Rounds, Rosen Lead Bipartisan Push in Requesting Additional Iron Dome Systems for Israel 

Rounds, Rosen Lead Bipartisan Push in Requesting Additional Iron Dome Systems for Israel 

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) and Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.), members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, led a bipartisan letter urging the Department of Defense to transfer two additional Iron Dome systems and other unused military assets to Israel as it continues to face rocket and missile attacks from Hamas and the threat of Hezbollah entering the conflict. These systems are currently in possession of the United States and are not being utilized.

“Since October 7, Hamas, which Iran directly supplies and funds, has fired thousands of rockets into populated areas across Israel with the intention of killing as many innocent civilians as possible,” wrote the senators. “As you know, the United States Army is currently in possession of two Iron Dome batteries that have not been deployed and have no operational use inside the United States where they are currently stored.”

“Immediately transferring these two Iron Dome batteries that are not in use to Israel would provide tangible, life-saving and sustained support to our ally as it faces rocket and missile salvos that threaten to overwhelm its defenses,” the senators’ letter continued. “The transfer of these two Iron Dome batteries, in addition to sending other unused military assets, would bolster Israel’s defense capabilities and immediately help Israel combat terrorist aggression.”

In addition to Rounds and Rosen, the letter was signed by Senators Rick Scott (R-Fla.) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.).

The full text of the letter can be found HERE.


13 thoughts on “Rounds, Rosen Lead Bipartisan Push in Requesting Additional Iron Dome Systems for Israel ”

  1. Rather than getting all hot, bothered, and sweaty about this craziness in the Middle East, which will escalate if we throw gas .. I mean weapons .. on it, we should be focused on ___________ and ____________.

    1. you should do like trump – wait until a specific tragedy befalls the us and then claim you’d have never let that happen. you’re kind of jumping the gun. there’s a subtle art to this you know.

        1. taking time to read the story, it appears trumps involvement in the moab decision was to tell the generals – you go do what you think best.
          that was probably pragmatic and appropriate. ok then. the rest of the time he was on podiums belittling mccain and cheney and everyone else who tested badly in tea party focus groups, for his campaign roadshow. you guys attribute too much kingly stateliness to what is not much more than a talent for marketing psychology and sales.

  2. Senator Rounds is a serious arbiter of the National Defense interest of our countries and our allies. To that extent he has grown in office and is willing to take the responsibilities of Leadership. He does not waver.

    1. I would like to see the US political class stop treating the US people like the Israelis treat Palestinians, slowly choking them over time to prevent actualization of potential, then becoming hysterical and feigning surprise, when there is a violent response.

      It’s time to reconsider that position, and to invest in US small businesses (start by making them whole after EB5, H1B, and hair brained global trade agreements) and close the border.

      Israel is an important strategic ally .. but that doesn’t mean we have to rush into another sand war while our own borders are wide open, our cities are infiltrated and crumbling, our universities are commandeered, and our people are being divided by fomented needless hatred.

      There is a time for war for the US.

      After Tonken, Perl Harbor, 9/11, yellow cake, babies in incubators, and other tragic avoidable events, this is not that time.

      Intelligence agency failures defy the meaning of “intelligence” in the title.

      Sometimes even un-smart people can do smart things simply by waiting and being conservative.


      John Dale (aka @flowdoggy on X)

      1. so, sit back, see how to play it later. ok.
        here’s the problem: we’re one of the top powers on the globe. since reconstruction this nation has had a period of peace and prosperity like the world has never seen, even during two world wars. we have a leadership role to step into, clearly, born of a resolve to support freedom and a thankfulness for our own blessings.
        it’s a stretch to say the us people suffer by their government like the gaza people suffer right now. really? really?
        false-equivalency to derail arguments. that is probably the most clintonesque of tactics. the trump army follows their leader to a “t”.

      2. Do you believe in time travel too?
        Could 5G be causing conflicts worldwide?
        Mind control chips in vaccines?

    2. terry – while i’m not ready to roll out the big bronze rounds statues yet, i would generally agree that rounds’ take on what we should do is valuable.

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