrong pick could cement my decision quickly.

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