Release: SD Bill Will Provide Clarity to Doctors on State’s Life of the Mother Provision

SD Bill Will Provide Clarity to Doctors on State’s Life of the Mother Provision
States Should Look to South Dakota in Dispelling Abortion Industry Misinformation

Pierre, S.D. – Rep. Taylor Rehfeldt has filed a bill to protect the lives of South Dakota pregnant women who face a medical emergency. The Medical Education Bill, HB 1224, allocates $100,000 for a training video and materials to educate doctors and hospitals throughout the state on the life of the mother provision in South Dakota’s life at conception law. Co-sponsors of the bill include Rep. Jon Hansen and Sen. Erin Tobin.

The materials will be established through the Department of Health and with input from the attorney general, medical professionals and legal experts. The video will cover the details of the state’s abortion law, the most common medical conditions that threaten the life or health of a pregnant woman, the standards of care for treating a pregnant woman in a medical emergency, and a practitioner’s ability to use reasonable medical judgment in all situations.

Kelsey Pritchard, state public affairs director for SBA Pro-Life America, thanked Rep. Taylor Rehfeldt for bringing the legislation:

“As a South Dakota mom, I’m grateful to Rep. Rehfeldt for sponsoring the Med Ed Bill so it is clear to doctors and those across this state that pregnant women can and should receive timely medical care in an emergency. The abortion industry has sown confusion on this fact to justify their political agenda for unlimited abortion, putting women’s lives in danger.

“The South Dakota Med Ed Bill is a model for how states around the country can protect the health of moms by addressing the confusion caused by the abortion industry through explaining how state laws as written allow doctors to act. This bill and any bill like it that protects women’s lives should have unanimous approval across the board by both Republicans and Democrats.”

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America is a network of more than one million pro-life Americans nationwide, dedicated to ending abortion by electing national leaders and advocating for laws that save lives, with a special calling to promote pro-life women leaders. 


4 thoughts on “Release: SD Bill Will Provide Clarity to Doctors on State’s Life of the Mother Provision”

  1. One thing I’ve noticed about this session is that the constituents DO NOT matter at all. I’ve heard reports of blatant lying by legislators to some constituents, mine just ignore me, and completely absurd Facebook videos being used as evidence on why stuff needs to pass (and was accepted by committee members). I know the boomers just found Facebook and the internet a few years ago, but the rest of us know how much fake crap is on here, and we don’t want to be governed by your interest algorithms that Facebook set.

    With that said, we have abortion access on the ballot this upcoming year. How about we let the voters decide what freedoms they want to have in their lives before growing government (yet again), to implement this propaganda program. The legislators are elected by so few voters, and go to Pierre to force their ideals on the state as opposed to representing their constituents. This needs to change….

    1. Yep. Also, wondering how “the abortion industry” caused this confusion and not the trigger law. Although I suspect none of this will matter because it won’t pass and, fingers crossed, voters tell the Leg to go pound sand on this issue.

  2. Something tells me Fred Deutsch and Sjaarda will lead the charge to kill this piece of legislation.

  3. Reading stories about Texas women who “desperately” need abortions but, rather than just travel to another state, give media interviews, raise money for lawyers, and wait for court dates which can’t be heard until they are way past their due dates, I would say yes, it’s needed.
    In fact, the way to make a he k of a lot of money in Texas is to claim you are a pregnant woman (you dont even have to be a woman, much less pregnant to make this up) and you need a GoFundMe account to either leave the state or challenge the abortion law, and the money will come rolling in.

    Then we hear stories of women who supposedly are being denied medical care for spontaneous abortions (miscarriages) which are rather unbelievable. If your doctor tells you that you will just have to bleed to death, you need to find a different doctor.
    Most recent “news” that scrolled across my feed was a story that “teen” births are up in Texas and its all the fault of the abortion law are fun to dig into. First of all, the statistics for “teen” pregnancies include adults over the age of 18 and under the age of 20, they are still teenagers even though they are adults. And the biggest increase in birth rates is among hispanics. If you have half a dozen functioning brain cells you can probably figure out what is behind an increase in births in a border state.

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