Rounds Cosponsors Obamacare Repeal Act

Rounds Cosponsors Obamacare Repeal Act

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) today signed on to cosponsor legislation that would repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. The bill has 44 cosponsors.

“Obamacare isn’t working for American families, plain and simple. Now it’s our job in Congress to clean up the President’s mess,” said Rounds. “Premiums have skyrocketed for many and millions have lost their preferred doctor or insurance plan, despite promises to the contrary. Ideally, we will replace Obamacare with a market-based, patient-centered plan. Repealing and replacing Obamacare needs to remain a priority.”

The Obamacare Repeal Act fully repeals Obamacare effective 180 days after its enactment, and provides Congress and the states the intervening six months to develop and vote on patient-oriented health care reform that will incrementally unravel Obamacare’s structural damage to our health care system and economy.

Congress must demonstrate its commitment to reducing healthcare costs and empowering American families with better innovations that save and improve lives.


40 thoughts on “Rounds Cosponsors Obamacare Repeal Act”

    1. Uh…he says they need to repeal it in a businesslike manner using the power of the purse strings.
      Sounds about like the 180 day plan to incrementally unravel it.

      1. Not quite!

        Rounds claims he doesn’t think anyone believes we can repeal it in its entirety, only section by section (0n 1/4/15), but now he wants to repeal the whole things and is confident we can replace it in its entirety within six months…. sounds like a contradiction to me…. and a legislative pipe dream.

        Plus, it is a waste of time unless he is confident that he has the 13 Democratic/Independent Senators who can help to make the effort veto proof. Let alone, do the Republicans even have the six Democratic/Independent Senators needed to overcome the cloture rule?

        He has flip flopped on his Obamacare position and partisan strategy, and is wasting his time, South Dakota’s time, and America’s time…. It is time we moved forward rather then sideways with political initiatives….

        1. flip flop flip flop. the differences are in strategy and not intent. saying what you wanted to do last month, then joining the group effort on what actually is going to happen this month is not inconsistent at all. what, he should advocate some sort of repeal, then sit out this effort because it’s not the thing he would have preferred otherwise? that’s the libertarian way of sitting on the sidelines at work, not republican progress.

          1. Watch the KELO piece. Rounds claims in it that full repeal is not possible. So it is a waste of time to join such forces unless he has a new take on the whole thing, but then again in
            September of 2014 he advocated full repeal, then in January of 2015 he didn’t, and now he his back to full repeal….. Whatever?

            I want to see the names of the six Democratic/Independent Senators who will help with cloture and/or the names of the 13 Democratic/Indpendent Senators who will help to make this feudal effort veto proof…..

            1. i’m sure every time you listen you keep hearing the filtered thing that you keep hearing. but reading rounds comments over a much longer time, he’s obviously referring to the tea party’s call for instant global repeal, which isn’t technically possible. many republicans have called for an incremental or partial repeal/replace effort and rounds was on that bandwagon. if the republicans have the shape of their repeal/replace ready to go and they’re marching it out right now, then now is when rounds has to be with the effort. republicans had a lot of plans on the table prior to 2009, and they’ve had time to think about what parts of the huge ahca law they’d want to hold onto and redirect. why not go now if they’re ready?

            2. and i watched the kelo piece, not just the quote at 3:55 you’re directing everyone to, but the whole statement on incremental changes that need to be made. your objection makes no sense, other than just to try and use some kind of word trick to make rounds out to be a hypocrite, which he’s not. he’s advocating the repeal/replacement of every big problem conservatives have with obamacare. that’s good enough for me.

              1. 3:50 not 3:55. In the KELO piece he doesn’t think a full repeal is possible, but now as a co-author he does. In the KELO piece he is opposed to a full repeal.

                Actually, his KELO position makes more sense than his current position, but neither strategy offers the political math to get it done.

                Not to mention that he was for the repeal before he was against it. In September, he told Newsmax full repeal, then in November he told Newsmax section by section as well again with the KELO piece and now full repeal again.

                It is not “word trick.” He said in the KELO piece that full repeal was not possible now he is advocating it. Why does he think it is probable now?

                But regardless, I still want to see the names of the six Demo/Indies to overcome cloture and/or the 13 Demo/Indies to overcome a veto.

                This bill is a big waste of time. Apparently, if the Senator had his way he would appeal the section of the ACA which outlaws the pre-condition clause, he would reinstate the prescription “donut hole” for part D, and would take those between the age of 24 and 26 off of their parents health insurance coverage. Then, we are all just suppose to wait around our TVs watching C-SPAN and hoping those parts are restored.

                Frankly, it is time for the Republicans to get over it (Obamacare). As Americans we have greater challenges which Republicans and Democrats need to work on together in America. We have the threat of ISIS, we have a Russian leader who still lives in the 20th Century, we have an emerging China as a world power, the continued dismantling of the American middle-class, and we have fine tuning which needs to be addressed for Medicaid and Social Security over the next decade to maintain their continuance beyond name only (which are the greatest challenges to the Federal budget in the coming years).

                1. i’ve made my point. you’re intentionally twisting rounds words winston. pathetically i might add. but be pathetic if you want.

                2. Are you suggesting Rounds or others shouldn’t support legislation unless they know it will pass? Rounds is cosponsoring a bill that could be up for debate. And I think this is consistent with his intent throughout his campaign.

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  2. For two years, this is nearly what I projected if the GOP won the Senate and my expectation Rounds was going to be supportive.

