Rounds for Senate 2nd Quarter FEC Report for 2023: $68.2k Raised, $85.8k Spent, $1.5M Cash on Hand

Rounds_2023_2q by Pat Powers on Scribd

South Dakota Senator Mike Rounds has filed his latest FEC report in which he reports his campaign financials for the second quarter of 2023.

In the report, Rounds reports raising $8,935.85 from individuals, $37,500 from Political Committees and PAC’s and $21,843 in dividends/interest to total a take of $68,279.08 in campaign receipts.   The former Governor had operating expenses of $71,394.60, as well as $10,000 of refund to a political committee, and $4340 of “other” disbursements, to total $85,784.60 in cash outlays for the quarter, leaving him $1,472,233.86 to operate his political activities.