Rounds, Smith and Baldwin Introduce Bipartisan Plan to Invest in Rural Public Transit

Rounds, Smith and Baldwin Introduce Bipartisan Plan to Invest in Rural Public Transit

Legislation Would Increase Federal Contribution for Certain Rural Transit Projects


PIERRE—U.S. Sens. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), Tina Smith (D-Minn.) and Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) recently introduced bipartisan legislation to improve public transportation in certain rural communities across the country. The Investments in Rural Transit Act would increase the federal contribution for operating assistance in rural areas with high transit dependency.

“Rural transit plays an important role in the lives of many South Dakotans,” said Rounds. “For those who don’t own a car or cannot drive, rural transit provides a way to get to work, attend medical appointments and visit friends and family. As a large, rural state, our transit operators often have to drive long distances. Our legislation would allow transit operators in extreme need to receive a higher federal share of operating assistance so they can continue to provide necessary services to residents.”

“High-quality, reliable public transit systems are important for Minnesotans who count on them to get to work, school, the doctor and more,” said Smith. “This legislation will support rural public transit in communities that need it most. Thanks to the public transit workers in Minnesota for all that you do for our community. Please stay safe and healthy.”

“In Wisconsin and across the country, limited public transportation options in our rural communities can often be a significant barrier for folks getting to work, going to the store, seeing the doctor, and more,” said Baldwin. “Reliable transit needs support now more than ever, and our bipartisan legislation is about investing in innovative and efficient public transportation so workers and families in our rural communities can get to job hubs, health care services and other important destinations, and keep our Made in Wisconsin economy moving forward.”

The Federal Transit Administration provides grants to support rural public transportation, but it can be difficult for certain rural communities to provide the necessary local contribution to qualify for assistance.

The Investments in Rural Transit Act would increase the federal share to eighty percent for operating assistance in certain areas with high transit dependency. For a transit project to qualify, it must serve a county that meets one of the following criteria:

  1. An “area of persistent poverty,” defined by the Census as a county in which at least 20 percent of the population has lived in poverty during the most recent 30-year period.
  2. A county with many older Americans, where at least 25 percent of residents are over the age of sixty five.
  3. A county with healthcare shortages, defined as a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) by the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA).
  4. A county with low population density, defined as having no more than 20 people per square mile, based on Census data.

You can read a summary of the bill here.


4 thoughts on “Rounds, Smith and Baldwin Introduce Bipartisan Plan to Invest in Rural Public Transit”

  1. If such a program is totally self-sufficient, ok, but come on, how many more trillion dollars can the tax payers sustain before total collapse of the government? 100% against this nanny proposal!

  2. bring home the bacon? Not impressed. delivery should go full on private…then it would be much better.

  3. I’d be leery of any bill supported by any Democrat, let alone one from the People’s Republic of Minnesota. More costly feel-good legislation.

  4. i note that in sd when rural residents don’t have access to personal transportation any more, their kids help them move to town. it is our way.

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