Release: South Dakotans Decide Healthcare Filed to Put Medicaid Expansion to South Dakota Voters

South Dakotans Decide Healthcare Filed to Put Medicaid Expansion to South Dakota Voters

South Dakotans Decide Healthcare, a broad coalition of patient advocates, nurses, healthcare providers, farmers, faith leaders,  educators and more, filed paperwork with the Secretary of State yesterday morning to place Medicaid Expansion on the November 2022 ballot and let the voters of South Dakota decide the issue.

Following the filing there was a conference call with supporters which can be viewed here. Medicaid Expansion supporters discussed how expansion will benefit South Dakota and benefit South Dakotans.

11 thoughts on “Release: South Dakotans Decide Healthcare Filed to Put Medicaid Expansion to South Dakota Voters”

  1. Can’t people see and realize now that nothing is free????? We are all paying for the “free” stuff that this administration is promising.

    1. says someone with no clue what Medicaid reimbursement looks like.
      It’s not the uninsured who leave unpaid balances in their wake, it is the people on government insurance. They are the ones whose bills go unpaid, whose costs of care are shifted onto the backs of the privately insured.

        1. oh that’s reassuring. It says hospitals which face falling revenues aren’t cost-shifting.
          So they are cost-cutting.
          you don’t really need that MRI after all.

  2. Honestly , putting this to a vote is probably the best choice.
    No…really, listen to me.
    I don’t care what side of the issue you are on, this is where we make the arguments for the pros and cons. Discuss why people should or should not support this.
    IF it loses, then the issue is put to bed and it won’t be brought up again for a while and the state can focus on the state’s business. Every few years some group might decide to resurrect this bill, but each time it will just keep losing by greater and greater margins (kind of like some of the property tax/stealth income tax bills that were getting foisted around 15-20 years ago).
    IF it wins, then we implement it and if/when the federal funding goes away from it, we revisit the issue.
    In either case, this has become a distraction and has been taking up time and energy that the state government could use for other, more important, things.

    1. It’s so easy to spend Other People’s Money.

      wait till the state has to cut the education budget to pay for it. When the teachers start rioting we will give them copies of the petitions with the names and addresses of everybody who signed this thing.

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