Republican Woman helping to cut through the clutter of election information

The South Dakota Federation of Republican Woman have launched an “Election” page on their website with election resources to help cut through the clutter that people my have to wade through with other resources such as the Secretary of State’s website.  They’ve also included a one-page sheet for Republicans to share:


The SDFRW webpage does have that one-pager on it… it also has links to the SOS candidate search, voter registration site, and the link to look up your voter registration, district, polling place, and sample ballot. They also have a downloadable document on there listing all the ballot measures and their descriptions from the AG.

You might also notice they are not lobbying for any ballot measure positions…. And their purpose is to inform, not influence.

Check it out.

4 thoughts on “Republican Woman helping to cut through the clutter of election information”

  1. This is great! It can be really hard to find things on the SOS website. It’s very helpful to have everything collected in one place.

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