Republican confederate groups holding forum for GOP Chairman Race where some are invited to participate, and most are not. Don’t go to the attached zoom link at 7pm tonight…

Shhh.. Don’t tell anyone.

The confederate group of break-away county Republican party organizations led by Bon Homme GOP County Chair Stu Cvrk are hosting their super-secret candidate forum where they trying to winnow down their select and pre-vetted candidates to be the next State GOP Chair, from a list that was publicized earlier today featuring “honest” Lee Qualm (Lost last 2 elections) , Ethanol opponent Jim Eschenbaum (Won County race), and Ezra Hays, who wants to use the party to exact their values from candidates, (and has never run for office).

Why am I not confident this would represent anything other than the bottom of a bell curve.

Their zoom forum is being held tonight, and is a super-secret private meeting limited exclusively to active SD GOP state central committee members who are members of county delegations (chairman, vice chairman, state committeeman, state committeewoman).  Notice this cabal does not want to hear from elected officials, precinct people, or the hundreds of people who make the Republican Party work, so you’re not allowed to participate in the confederacy’s candidate vetting. So, don’t participate in the meeting being held tonight via zoom at 7PM CST / 6PM MST.  And I’m sure they don’t want any outsiders to participate. So, unless you’re on their special list,  you should absolutely NOT join the zoom meeting with the following codes: 

Join Zoom Meeting. –
Meeting ID: 921 8929 2425
Passcode: 149826

And they really don’t want you to know their agenda, which includes having the candidates answer such questions as

Putting back together what they just spent much of 2024 burning down..

1. **Party Unification**

   – How do you plan to address divisions within the party and foster unity among members with differing viewpoints?
– What specific initiatives would you implement to ensure all factions of the party feel represented and respected? How would state central committee members participate directly in those initiatives?
– Can you share a time when you successfully unified a diverse group to achieve a common goal?

Bringing in more Democrats to the Republican Party, as well as DEI efforts

4. **Party Building**

  – What strategies do you have to attract independents and conservative Democrats to the Republican Party?
– How would you tailor your messaging to appeal to voters who are not currently registered Republicans?
– What initiatives would you promote to build a more inclusive and welcoming party environment?

How they will enforce the party’s will on elected officials, and how will they punish people for platform violations…

6. **Accountability to the US and State Constitutions and GOP Platform**
– How will you ensure that the party remains accountable to both the US and State Constitutions, as well as the GOP platform?
   – In what ways would you promote adherence to constitutional principles and the state GOP platform among elected officials and party members?
   – How would you address situations where party members or officials act in ways that contradict the party’s principles?

And at the very end, they bring up that pesky thing about how they intend to pay for their grandiose plans after these groups have spent the last year NOT donating to support the state Republican Party. 

11. **Budgeting and Execution
   – What are your top-level budgeting plans?   

You would think as opposed to asking about their DEI efforts, and controlling what candidates say and do, the State GOP’s primary role – fundraising and candidate recruitment – would garner a primary focus as opposed to it being the final item. Or in the case of candidate recruitment not be mentioned at all.

So, candidates, elected officials, activists, precinct committee people, make sure you don’t join the super-secret zoom meeting at 7PM CST / 6PM MST by using the following links..

Join Zoom Meeting. –
Meeting ID: 921 8929 2425
Passcode: 149826

Because they don’t want you to hear what they plan to do to control you, at the same time they can’t raise any money to get you elected.

29 thoughts on “Republican confederate groups holding forum for GOP Chairman Race where some are invited to participate, and most are not. Don’t go to the attached zoom link at 7pm tonight…”

      1. Wrong. What was voted on also opened the Republican primaries to democrats and vice versa. Do try and actually read proposed amendments.

  1. Always seemed to me the best way to grow the party was to encourage participation by people who identified themselves as being part of it. Somehow I don’t feel like this group is interested in that method. I wish them well. Not sure at what. But I wish them well

  2. Maybe they should ask how to bring back the folks they have driven away? But, I guess they don’t want them.

  3. This group just screams poverty for the Party. There is nothing about this group or it’s strategies, such as they are, that encourages membership in the Party organization or provides motivation for lifelong Republicans to dig deep and support the Party and it’s candidates. It’s just another dead end on the road to victory.

    1. Do you think Ezra and Lee would back out of the race if Eschenbaum did get the majority of the votes in their mini-caucus meeting? I doubt it. That could mean they’ll split the vote and leave room for a “normie” to jump in the race and win.

    1. Or start a new non fringe political party. Everyone outside the 1 and 1/4 political parties in the state just run as politically un-affiliated. Sick of the hypocrites!

  4. When did we lose “We the People”?

    I am tired of secret meetings. Set up debates. Organized chaos. Lies.

    Let us become a party that people can respect. Who could lead us in a way that we can be a respected party?

    It will take humility and courage. Something I haven’t seen many possess during my time in politics. It does exist.

  5. As a conservative, i.e. someone who is against the pipeline, amendment H etc etc etc, if these are our choices, God help us.

  6. This is where the Conservatives with Common Sense business plan really kicks in. Our coffers are going to swell. grudznick’s close personal friend Lar is absolutely going bahoonkers over this business. What little was left of Lar’s hooka addled brain is really going to struggle here.

  7. Did you do any research as to who votes for these candidates? Invitations were extended to ALL voting members. Nothing secret about that.

  8. Someone should really take a look at Eschenbaum’s county voting record and actions.
    Voted Yes to raise taxes.
    Voted Yes to give commissioners full health insurance, doubling their salary.
    Vocally opposes Ag development in the county.
    He is Wrong for agriculture, Wrong for economic development, Wrong on fiscal responsibility and wrong for the Republican Party.

    1. This is 100% spot on! Plus, Hand County just lost an important role because of the lack of communication from Eshenbaum and county commissioners. He’s not a leader.

    1. I would be happy for either, and they would do a nice job. But I don’t know if they are that self-abusive.

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