    Just so you know, I think everything will be done incremental as possible with the limits imposed by Obama. However, I think by the end of Obama’s term, our health insurance system will be unrecognizable as Obamacare and post 2016 election, we will put the final touches on our plan. All that will be left will be the title (affordable Care act). I just love the irony. Obama needed us to get his “signature” legislation to live up to its title.

    1. Troy, you just described Rounds’ KELO position, but not his current position. The votes are not there, but the veto pen is…..

    2. ‘For two years, this is nearly what I projected if the GOP won the Senate and my expectation Rounds was going to be supportive.’

      Of course you did.

    3. ” we will put the final touches on our plan.”— Wow, you do have power in Washington, huh? Why haven’t WE heard about “our plan”? Why don’t you give some, any, specifics about “our plan”?

      1. i think mr jones was speaking across the spectrum of republicans who have been engaged in the repeal/replace debate since 2009. calm yourself. all of us who have followed that discussion for years are familiar with the flaws and lies included in ahca, and the proposed remedial bills that need to come forth now.

  3. “Repealing and replacing Obamacare needs to remain a priority.”— No anti- ACA poster or the (R) pols. including Rounds define that “replacing” thing. Why? What’s gonna happen to the millions that would lose their coverage if the ACA is repealed? WHAT are the Repugs “replacing” the ACA with?

    Rounds–““Premiums have skyrocketed for many and millions have lost their preferred doctor or insurance plan”– Rounds didn’t give anything to substantiate that claim, my bet is that no one here can do that either…..If the claim can’t be confirmed would that not make the claim a lie?…. 70+% of Repugs. who now use the ACA are happy with it

    1. we need to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it. isn’t that how that’s supposed to work jaa dee? he he he

      1. “No anti- ACA poster or the (R) pols. including Rounds define that “replacing” thing. Why?’—Thanks for proving my point.

        1. above i have outlined the high points of years of republican discussions of what should be done. you keep ignoring it because you’re making your little ‘republican have no answers’ point by pretending republicans have no answers. oh yes we do.

  4. Wonder what they’re going to replace it with. Wouldn’t it be great to know?

    And don’t give me that “anything is better than Obamacare” dogma. If you can’t articulate it, you don’t know it.

    1. we have to pass it so you can find out what’s in it. if that wasn’t crazy when pelosi said it, i’m still going to use it.

    2. obviously they’re going to do what they’ve talked about, revising the idiotic definitions of “full time” employment, revising the sections the gut medicare, and dropping the mandate, reworking the risk pools, basically everything that gutted the previous system, or blocks republican-backed portions of ahca from working.

      1. i realize my list of answers can as easily be ignored by you, as the years of discussion republicans have already had about this have been ignored. so pretend i didn’t respond to your rhetorical question oligarch.

          1. two things – boehner may not have been asked sufficient followup questions by scott pelley in that interview. pelley did the neat trick of listing a dozen things he didn’t want to explore in depth and just asked them to raise their hands if they were going to do it. pelley wasn’t there for a detailed explaination of the republican legislative repair bills and made that pretty obvious. the ‘wonkette’ piece is red meat for democrats, nothing more. in short, you quoted the lousiest interview i have ever seen a top-level network anchor do with republican leaders. and that’s saying something because not many of them are ever very good.

            1. Duck and weave! There are a dozen articles or more about this. You seem to know – based on your prior post in this thread – and they don’t. They don’t know. Admit it.

      2. So, “Repealing and replacing Obamacare ” is a lie? By Jan. 2016 Repugs will not say the word “repeal” in reference to the ACA, too many millions of people will be enrolled, happy with the coverage and benefits. Those of the same mentality made the same and other ridiculous claims about Medicare and Social Security. How often do we hear some wacko suggest repealing those?

        “replacing”? You say “revising, revising, dropping, reworking”, that sounds like tweeking the ACA and might be a good idea, the Repugs. have been invited to do just that……That though is not what Rounds and most others have said they are going to do, they use the word “replacing”..It appears as if you are saying they are lying….We agree.
        How many anonymi are there here?

        1. not so many. regarding liars, the only liars i’d point out on this issue were the many proponents who gave their rosey testimony about ahca and ignored the thousands of critics who were accurately pointing out the real problems that have proven to exist (as well as the revelations of fudged numbers and incorrect statements given in support of that bill’s passage but that’s a matter of record now)

          1. So, the ACA is not going to be replaced? Is it going to be repealed? Are the wackos going to spend the next two years having endless symbolic votes to repeal?

            regarding liars, the only liars i’d point out on this issue” If the ACA had not been passed it would have been because of the lies told and still being told by the repugs….Would you like a list?

            1. hmm, what proponents were calling the republican ‘lies’ at that time, have proven to mostly be correct. since you don’t know about the specific things republicans want to change, i don’t really expect your list of ‘lies’ to be any more accurate.

  5. ‘For two years, this is nearly what I projected if the GOP won the Senate and my expectation Rounds was going to be supportive.’

    The above statement came off wrong. I didn’t intend it to read I was a soothsayer. I was just trying to quickly say that is what I thought the stragegy would be vs. the following alternatives being suggested:

    1) Shut down the country and force Obama to cave. I didn’t thing the American people would go for, didn’t think the Congress had that fight in them, and I didn’t think Obama would cave because he could win the American people over because it shut down government.

    2) Nothing could happen even if we took over the Senate until we also won the Presidency.

    Sorry for the confusion. My fault.

  6. And to show their support of Rounds’ new idea, the House voted for the 56th time to repeal Obamacare yesterday!

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