Rep. Julie Auch pulls out her piece to demonstrate the second amendment.

I’ve heard this story from more than one source now, that there are days you wish someone was filming these legislative forums.

Allegedly, there was a recent legislative candidate forum in Yankton, and the topic got around to gun rights. And out of the blue, as the story goes, State Representative Julie Auch pulls a handgun out of her purse like it’s just a prop, and slams it on the table, referencing the 2nd amendment as protection against the government taking away constitutional rights.

That’s the first time I’ve heard of a State Legislative candidate doing something like that. … maybe the rest of us just need more theatrics in our forums.

To make her point next time, do you think she’ll let a couple rounds go in the air, too?

17 thoughts on “Rep. Julie Auch pulls out her piece to demonstrate the second amendment.”

  1. These are the gun owners that piss me off. The whole point of a concealed weapon is that others don’t know you are carrying. This shows me she isn’t a responsible gun owner making her quote on quote… “anti second amendment” in my book. She has to be a Liz May/ CFL top scorer.

  2. look up any reference to ‘cuffy meigs’ in ayn rand’s “atlas shrugged”

  3. Lawful gun owners are going WTH? These are the crazies that help the anti-gun movement. You decide to pull out in the right room someone else is going to do it also. What next, write a book about how I pulled my 9mm at a public forum. They were making me mad and I hated them.

  4. You don’t need to conceal your gun in SD.

    Who cares if she takes her gun out. It’s a tool.

    If you are afraid of seeing a gun then you are bat shit crazy.

    1. That is such utter horse shit. A gun is not a prop to be waved around for effect nor pulled out unless one intends to use it.

      If that’s your attitude, you need to re-examine who might be the crazy one.

    2. Open carry citizens are the people I will avoid like the plague and I love guns. If something goes down, they will be shot first.

  5. If anyone in that room felt threatened by that move, it could be considered a crime. Rule #1 of conceal carry is never to pull it out unless needed and don’t draw attention to yourself. I’ve conceal carried for 20+ years. These people are nuts.

    1. She obviously doesn’t understand some of the very important rules of a gun, maybe never was taught those rules. Use it when you need it and don’t abuse. If you feel threatened bring out your gun, maybe even fire a warning shot if you can. Julie should be taken down a few notches on her NRA rating for that hair brain move.

  6. Auch has got to be the dumbest legislator. I hope the good people of Yankton make the right choice to not re-elect her. Seriously, Yankton, this lady is dumber than a box of rocks and that’s who is representing you with all the other reps from across the state. How do you think that makes Yankton look?

  7. I wonder if SoDakCampaigns is an under cover anti-gunner? SoDakCampaigns takes a second hand, incomplete, anonymous report, and starts an argument within the 2nd amendment supporters.

    1. There’s really no argument, you never waive a gun around like an idiot.

      1. Were you there? What exactly did she do with the gun?? Showing a gun is not waving a gun.

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